Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups

In summary: B \}$This is a Cartesian product of two subgroups, so by definition it is a subgroup of $G$.Now let's look at the inverse of $xB$:$x^{-1}B = \{ab':..., a'a' \in A \}$This is a subgroup of $G$, because $ab'b' = a'b'$.So we see that $xB$ is a normal subgroup of $G$.
  • #1
Math Amateur
Gold Member
I am revising the Isomorphism Theorems for Groups in order to better understand the Isomorphism Theorems for Modules.

I need some help in understanding Dummit and Foote's proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorems for Groups (Diamond Isomorphism Theorem ? why Diamond ?).

The relevant text from D&F is as follows:
View attachment 3270
In the proof above we read:

"Proof: By Corollary 15, \(\displaystyle AB\) is a subgroup of \(\displaystyle G\).

Since \(\displaystyle A \leq N_G (B)\) by assumption and \(\displaystyle B \leq N_G (B)\) trivially ...

... it follows that \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) i.e. \(\displaystyle B\) is a normal subgroup of the subgroup \(\displaystyle AB\) ... ... ... "

Can someone please explain to me why \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) means that \(\displaystyle B\) is a normal subgroup of the subgroup \(\displaystyle AB\)?

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  • #2
Peter said:
I am revising the Isomorphism Theorems for Groups in order to better understand the Isomorphism Theorems for Modules.

I need some help in understanding Dummit and Foote's proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorems for Groups (Diamond Isomorphism Theorem ? why Diamond ?).

The relevant text from D&F is as follows:
View attachment 3270
In the proof above we read:

"Proof: By Corollary 15, \(\displaystyle AB\) is a subgroup of \(\displaystyle G\).

Since \(\displaystyle A \leq N_G (B)\) by assumption and \(\displaystyle B \leq N_G (B)\) trivially ...

... it follows that \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) i.e. \(\displaystyle B\) is a normal subgroup of the subgroup \(\displaystyle AB\) ... ... ... "

Can someone please explain to me why \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) means that \(\displaystyle B\) is a normal subgroup of the subgroup \(\displaystyle AB\)?

I now have developed an answer to my own question ... ... BUT now have a second worry with D&F's proof ...

First I present my answer ...

Following some basic reading and reflection it now appears to me that the answer to my question:

"why \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) means that \(\displaystyle B\) is a normal subgroup of the subgroup \(\displaystyle AB\)?"

follows basically from the definitions of normal subgroup and normalizer ...

... but I would be grateful if someone would confirm that my argument/analysis below is correct ...
Now ... ... following D&F's definition of a normal group on page 82 we have that:

A subgroup \(\displaystyle B\) of a group \(\displaystyle AB\) is called normal if every element of \(\displaystyle AB\) normalizes the subgroup \(\displaystyle B\) ... ...

... that is ...

... if \(\displaystyle gBg^{-1} = B\) for all \(\displaystyle g \in AB\) ... ... ... (1)BUT ... ...

... all elements \(\displaystyle g \in AB\) are in \(\displaystyle N_G (B)\) since \(\displaystyle AB \leq N_G (B)\) ...

... and \(\displaystyle N_G (B) = \{ g \in AB \ | \ gBg^{-1} = B \}\) ... ... ... (2)

Now, (2) implies (1) is true ...Can someone please confirm that this analysis is correct?


My further question is as follows:

In the proof D&F define \(\displaystyle \phi \ : \ A \to AB/B\) by \(\displaystyle \phi (a) = aB\) ... ...

They show that \(\displaystyle \phi\) is a homomorphism and that it also is the restriction to the subgroup A of the natural homomorphism

\(\displaystyle \pi \ : \ AB \to AB/B\)

They then state:

"It is clear from the definition of \(\displaystyle AB\) that \(\displaystyle \phi\) is surjective ... ... "

Can someone please explain the thinking behind this remark?


In my previous post I indicated that I was unsure of why the Second Isomorphism Theorem was called the Diamond Isomorphism Theorem ... HOWEVER ... if I had taken more care and time I would have noticed that D&F explain this on pages 97-98 indicating that the reason is the diamond shape of the lattice of the subgroups of G that are involved ... ...
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  • #3
Your analysis is correct. Actually, it'd be more clear if you generalize your statement

Claim Let $P, Q \leq G$. If $P \leq N_G(Q)$ and $Q \leq P$ then $Q$ is a normal subgroup of $P$.

Proof : Note that $N_G(Q)$, the normalizer of $Q$ in $G$, is the set of elements $g$ in $G$ such that $gQg^{-1} = Q$ for all $g \in G$. As $P \leq N_G(Q)$, $gQg^{-1} = Q$ for all $g \in P$. But that is precisely the definition of normality ($gQg^{-1} \Longrightarrow gQ = Qg$ hence the left cosets are the right cosets) thus $Q \trianglelefteq P$. $\blacksquare$

Your question is answered by subbing $P = AB$ and $Q = B \leq AB$.

"It is clear from the definition of $AB$ that $\phi$ is surjective ... ... "

Can someone please explain the thinking behind this remark?
Well. The elements of $AB/B$ are of the form $abB = aB$ for arbitrary $a \in A$ and $b \in B$. But then $aB$ is precisely $\phi(a)$. Hence every element of $AB/B$ is $\phi(a)$ for some element $a \in A$. Thus the map $\phi : A \to AB/B$ is surjective.

(Diamond Isomorphism Theorem ? why Diamond ?)

The corresponding lattice looks like a diamond, which you already seem to have figured out.



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  • #4
Some comments:

First, let's look at a "typical element" $xB$ of $AB/B$ (assuming $AB$ is indeed a group).

Since $x = ab$ for some $a \in A,b \in B$, we have:

$xB = \{abb': b' \in B\}$.

Consider the bijection $B \to B$ given by: $b' \mapsto bb'$ (here, $b$ is the fixed element of $b$ we consider writing $x = ab$, while $b'$ is allowed to vary over all of $B$).

This gives a bijection $aB \to xB$ (simply send $ab'$ to $abb'$, for every $b' \in B$), since left-multiplication by $a$ is injective.

Now, given $xb' \in xB$, we clearly have $xb' = abb' \in aB$, so $xB$ and $aB$ intersect, and thus must coincide.

So, in effect, $AB/B$ "cancels the $B$'s", giving us cosets of $A$ only.

We can only form the GROUP (and not just set of cosets) $AB/B$ when $B$ is NORMAL in $AB$. So what might that entail?

Well, for any $b' \in B$ and $ab \in AB$ we need:

$(ab)b'(ab)^{-1} = a(bb'b^{-1})a^{-1} \in B$.

Since $B$ is a subgroup of $G$, the "middle three" terms will again be in $B$.

So what we require is that $aBa^{-1} = B$, for any $a \in A$.

This is the requirement that $A \subseteq N_G(B)$.

Note that if this holds, then for any $a \in A$, and $b' \in B$, we have:

$ab'a^{-1} = b_1 \in B$, so that:

$ab' = b_1a$, that is: $AB \subseteq BA$. A similar argument shows $BA \subseteq AB$, so that $AB = BA$.

A standard theorem (which I will not prove here, but you may investigate on your own) is:

For any subgroups, $A,B$ of a group $G$, the set $AB$ is a subgroup of $G$ if and only if $AB = BA$.

One way for this to happen is for one of the subgroups to normalize the other, as we saw above.

Now, how this applies to modules is even simpler:

Since a module $M$ is always an ABELIAN group, we need not worry about normality and normalizers, submodules $A$ and $B$ ALWAYS satisfy:

$A + B = B + A$.

Thus, with no restrictions on $A$ and $B$, we may state:

$(A + B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B)$.

Note that if $A,B$ have trivial intersection, we have:

$(A+B)/B = (A \oplus B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B) = A/(\{0\}) = A$.

(one must verify that the scalar multiplication is "consistent" with this, but this is fairly straight-forward).
  • #5
mathbalarka said:
Your analysis is correct. Actually, it'd be more clear if you generalize your statement

Claim Let $P, Q \leq G$. If $P \leq N_G(Q)$ and $Q \leq P$ then $Q$ is a normal subgroup of $P$.

Proof : Note that $N_G(Q)$, the normalizer of $Q$ in $G$, is the set of elements $g$ in $G$ such that $gQg^{-1} = Q$ for all $g \in G$. As $P \leq N_G(Q)$, $gQg^{-1} = Q$ for all $g \in P$. But that is precisely the definition of normality ($gQg^{-1} \Longrightarrow gQ = Qg$ hence the left cosets are the right cosets) thus $Q \trianglelefteq P$. $\blacksquare$

Your question is answered by subbing $P = AB$ and $Q = B \leq AB$.

Well. The elements of $AB/B$ are of the form $abB = aB$ for arbitrary $a \in A$ and $b \in B$. But then $aB$ is precisely $\phi(a)$. Hence every element of $AB/B$ is $\phi(a)$ for some element $a \in A$. Thus the map $\phi : A \to AB/B$ is surjective.
The corresponding lattice looks like a diamond, which you already seem to have figured out.

Thanks Mathbalarka, I really appreciate your help in this matter ...

Just a minor clarification ... you write:

"The elements of $AB/B$ are of the form $abB = aB$ for arbitrary $a \in A$ and $b \in B$. "

Can you explain this statement ... surely the elements of \(\displaystyle AB/B\) are of the form \(\displaystyle abB\) and are only equal to \(\displaystyle aB\) when we have \(\displaystyle ab = a1_G = a\) (which will happen since \(\displaystyle A \subseteq AB\))

Would appreciate your help ... ...


I have just been reading Deveno's latest post in this thread, and if I am right in my interpretation of his opening remarks, then he answers my question to you ...

Deveno writes:

"First, let's look at a "typical element" $xB$ of $AB/B$ (assuming $AB$ is indeed a group).

Since $x = ab$ for some $a \in A,b \in B$, we have:

$xB = \{abb': b' \in B\}$.

Consider the bijection $B \to B$ given by: $b' \mapsto bb'$ (here, $b$ is the fixed element of $b$ we consider writing $x = ab$, while $b'$ is allowed to vary over all of $B$).

This gives a bijection $aB \to xB$ (simply send $ab'$ to $abb'$, for every $b' \in B$), since left-multiplication by $a$ is injective.

Now, given $xb' \in xB$, we clearly have $xb' = abb' \in aB$, so $xB$ and $aB$ intersect, and thus must coincide.

So, in effect, $AB/B$ "cancels the $B$'s", giving us cosets of $A$ only."

Can you confirm that I am right in thinking that this answers my question to you, Mathbalarka?[Thanks again to Mathbalarka and Deveno for their help regarding the proof of the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups!]
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  • #6
Deveno said:
Some comments:

First, let's look at a "typical element" $xB$ of $AB/B$ (assuming $AB$ is indeed a group).

Since $x = ab$ for some $a \in A,b \in B$, we have:

$xB = \{abb': b' \in B\}$.

Consider the bijection $B \to B$ given by: $b' \mapsto bb'$ (here, $b$ is the fixed element of $b$ we consider writing $x = ab$, while $b'$ is allowed to vary over all of $B$).

This gives a bijection $aB \to xB$ (simply send $ab'$ to $abb'$, for every $b' \in B$), since left-multiplication by $a$ is injective.

Now, given $xb' \in xB$, we clearly have $xb' = abb' \in aB$, so $xB$ and $aB$ intersect, and thus must coincide.

So, in effect, $AB/B$ "cancels the $B$'s", giving us cosets of $A$ only.

We can only form the GROUP (and not just set of cosets) $AB/B$ when $B$ is NORMAL in $AB$. So what might that entail?

Well, for any $b' \in B$ and $ab \in AB$ we need:

$(ab)b'(ab)^{-1} = a(bb'b^{-1})a^{-1} \in B$.

Since $B$ is a subgroup of $G$, the "middle three" terms will again be in $B$.

So what we require is that $aBa^{-1} = B$, for any $a \in A$.

This is the requirement that $A \subseteq N_G(B)$.

Note that if this holds, then for any $a \in A$, and $b' \in B$, we have:

$ab'a^{-1} = b_1 \in B$, so that:

$ab' = b_1a$, that is: $AB \subseteq BA$. A similar argument shows $BA \subseteq AB$, so that $AB = BA$.

A standard theorem (which I will not prove here, but you may investigate on your own) is:

For any subgroups, $A,B$ of a group $G$, the set $AB$ is a subgroup of $G$ if and only if $AB = BA$.

One way for this to happen is for one of the subgroups to normalize the other, as we saw above.

Now, how this applies to modules is even simpler:

Since a module $M$ is always an ABELIAN group, we need not worry about normality and normalizers, submodules $A$ and $B$ ALWAYS satisfy:

$A + B = B + A$.

Thus, with no restrictions on $A$ and $B$, we may state:

$(A + B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B)$.

Note that if $A,B$ have trivial intersection, we have:

$(A+B)/B = (A \oplus B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B) = A/(\{0\}) = A$.

(one must verify that the scalar multiplication is "consistent" with this, but this is fairly straight-forward).

Thank you for a most informative and helpful post ...

Still reflecting and puzzling about your extremely interesting comments about modules ...

Struggling a little bit to see how

\(\displaystyle A + B = B + A \)

leads to

$(A + B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B)$.

with no restrictions on A and B ... ... ?Thanks again,

  • #7
Peter said:
Thank you for a most informative and helpful post ...

Still reflecting and puzzling about your extremely interesting comments about modules ...

Struggling a little bit to see how

\(\displaystyle A + B = B + A \)

leads to

$(A + B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B)$.

with no restrictions on A and B ... ... ?Thanks again,


In an abelian group $G$, for any subgroup $A$, we have $N_G(A) = G$, so any subgroup is contained in the normalizer of $A$.

This is because $gag^{-1} = a$.

In modules, we write the group operation as +, so $AB$ becomes $A + B$.
  • #8
Peter said:
Can you confirm that I am right in thinking that this answers my question to you, Mathbalarka?

Deveno is right about this, yes. Essentially take a look at $B/B$. The cosets are of the form $bB$ where $b \in B$. But multiplication by $g$ is a transitive action over a certain group $G$, thus $bB = B$.

This is similar to what is happening in $AB/B$. The cosets are $abB$ but multiplication by $b$ just permutes the group elements, i.e., $bB = B$. So you're left with the cosets of $A$, i.e., $aB$.
  • #9
Peter said:
Struggling a little bit to see how

\(\displaystyle A + B = B + A \)

leads to

$(A + B)/B \cong A/(A \cap B)$.

with no restrictions on A and B ... ... ?

Our restriction on $A$ and $B$ were that $A \leq N_G(B)$. But in case of modules, $G$ is an abelian group, thus $N_G(B) = G$ (any subgroup normalizes all of $G$). So the condition $A \leq N_G(B)$ is essentially equivalent to $A \leq G$ which is just superfluous.On the other hand, note that $AB = BA \iff A \leq N_G(B)$ by definition of normalizers. In case of modules, however, $G$ is abelian and thus $A$ and $B$ are also abelian, in which case $AB = BA$ automatically holds. Hence the further restriction of $A \leq N_G(B)$ is not needed.

Related to Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups

1. What is the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups?

The Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups is a mathematical theorem that states the relationship between two subgroups of a larger group. It states that the quotient group of the intersection of two normal subgroups and one of the subgroups is isomorphic to the quotient group of the other subgroup.

2. How is the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups different from the First Isomorphism Theorem?

The First Isomorphism Theorem deals with the relationship between two groups, while the Second Isomorphism Theorem deals with the relationship between subgroups within a larger group. The First Isomorphism Theorem also states that the quotient group is isomorphic to the subgroup, while the Second Isomorphism Theorem states that the quotient group is isomorphic to the intersection of two normal subgroups.

3. What is the importance of the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups in mathematics?

The Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups is important in understanding the structure of groups and their subgroups. It also helps in proving other theorems and in solving problems in abstract algebra and group theory.

4. How is the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups used in real-world applications?

The Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups has various applications in computer science, cryptography, and coding theory. It is also used in physics and chemistry to study the symmetries and structures of molecules and crystals.

5. What are the limitations of the Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups?

The Second Isomorphism Theorem for Groups only applies to groups and subgroups that fulfill certain conditions, such as being normal subgroups. It also does not apply to non-abelian groups, as the theorem only holds for abelian groups. Additionally, it may not be applicable in certain complex mathematical structures.

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