Sean Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry Chapter 5. Questions 3

In summary: Remember, the key to mastering GR is practice and perseverance. Keep up the good work! In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving a particle in free fall inside the event horizon of a black hole and the calculation of its maximum proper time. The solution involves using the Schwarzschild metric, the equation for proper time, and setting the acceleration equal to zero. Finally, integration is used to find the maximum proper time, which can be converted into seconds using the mass and speed of light of a specific black hole.
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Homework Statement

I'm not in grad school but I've been trying to teach myself some GR and I asked a professor what problems he thought would be good to study. He mentioned this one. I'd ask him for help, but he's out of town this week. I've also attached a picture to this problem. (It seems many professors use this problem)

Consider a particle (not necessarily on a geodesic) that has fallen inside the event horizon of a black
hole, r < r_s Show that the radial coordinate must decrease at a minimum rate given by

dr/dt = (2GM/r - 1 )^1/2

Calculate the maximum lifetime for a particle along a trajectory from r = 2GM/c^2
to r = 0. Express
this in seconds for the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A∗
in the center of our galaxy, whose mass
is about 8 · 1036 kg. Show that this maximum proper time is achieved by a radial free fall.

Homework Equations

Schwarzschild metric
ds^2 = 0 = -(1 - 2GM/r) dt^2 + (1 -2GM/r)^-1 dr^2

The Attempt at a Solution

I simply solve for dr/dt but I ended up with
dr/dt = (1 - 2GM/r)

I believe I'm missing some information. I've read the chapter a few times, but maybe I've missed something. As for the second part. I believe you just integrate from those boundaries. 2GM to zero. Any help setting me on the right track would be great! Thanks!


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Hi there,

First of all, it's great that you're teaching yourself GR and seeking out challenging problems to work on! It's always helpful to have a mentor or professor to guide you, but it's also admirable to take the initiative to learn on your own.

To solve this problem, you'll need to use the Schwarzschild metric and the equation for proper time (dτ^2 = -ds^2). You're correct in that you need to solve for dr/dt, but you also need to take into account the fact that the particle is inside the event horizon, which means r < r_s.

To start, you can substitute the Schwarzschild metric into the equation for proper time and use the fact that ds^2 = 0 for a particle in free fall. This will give you an expression for dτ^2 in terms of dr and dt.

Next, you can use the fact that the particle is in free fall to set the acceleration (d^2r/dt^2) equal to zero. This will give you a differential equation for dr/dt in terms of r.

Finally, you can solve this differential equation to get an expression for dr/dt in terms of r. This will give you the minimum rate at which the radial coordinate must decrease for a particle inside the event horizon.

For the second part of the problem, you'll need to integrate this expression from r = 2GM/c^2 to r = 0 to find the maximum proper time. You can then convert this proper time into seconds using the mass of Sagittarius A* and the speed of light.

I hope this helps guide you in the right direction. Good luck with your studies!

FAQ: Sean Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry Chapter 5. Questions 3

1. What is the main concept of Chapter 5 in Sean Carroll's Spacetime and Geometry?

In Chapter 5, Carroll discusses the mathematical foundations of general relativity, including the concepts of tensors and manifolds.

2. How does Carroll explain the concept of tensors in this chapter?

Carroll uses the idea of a vector field to introduce tensors, which are mathematical objects that describe how quantities change from one point to another in a curved space.

3. Is this chapter suitable for beginners in physics?

No, this chapter assumes a basic knowledge of calculus and linear algebra. It may be challenging for beginners in physics to understand the mathematical concepts presented.

4. How does this chapter contribute to the understanding of general relativity?

This chapter provides a mathematical foundation for general relativity, which is essential for understanding the theory and its implications for the curvature of spacetime.

5. Are there any real-life applications of the concepts discussed in this chapter?

Yes, the concepts of tensors and manifolds are used in various fields of physics, including cosmology, astrophysics, and engineering, to describe and understand the behavior of physical systems in curved spaces.

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