Search of the Use of Words in Web

In summary, when searching for the use of specific words on Google or other search engines, using advanced search options or specifying all the words in the query will give more accurate results. Quotation marks can also be used to search for exact phrases. However, there may be some inconsistencies in the results due to country filtering or other factors.
  • #1
I would like to ask you about search of the use of the words in Google or other search engines. For example if I want to search how "explain" and" idea" are getting together, how can I search this?

if I write just explain idea in Google there is one in some results but not another. For example one result is "From the fact that a given idea." here as you see there is not explain or explained.

What about trying (explain | explained) idea ?

Thank you.
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  • #2
Use double quotes: "explain idea"

It used to be that a + sign before a word expressed the required presence of that word, don't know if that's still the case.
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  • #7
DrClaude said:
Works fine for me.

Can you go from 20 to 21 ? Why cannot I ? Because of country difference?

Thank you.
  • #8
BvU said:
Not in my Chrome browser. perhaps you have a different number of results per page ?

Good to see the double quotes are still there (and seem to have usurped the + sign functionality. the - sign can be useful too.

There are 10 results in each page but isn't going back to 15 still a strange behavior when somebody going from 20 to 21 ?

Thank you.
  • #9
mech-eng said:
Can you go from 20 to 21 ? Why cannot I ? Because of country difference?

Thank you.

It could be. I was able to jump to the next page and the next after that without issue.

I used this version of your search string replacing "" with ""
  • #10
mech-eng said:
Can you go from 20 to 21 ? Why cannot I ? Because of country difference?
I clicked on the link you gave, therefore I ended up on Google Turkey. I guess you need to clear you cache or something.
  • #11
DrClaude said:
I clicked on the link you gave, therefore I ended up on Google Turkey. I guess you need to clear you cache or something.

The posters query references explicitly.
  • #12
There's definitely something the matter with this website. When I return to p 20 after paging forward to 31 (nonexisting now and then), I get a different list.
  • #13
There may be country filtering going on. In China for example, sometimes searches just fail because the page about to be displayed has something controversial on it.

I remember my niece running into trouble when trying to pull up the website in China to apply for college. She would get connection resets because the home page of Cornell had an article about a former student and now Taiwan politician would be visiting the university to give a talk.
  • #15
cosmik debris said: is a great place to search for the occurrence of words.

I am not directly interested in their occurance actually but instead interested in how they are used and with what words they collocate. I do not know exactly but I think ngram just gives a graph of use frequency.

Thank you.
  • #16
Can the character "|" used in Google?

Thank you.
  • #17
I did a simple experiment and it seemed to work

Try Rock | Hudson vs Rock Hudson

The search results are different with Rock Hudson coming up first and then a rock reference and then a Hudson reference.
  • #18
But for the search, would "|" and "OR" be the same? If it is the same with "OR", then In what situations can | be used so that it will be helpful for the search?

Thank you.
  • #19
I think the or would be interpreted as a word to search on whereas the vertical bar operator is a metacharacter that would be interpreted as the logical or unless it was quoted.
  • #20
jedishrfu said:
I did a simple experiment and it seemed to work

Try Rock | Hudson vs Rock Hudson

The search results are different with Rock Hudson coming up first and then a rock reference and then a Hudson reference.

I am almost sure that your experiment is not enough so it does not work. Look at these searches:

Thank you.
  • #21
mech-eng said:
I would like to ask you about search of the use of the words in Google or other search engines. For example if I want to search how "explain" and" idea" are getting together, how can I search this?

if I write just explain idea in Google there is one in some results but not another. For example one result is "From the fact that a given idea." here as you see there is not explain or explained.

If you use Google advanced search, on the first line it specifies: «Find pages with ... all these words:» which should give you the results you want (including all declinations of the words like explained or explaining). But this is the «ordinary» way of doing a search, i.e. just writing a set of words in the query. For me, it returned only pages with both explain and idea, except for Wikipedia pages that only referred idea because, basically, the pages "explain" what idea means.

You can also look at this Google support page to find a few extra tricks on how to refine your searches.

Related to Search of the Use of Words in Web

1. What is the importance of searching for the use of words in web content?

Searching for the use of words in web content is important because it allows us to analyze and understand the language and keywords that are commonly used by internet users. This can help us improve website optimization, SEO, and overall user experience.

2. How is the search for the use of words in web content conducted?

The search for the use of words in web content is typically conducted through keyword research tools and analytics software. These tools can track the frequency and popularity of certain words and phrases used in web content.

3. Can searching for the use of words in web content help with targeted marketing?

Yes, searching for the use of words in web content can help with targeted marketing. By understanding the language and keywords commonly used by your target audience, you can create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns.

4. How does the use of words in web content impact SEO?

The use of words in web content can greatly impact SEO as search engines use keywords to determine the relevance and ranking of a webpage. By using popular and relevant keywords in your content, you can improve your website's visibility and ranking in search engine results.

5. Are there any limitations to searching for the use of words in web content?

Yes, there are limitations to searching for the use of words in web content. These include the constantly evolving nature of language and the fact that not all keywords and phrases will be relevant or effective for every website or target audience.

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