Sean Carroll's advice on How to get tunure

  • Thread starter petergreat
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In summary, Sean Carroll's article is a great overview of the process of getting tenure at a research university. It's important to remember that not all things that are required for tenure are easy to achieve, and that there are many different ways to succeed.
  • #1
Sean Carroll, a professor at Caltech, just wrote a wonderful article in his blog Cosmic Variance on "" ".

The article has many interesting points. And it reveals some darker side of academia as well. For example, Sean points out that publishing in more than one field only hurts your chance, because most people in charge of hiring resents breadth and want specializers.
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  • #2
It's things like that that make me happy that I ended up outside of the research university. The thing about working in an investment bank is that you are very strongly encouraged to maintain outside interests, and things like organizational skill and teaching skill are pretty essential.

Much of the work of working in industry is giving "lessons" to bright but non-technical people about why they should be paying you.
  • #3
petergreat said:
For example, Sean points out that publishing in more than one field only hurts your chance, because most people in charge of hiring resents breadth and want specializers.

Actually, what he said is "don't dabble". That's different from what you said. It's good to make a major impact in one subfield. It's better to make a major impact in one subfield and a minor one in another. It's career death to make only a minor impact, no matter how many subfields you do it in.

Oh, and he is not a professor at Caltech. He's a senior research associate.
  • #4
Yeah, I noticed he was not a professor shortly after the post. That explains a lot about his article.
  • #5
petergreat said:
Sean Carroll, a professor at Caltech, just wrote a wonderful article in his blog Cosmic Variance on "" ".

The article has many interesting points. And it reveals some darker side of academia as well. For example, Sean points out that publishing in more than one field only hurts your chance, because most people in charge of hiring resents breadth and want specializers.

Based on my experience as an Instructor at a major research university and now tenure-track faculty at a major public university, I would say that all of his major points are correct.

The only thing I would change is to put "get grant money" at the top of the list. A successful track record of getting significant extramural funding (like, $500k+ awards) quantifiably demonstrates most of the other requirements: do good research, be prolific, be technically sound, and make an impact. More and more institutions require even tenured full professors to recover >50% of their salaries from grant money.

However, it's also true that I was hired with the expectation that I would (eventually) receive tenure- the search process is long and time-consuming and the Department has to front some cash (startup funds) which is then lost.
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FAQ: Sean Carroll's advice on How to get tunure

1. How does Sean Carroll recommend getting tenure?

Sean Carroll advises that in order to get tenure, one should prioritize their research and publication record, foster collaborations, and actively engage in departmental and university service.

2. Is there a specific timeline for when one should start working towards tenure?

According to Sean Carroll, it is never too early to start preparing for tenure. Ideally, one should start building a strong research and publication record as early as possible in their academic career.

3. What role do teaching and mentorship play in getting tenure?

Sean Carroll emphasizes the importance of being a dedicated and effective teacher, as well as a mentor to students. These roles can contribute to a strong overall performance evaluation for tenure.

4. How can one improve their chances of getting tenure?

In addition to prioritizing research and publication, Sean Carroll suggests building a strong network of collaborators, seeking feedback on research projects, and being proactive in seeking out opportunities for professional development.

5. Can one still get tenure if they have a gap in their publication record?

According to Sean Carroll, it is possible to still get tenure if there is a gap in one's publication record, as long as they can demonstrate that they have made significant contributions to their field and have a strong overall performance evaluation.

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