Second moment of the Poisson random variable

In summary, for a Poisson random variable, the expected value and variance are both equal to lambda. The second moment can be calculated using the characteristic equation, which is phi_X(omega) = exp(lambda e^(i omega - 1)). However, there may be an error in the given characteristic function and it should be phi_X(omega) = exp(lambda (e^(i omega) - 1)). This could explain the discrepancy in the calculated second moment.
  • #1
With a Poission random variable, we know that \(E[X] = var(X) = \lambda\). By definition of the variance, we can the second moment to be
var(x) = E[X^2] - E^2[X]\Rightarrow E[X^2] = var(X) + E^2[X] = \lambda(1 + \lambda).
The characteristic equation for the Poisson distribution is \(\phi_X(\omega) = \exp(\lambda e^{i\omega - 1})\) and we can find the second moment by
i^{-2}\frac{d^2\phi}{d\omega^2}\bigg|_{\omega = 0} = -e^{\lambda e^{-1} - 2}\lambda(e + \lambda)
Why am I not getting the same answer?
Physics news on
  • #2
I think the problem is that your characterisic function is wrong, it has to be:
$\phi_X(\omega) = \exp(\lambda (e^{i \omega}-1))$.

FAQ: Second moment of the Poisson random variable

1. What is the second moment of a Poisson random variable?

The second moment of a Poisson random variable is a measure of the spread or variability in the distribution of the random variable. It is also known as the variance and is denoted by Var(X) or σ².

2. How is the second moment of a Poisson random variable calculated?

The second moment of a Poisson random variable can be calculated by multiplying the square of the mean (λ) by itself. This can also be expressed as Var(X) = λ².

3. What does the second moment of a Poisson random variable tell us?

The second moment of a Poisson random variable provides information about the spread of the data points around the mean. A higher second moment indicates a wider spread, while a lower second moment indicates a tighter cluster of data points.

4. How does the second moment of a Poisson random variable relate to the first moment?

The second moment is directly related to the first moment, also known as the mean. In fact, the first moment is the square root of the second moment, meaning that the mean is a measure of the center of the distribution while the second moment is a measure of the spread.

5. What is the significance of the second moment of a Poisson random variable in statistical analysis?

The second moment is a crucial measure in statistical analysis as it provides information about the variability of the data points. It is used in calculating other important measures such as the standard deviation and coefficient of variation, which are essential in making comparisons and drawing conclusions from data.
