Security of computer data and passwords

In summary, TrueCrypt software is good for creating an encrypted container on a hard drive for sensitive files, but it is not secure if someone had access to the computer where the software is installed and the user's passwords. Excel can be used to easily create a password generator, however, storing passwords in an encrypted form is not secure if someone has access to the document. To remember a password, a randomly generated string can be used, or a sentence can be used to create a random string.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I hope there are some security-minded folks that can reply with practical suggestions.

I've become increasingly nervous over time about the security of the data on my laptop (mostly financial) and online information via the myriad of username/password combinations that are used for everything from e-mail, Facebook and eBay to investments (401k, bank, etc.).

For the former, what I've found so far in my research suggests that most things you do (pehaps the simplest is an HDD password) are rather trivial to circumvent and that encryption is about the only real choice. Thus, I'm considering using a software encryption application (e.g. TrueCRYPT) to create an encrypted container on my hdd were I can store sensitive files.

1. My first question is whether using encryption software is really worth the effort (i.e. what degree of security does it really add?).

2. Second question is how on Earth to come up with a decent password you can remember without writing it down somewhere (which would defeat the purpose). TrueCRYPT recommends >20 random upper/lower case letters + numbers + special characters.

For the second issue (how to manage user id's and passwords), I suppose I could arrange them very nicely in a spreadsheet and store the sheet in the encrypted container on my hdd. I've also seen specialized password manager applications that appear to do the same, but I'm guessing you need a strong password to get to your passwords. I almost see this one as more important than the first, particularly because of direct access to $$. The biggest mistake I can imagine is having a neat list of user id's and passwords on my laptop that if obtained opens the doors to everything. Right now I have a mismash of memory and written hints in various places that probably isn't very secure at all.

Sorry for a bit of a ramble, but would appreciate some sound advice. Thanks.
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  • #2
Take a look at this:
  • #3
You can create a password generator in excel quite easily, so you don't have to use for example keeping all your passwords offline.

In excel copy and paste this into sheet 2 c1


Copy and paste this into sheet 2 b2 through b91 (can click and drag bottom right corner to copy the formula over the whole spectrum)


now to get a limited number instead of an 82 character password and to hide the working out

go to sheet one, and put this into a1


in a4 type the amount of characters you want in your new password.

now finally to input all the data you want for your password

in sheet 2 for the a collum go through the alphabet in lower case upper case and use all numbers and symbols on each new line.
a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 ect.

now to randomize, select all of a and b collums (can click a and b up the top when you are shown an arrow pointing down)

now simply right click, sort biggest to smallest or smallest to biggest going by the b collum.

I created a macro to do the same thing automatically when pressing ctrl+G i would upload it here but the forums only support 2003 excel and its impossible to create a function using more than 30 cells in 2003 excel.

Not sure if this helps you or not but i use it on a daily basis.

Now in order to answer your questions in a round about way,

If you have a password for a word document that you know off by heart and is not written anywhere, if you encrypt the file and password protect it, its safe to have your information in there, you can't open it with notepad or any other program. this is how i store all the information on passwords, user names ect for my workplace (government school)

TrueCrypt works if you have other sensative data, so does winrar but requires you to uncompress files to view information (slower but free)

In terms of what encrypting an word document for example, the attached files are a password protected word document containing the word "hello" the password for the file is "hello" hello.txt shows the encryption where as hello_nopw.txt shows when the file is not encrypted.

really simple but works efficently, as long as you don't write the password to enter the word document down it is secure.

Now in terms of remembering a very long password i personally don't have issues with this due to my password generator plus i store my passwords in a password protected word doc, but there are a few simple ways to remember long "random" numbers/letters

My mother for example uses a sentence and takes the first letter from each word to create a "random" string, The fox ran across the field, Tfratf.

To remember a randomly generated password that i don't want stored anywhere i use notepad and just enter it again and again line after line until its imbedded into my memory, this is how i learned pi.

3.14159265358979323... ect.

Your brain doesn't remember the numbers as per say as one large number but it remembers the patterns used to create the number.

Hope this helps.


  • hello.doc
    21.5 KB · Views: 275
  • hello.txt
    21.5 KB · Views: 336
  • hello_nopw.txt
    21.5 KB · Views: 351
  • #5

I understand the importance of data security and the potential risks of having sensitive information compromised. I would recommend taking a multi-layered approach to ensure the security of your data and passwords.

Firstly, using encryption software, such as TrueCRYPT, is definitely worth the effort. Encryption adds an extra layer of protection to your data by converting it into a code that can only be accessed with the correct password. This makes it much more difficult for hackers to access your sensitive information. However, it is important to make sure you choose a strong password for your encrypted container, as this is the key to unlocking your data. As you mentioned, using a combination of upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters is recommended to create a strong password. You can also consider using a passphrase instead of a single password, as this can be easier to remember while still providing a high level of security.

In terms of managing your usernames and passwords, a password manager application can be a useful tool. These applications store your login information in an encrypted database, which can only be accessed with a master password. This way, you only need to remember one strong password instead of multiple for different accounts. It is important to choose a reputable password manager and ensure that your master password is strong and not easily guessable.

Additionally, I would also recommend regularly changing your passwords and using different passwords for different accounts. This way, if one of your accounts is compromised, the others will still be protected. It is also important to be cautious when accessing your accounts on public or shared devices, as these can be more vulnerable to hacking attempts.

In summary, using encryption software and a password manager, along with regularly changing your passwords and being cautious with device usage, can significantly enhance the security of your data and passwords. It may require some effort to set up and maintain these measures, but the added protection is definitely worth it in the long run.

Related to Security of computer data and passwords

1. How can I protect my computer data and passwords?

There are several steps you can take to protect your computer data and passwords. First, make sure to use strong and unique passwords for all your accounts. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts and avoid using easily guessable information such as your name or birthdate. Additionally, enable two-factor authentication whenever possible for an extra layer of security. It is also important to regularly update your software and operating system, as these updates often include security patches. Finally, consider using a reputable antivirus software to protect against malware and other cyber threats.

2. What is the best way to store and manage my passwords?

The best way to store and manage passwords is by using a secure password manager. This tool allows you to securely store all your passwords in one place and generate strong and unique passwords for each account. It also often includes features such as autofill and syncing across devices. Make sure to choose a reputable password manager with strong encryption and a strong master password.

3. How can I ensure the security of my data when using public Wi-Fi?

Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making them a potential target for hackers. To ensure the security of your data when using public Wi-Fi, avoid logging into sensitive accounts such as banking or email. If you need to access these accounts, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection. Additionally, make sure to turn off sharing and enable your device's firewall when using public Wi-Fi.

4. What are some common mistakes people make when it comes to the security of their computer data and passwords?

Some common mistakes people make when it comes to the security of their computer data and passwords include using weak or easily guessable passwords, sharing passwords with others, and not regularly updating software and operating systems. Other mistakes include falling for phishing scams, using unsecured public Wi-Fi, and not using two-factor authentication when available.

5. What should I do if I suspect my computer data or passwords have been compromised?

If you suspect your computer data or passwords have been compromised, it is important to act quickly. The first step is to change all your passwords, especially for sensitive accounts such as banking or email. If your computer has been infected with malware, run a full system scan with your antivirus software. You should also monitor your bank and credit card statements for any suspicious activity. If you believe your identity has been stolen, consider placing a fraud alert or freeze on your credit report.

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