Second Quantization Density Matrix

In summary, the author has solved the ground state equation for a single particle in terms of the wavefunction and the density matrix. However, he is lost after this point and needs help.
  • #1

Homework Statement

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Homework Equations

and attempt at solution
I think I got the ground state, which can be expressed as [itex]|\Psi \rangle = \prod_{k}^{N}\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger} |0 \rangle[/itex] .

Then for the density matrix I used:
[itex]\langle 0|\prod_{k'}^{N}\hat{a}_{k}\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger}\hat{a}_{l}\prod_{k'}^{N}\hat{a}_{k'}^{\dagger} |0 \rangle[/itex].
Due to the commutation relations for fermions:
[itex]\hat{a}_{l}\prod_{k}^{N}\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger} |0 \rangle=\left ( -1 \right )^{\sum_{i=1}^{l-1}}\prod_{k\neq l}^{N}\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger} |0 \rangle[/itex]
So the density matrix becomes:
[itex]\langle 0|\left ( -1 \right )^{\sum_{i=1}^{l-1}+{\sum_{i=1}^{k-1}}}\prod_{k'\neq k}^{N}\hat{a}_{k}\prod_{k'\neq l}^{N}\hat{a}_{k'}^{\dagger} |0 \rangle[/itex].
I honestly don’t know what to do past this, or if I’m even on the right track. Any help is appreciated.
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  • #2
The first questions seems to be answered correctly.

In the second question you are forgetting an important part, what does a single-particle wavefunction look like?
How many creation operators do you need and how to write the most general form of such a state?

Furthermore you used the N-particle ground state. Nowhere is it mentioned you should work with the ground state.
This last remark is related to the underlined part of my second (guiding) question.

Finally, which texts are you using? It might be useful to point out important parts in such a text.
  • #3
Hi JoirsL, thank you for your response.

I will first answer the ground state question, in the question above you can see that he defines the ground state as [itex]{\Psi}[/itex], so it appears to me as if we are supposed to be working within this state.

The most general form of a state of a single particle wavefunction will be a superposition of the creation operators, correct? So really, in this basis of k states, there will be k operators in this state.

I am being taught directly from the professor's notes, so unfortunately all of my knowledge (or lack of) comes from that. He has many recommended readings from Ashland and Leggett, which I have done, but it hasn't really been of much assistance to me so far.
  • #4
I agree the question is posed in a way that will lead to confusion.

I am however convinced that he means what I asked (perhaps clarify this whenever you see him).
It will indeed be a superposition (*)

How would you proceed from there? In other words, how do we calculate the elements of a density matrix?

However I'm curious about the validity of ##|\psi\rangle = \sum_k a^\dagger_k|0\rangle##.
Because this is an infinite sum the expected energy ##\langle H\rangle## can become infinite (depending on what ##\epsilon_k## looks like).
I'll try to find out if I can find the time
  • #5
Well, I suppose due to orthogonality of the basis states, the[itex]\langle\Psi|\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger}\hat{a}_{k}|\Psi\rangle[/itex] would be [itex]\delta _{kl}\delta_{lk}[/itex]? Since it seems the only nonzero states would be the point in which the creation operator creates a particle in the one that the annihilation operator removed...
  • #6
likeLets try to make all of this more 'rigorous'.

First we have the one-particle wave vector which I will call ##|\phi\rangle## to avoid any confusion.
m hereThen ##|\phi\rangle = N\sum_k a^\dagger_k |0\rangle##
To describe explicit density matrix elements we need a basis that spans our space.

Lets call this basis for the one-particle states ##\left\{ |\epsilon_k\rangle \,|\, k\geq1 \text{ and } k\in \mathbb{N} \right\}##.
Can you think of a basis?
We want a basis that keeps the expression of ##|\phi\rangle## simple. Because we will be calculating elements relevant to the state vector

Can you continue from here?

If you can't, my first good/reasonable will show up on monday. (busy weekend!)
  • #8
Ok, to be honest, the rigorous part of the proof is what is baffling me so much. A basis that spans our state will simply be the set of the [itex]\hat{a}^{\dagger}[/itex]. But what next?
  • #9
Lets define ##|\epsilon_k\rangle = a^\dagger_k|0\rangle##.
Do you agree this spans the space of one-particle wave vectors (and they are linearly independent by the hermitian property of the hamiltonian)?

Now our most general one-particles state as defined in post #6 is clearly a mixture of such states.

Do you see where I'm getting at?
  • #10
Ok, maybe. Let's see. So, let me know if this makes sense. Just working with the lowering operator:
[itex]\hat{a}_{l} |\phi \rangle= \hat{a}_{l}N\sum_{k}|\epsilon _{k}\rangle[/itex] = [itex]\hat{a}_{l}N\sum_{k}\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{k}|0\rangle[/itex]
From the anticommutation relations for fermions:
[itex]\hat{a}_{l}\sum_{k}\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{k}=\delta _{lk}-\sum_{k}\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{k}\hat{a}_{l}[/itex]
So that
[itex]\hat{a}_{l} |\phi \rangle=N(\delta _{lk}-\sum_{k}\hat{a}^{\dagger}_{k}\hat{a}_{l})|0\rangle[/itex] is equal to [itex]\hat{a}_{l} |\phi \rangle=N\delta _{lk}|0\rangle[/itex] due to the lowering operator on the right returning a null. Since the bra version of this will return a [itex]\langle \phi|\hat{a}_{k}^{\dagger} =\langle0|N\delta _{kk}[/itex], we finally get the matrix elements of: [itex]N^{2}\delta _{kk}\delta _{lk}[/itex].

Does this work?
  • #11
There are some minor issues with your notation.

We know that for a system with wave vector ##|\phi\rangle## the elements of the density matrix are given by
##\rho_{mn} = \langle\epsilon_m|(|\phi\rangle\langle\phi|)|\epsilon_n\rangle## (in the basis defined before!).

Furthermore ##N## can be an element of ##\mathbb{C}## so you get a factor ##|N|^2##, notice that we use the modulus squared.

So recalling that ##|\epsilon_k\rangle = a^\dagger_k|0>## we can start calculating.

##\rho_{mn} = \langle0|a_m\left( N \sum_k a^\dagger_k |0\rangle\right) \left( N^* \sum_l \langle 0\rangle|a_l\right)a^\dagger_n|0\rangle##

Then I get the result ##\rho_{mn} = |N|^2 \left( \sum_k \delta_{km} \right) \left(\sum_l \delta_{ln}\right)##.
Now we know for a fact that the sums reduce to 1 identically.
Meaning ##\rho_{mn} = |N|^2## for all ##m,\, n##.

You got most of the steps right, you were however a little bit sloppy with your notation (you can see this from the fact that you have 3 k indices in your final result).

I must correct myself, in post #2 I talked about the most general one particle wave vector. In post #6 however I gave a very special wave vector.
You might want to try for a truly general wave vector ##|\alpha\rangle = \sum_k C_k a^\dagger_k |0\rangle##.
Here the ##C_k## are (complex) coefficients.
  • #12
Ah, thank you, I guess I need to work on keeping my indices separated. I appreciate all of the help (and patience!), JorisL. I think I have a better grasp of this now.
  • #13
Good luck, and it gives me a break from my own studying so I'm happy to help :)

Related to Second Quantization Density Matrix

1. What is second quantization and how does it relate to the density matrix?

Second quantization is a mathematical formalism used in quantum mechanics to treat systems with multiple particles. The density matrix, also known as the statistical operator, is a mathematical tool used to describe the quantum state of a system. Second quantization is used to derive the density matrix for a system with multiple particles by representing the state of each particle using creation and annihilation operators.

2. What is the purpose of using the density matrix in second quantization?

The density matrix allows for the calculation of statistical properties of a system, such as the average energy or occupation of a state, without knowing the precise quantum state of the system. This is useful for systems with a large number of particles, as it is often impossible to measure or know the exact state of each particle.

3. How is the density matrix calculated in second quantization?

The density matrix is calculated by taking the outer product of the wavefunction, which represents the state of the system, with itself. This results in a matrix with elements representing the probability amplitudes of each possible state of the system. The diagonal elements of the density matrix correspond to the probabilities of each state, while the off-diagonal elements represent the quantum correlations between different states.

4. Can the density matrix be used for both pure and mixed states?

Yes, the density matrix can be used to describe both pure and mixed states. A pure state has a density matrix with only one nonzero diagonal element, representing the probability of that state. A mixed state has multiple nonzero diagonal elements, representing a superposition of states with different probabilities. The density matrix is a flexible tool that can be used to describe a wide range of quantum systems.

5. How does the density matrix evolve in time in second quantization?

The density matrix evolves in time according to the Schrödinger equation, just like the wavefunction. This means that the density matrix changes as the system evolves, reflecting changes in the probabilities of different states. In addition, interactions between particles can cause the off-diagonal elements of the density matrix to change, representing changes in the quantum correlations between states. Overall, the density matrix provides a powerful tool for studying the dynamics of quantum systems in second quantization.

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