Searching for DaveC's Square-Cube Law: 30 Seconds at a Time!

In summary, the conversation revolved around the difficulty of searching for a specific topic on the forum and the frustration that comes with it. One member shared their experience of searching for a topic discussed by DaveC and finally finding it after multiple attempts. Another member suggested using Google instead, as it tends to be more efficient in searching for topics on the forum. The conversation also touched upon the limitations of the forum's search function, such as sensitivity to spelling and short search strings.
  • #1
Im doing a paper due tomorrow. I wanted to include something I remember DaveC talked about long ago. I searched, and searched, and searched. And I had to wait 30 seconds each time! ^:mad:

Finally, I got it!

What a colossal waste of time searching...:cry:

In any event, I'm not going to save that link on my side bar of usefull links. Thanks davec!

You have no idea how painful it was to find this...I knew exactly what it was, but just not the name. I searched post after post after post of his...
Physics news on
  • #2
Did the search function not help? I know I have had some trouble with it but haven't used it lately.
  • #3
I didn't know what to search. So I kept putting in words that described what I was looking for. But each time I was wrong, I had to wait 30 seconds...:rolleyes:
  • #4
Oh! I forgot about the 30 second rule.
  • #5
Hahahaha, yea. Same problem that has happened to me tons of times... :approve: I can feel your annoyance, haha
  • #6
Did you try google?

I use google for finding programming files from my course site :smile:
  • #7
Google is better at picking up threads here than our own search feature, and no 30 second delay! :biggrin: Google's spiders are pretty happy hanging out around here. There have been times when someone posted a topic about something I knew nothing about, so decided to google a bit, and the PF thread would show up first on the list after only being posted for a half hour! (Of course, that's when I suspect nobody else has heard of it either. :rolleyes:)
  • #8
Yeah, I've found things on here with google that I couldn't find with the search feature.
  • #9
For some reason many times when I try to search here I get an error message telling me that the search string is too short. It's the key word that is in the title.
  • #10
The search here is also sensitive to spelling, while Google can seem to do a better job of matching misspelled words, or ignoring extra spaces or hyphens.

Related to Searching for DaveC's Square-Cube Law: 30 Seconds at a Time!

What is "Searching for DaveC's Square-Cube Law: 30 Seconds at a Time!"?

"Searching for DaveC's Square-Cube Law: 30 Seconds at a Time!" is a scientific research project that focuses on exploring the Square-Cube Law, which describes the relationship between an object's surface area and volume. The project involves conducting experiments in 30-second intervals to observe how the Square-Cube Law affects various objects.

Why is the Square-Cube Law important?

The Square-Cube Law is important because it helps us understand how the size of an object affects its physical properties. This has practical applications in fields such as engineering and biology, as it allows us to predict how changes in size can impact the behavior and function of different systems.

What is the purpose of conducting experiments in 30-second intervals?

The purpose of conducting experiments in 30-second intervals is to observe how the Square-Cube Law affects objects over a short period of time. By taking measurements at regular intervals, we can track changes in the object's surface area and volume and analyze how they relate to each other.

What are some examples of objects that follow the Square-Cube Law?

Some examples of objects that follow the Square-Cube Law include cubes, spheres, and cylinders. In these objects, as the size or dimensions increase, the surface area and volume also increase at different rates, according to the Square-Cube Law.

How can the Square-Cube Law be applied in real-life situations?

The Square-Cube Law can be applied in various real-life situations, such as designing buildings and structures, studying the growth and development of organisms, and understanding the mechanics of different machines and devices. By understanding the relationship between surface area and volume, we can make more accurate predictions and calculations in these applications.

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