Searching 4 graph optimization software

In summary: The problem is often called "the traveling salesman problem" or "route optimization". The problem can be solved in polynomial time provided you have a list of the vertices and the connections between them. However, in this particular case, the traveling hauler problem, the goal is not to simply find the shortest path, but to find the path with the highest connection score. This means that some vertices may have to be connected even if it doesn't make the path shorter. In summary, the author is looking for a software that can solve a problem he has identified, but is not aware of any that does. He has found a way to solve the problem in polynomial time, but is waiting for
  • #1
I'd like 2 solve the following problem (well, routinely solve a bunch of such problems):
Let us have a number of points (vertices), that can be interconnected. Not any 2 points are connected. Each connection is assigned a value. I want 2 find the maximum path in the graph, that is, the one with the highest connection score (of course, visiting any point only once). Optionally, scores may be direction-dependent, that is, the value of connecting point A 2 B is not necessary equal 2 the value of B -> A. Also optionally, I want 2 specify, or limit, the number of vertices (out of the whole set) I want 2 connect. Also optionally, I want some particular vertices 2 be included by all means.
I found that the problem of minimizing such score is well-known, call it route optimization, or "traveling postman (salesman)". But I haven't found the software that solves my particular problem. Maybe it's realized in a software suite, but I'm not aware of it. I'm waiting 4 your ideas...
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  • #2
Call it "the problem of traveling hauler", it's more intuitive. In the morning, he has a set of requests, such as "carry smth from A to B for $N". If he's on the road with no cargo, traffic cops fine him, also he burns out expensive fuel. He wants 2 earn the highest sum by the end of the day...
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  • #3
Notice that if you make the scores negative then minimizing that path is that same as your maximization problem, i.e, your problem is still the traveling salesman problem.

What do you mean by "Not any 2 points are connected"? I read this as meaning your graph doesn't have any connections.

There do exist ways to solve the problem, but none computes in polynomial time. That is, there isn't a known way to solve it other than trying all the possible paths then picking the shortest one.

FAQ: Searching 4 graph optimization software

1. What is graph optimization software and what does it do?

Graph optimization software is a type of computer program that is designed to find the most efficient solution to a problem represented in the form of a graph. It uses algorithms and mathematical models to analyze the graph and identify the optimal path or solution.

2. How does graph optimization software differ from other types of optimization software?

Graph optimization software specifically focuses on solving problems that can be represented as a graph, such as finding the shortest path between two points or the most efficient route for a delivery truck. Other types of optimization software may have a broader range of applications.

3. What are the benefits of using graph optimization software?

Graph optimization software can help save time and resources by quickly identifying the most efficient solution to a problem. It can also help in making more informed decisions, as it takes into account various factors and constraints in the graph to find the optimal solution.

4. Are there any limitations to graph optimization software?

Like any computer program, graph optimization software has its limitations. It may not be able to solve extremely complex problems or may take a long time to find the optimal solution. It also relies heavily on the accuracy and completeness of the data input.

5. How can I choose the best graph optimization software for my needs?

When choosing a graph optimization software, consider factors such as the type of problem you need to solve, the size and complexity of the graph, and the features and capabilities of the software. It's also helpful to read reviews and compare different options before making a decision.
