Second order derivatives and resonance

In summary: If it's large then the current is large, if it's small then the current is small. In either case, find the current.In summary, the current in the circuit is determined by the value of ω.
  • #1

Homework Statement

2. Consider an electric circuit consisting of an inductor with inductance L Henrys, a resistor with resistance R Ohms and a capacitor with capacitance C Farads, connected in series with a voltage source of V Volts. The charge q(t) Coulombs on the capacitor at time t ≥ 0 seconds satisfies the differential equation:
## L\frac{\mathrm{d} ^2q}{\mathrm{d} t^2} + R\frac{\mathrm{d} q}{\mathrm{d} t} + \frac{q}{C} = V##
Also, the current in the circuit i(t) Amps satisfies:
##i = \frac{\mathrm{d} q}{\mathrm{d} t}##
. Suppose that in a particular circuit, L = 0.4 Henrys, R = 0 Ohms, C = 0.1 Farads and V = 110 sin(ωt) Volts, where ω ∈ R. Initially the charge on the capacitor is 1 Coulomb and there is no current in the circuit.
(a) Write down the differential equation satisfied by q(t) in this circuit.
(b) Determine the value(s) of ω so that resonance occurs in the circuit.
(c) In the case where there is no resonance,
i. Solve the differential equation to find the charge on the capacitor at any time.
ii. Determine the transient and steady state solutions for the charge, if they exist.
iii. Find the current in the circuit at any time.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading through and trying to help! Basically I just want to know if I'm thinking along the right track. So for part a, I apply the condition for resonance by solving the homogeneous second order equation, and then for part c I solve it across the domain where omega is not equal to the values I found in part b and I should be getting an answer in terms of omega? I'm just confused because the wording of the question makes it sound like I need to be getting a solution in terms of t only (i.e. omega should cancel out or something).
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  • #2
GwtBc said:

Homework Statement

2. Consider an electric circuit consisting of an inductor with inductance L Henrys, a resistor with resistance R Ohms and a capacitor with capacitance C Farads, connected in series with a voltage source of V Volts. The charge q(t) Coulombs on the capacitor at time t ≥ 0 seconds satisfies the differential equation:
## L\frac{\mathrm{d} ^2q}{\mathrm{d} t^2} + R\frac{\mathrm{d} q}{\mathrm{d} t} + \frac{q}{C} = V##
Also, the current in the circuit i(t) Amps satisfies:
##i = \frac{\mathrm{d} q}{\mathrm{d} t}##
. Suppose that in a particular circuit, L = 0.4 Henrys, R = 0 Ohms, C = 0.1 Farads and V = 110 sin(ωt) Volts, where ω ∈ R. Initially the charge on the capacitor is 1 Coulomb and there is no current in the circuit.
(a) Write down the differential equation satisfied by q(t) in this circuit.
(b) Determine the value(s) of ω so that resonance occurs in the circuit.
(c) In the case where there is no resonance,
i. Solve the differential equation to find the charge on the capacitor at any time.
ii. Determine the transient and steady state solutions for the charge, if they exist.
iii. Find the current in the circuit at any time.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Hey everyone. Thanks for reading through and trying to help! Basically I just want to know if I'm thinking along the right track. So for part a, I apply the condition for resonance by solving the homogeneous second order equation, and then for part c I solve it across the domain where omega is not equal to the values I found in part b and I should be getting an answer in terms of omega? I'm just confused because the wording of the question makes it sound like I need to be getting a solution in terms of t only (i.e. omega should cancel out or something).

You need to show your actual work, formulas and all. It is impossible to help you---or to judge if you need help---from the generaties you have written.
  • #3
GwtBc said:
I should be getting an answer in terms of omega? I'm just confused because the wording of the question makes it sound like I need to be getting a solution in terms of t only (i.e. omega should cancel out or something).
It'll depend on ##\omega##.

Related to Second order derivatives and resonance

1. What is a second order derivative?

A second order derivative is the rate of change of the rate of change of a function. It measures how much the slope of a curve changes at a particular point.

2. How do you calculate a second order derivative?

To calculate a second order derivative, you take the derivative of the first derivative. This can be done using the power rule, product rule, or chain rule, depending on the form of the function.

3. What is resonance?

Resonance is a phenomenon that occurs when an object is subjected to a periodic force that matches its natural frequency. This results in a large amplitude oscillation of the object.

4. How does resonance relate to second order derivatives?

In the context of mechanical systems, resonance can occur when the second order derivative of the position function is equal to zero, indicating a change in direction. This can lead to a build-up of energy and potential instability.

5. Can resonance be beneficial or harmful?

Resonance can be both beneficial and harmful. In some cases, it can be used to amplify signals or vibrations, such as in musical instruments. However, it can also cause damage to structures if the frequency of the force matches the natural frequency of the object.

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