Seeking advice on "simple" pendulum problem

  • #1
some bloke
[Mentors' note: moved here from the technical forums after the thread was already fully developed, so no HW template]

Hello all!

I have a problem which I am beginning to suspect I am either unequipped to solve, or which does not have enough details! I can see, in my mind, the problem, but I cannot work out how to bring the logic backwards to a conclusion!

I have an undamped simple pendulum of length 0.8m, which I know is horizontally displaced by 0.022m when its velocity towards the equilibrium is 1.4m/s.

I need to work out the Amplitude and the period of the pendulum.

I have worked out the natural frequency is 3.5, and the time period is 1.79. That bit was fine. But with this information, I cannot work out how to calculate the Amplitude! I have gone in circles by making symultaneous equations using s=A cos(ωt) and v=-A ωsin(ωt), but I ended up with an amplitude of 45m, which is obviously ridiculous!

My Google-Fu is not working well for me and I feel like I'm missing something. I managed to get a value of t=0.44s, so the pendulum is at position s=0.022m when t=0.44s, but I after some bungling of the next steps I ran an excel "goal seek" to change t to make the Amplitude values from reversing both the displacement and velocity formulae and it gave a value of around 0.433s, and this made me notice there was a huge change in Amplitude when the time was changed just a tiny bit.

I'm very much lost on this one, but I don't want to give up - I just need a nudge in the right direction, chances are I'm overcomplicating this a lot and it's something simple I've overlooked!

Thanks in advance!
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  • #2
Hint: ##\cos^2(x)+\sin^2(x)=1##.
  • #3
You did not mention energy. Always follow the energy.
The sum of the PE and the KE is constant for an undamped pendulum.
Solve for x and y, when velocity equals zero.
  • #4
Thanks all! I used the energy side to work it out, I ended up with an Amplitude of 0.388m and a Time period of 1.79s - it all seems reasonable, does this look correct?
  • #5
I agree the period, but the amplitude looks a bit off. With ##g=10\mathrm{ms^{-2}}## I get the amplitude to be ##0.396\mathrm{m}##. How did you get your answer?
  • #6
Ibix said:
I agree the period, but the amplitude looks a bit off. With ##g=10\mathrm{ms^{-2}}## I get the amplitude to be ##0.396\mathrm{m}##. How did you get your answer?
That might be as I'm using g=9.81ms-2, so that might be where the slight difference is?
  • #7
How is the amplitude of a simple pendulum defined?
  • #8
PeroK said:
How is the amplitude of a simple pendulum defined?
It's the maximum displacement of the pendulum from the equilibrium point?
  • #9
some bloke said:
It's the maximum displacement of the pendulum from the equilibrium point?
How is that calculated?
  • #10
Ibix said:
I agree the period, but the amplitude looks a bit off. With ##g=10\mathrm{ms^{-2}}## I get the amplitude to be ##0.396\mathrm{m}##. How did you get your answer?
I don't get the same answer. PS I was using ##g = 9.8m/s^2##.
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  • #11
bob012345 said:
What do you mean by amplitude? The maximum horizontal displacement or the maximum angle?
Both answers were given in metres, so I assumed it was the distance the bob travels from the lowest point to the highest point. However, this distance is only simple harmonic for small angles where ##\theta \approx \sin \theta##. That's why we need to define how this distance is calculated.

I'd previous assumed that the amplitude referred to the maximum angle.
  • #12
The problem frames it that the pendulum is displaced horizontally by 0.022m when the bob is moving at 1.4ms-1. It then gives you the length of 0.8m and asks for the Amplitude and Period.

Period is 2*pi*root(length/gravitational constant, so that's simple enough to calculate.

Amplitude I have worked out by calculating the total energy based on elevation of the pendulum at the point s=0.022 and v=1.4, using trigonometry, and then working out the maximm elevation where all energy is potential, then using trigonometry to calculate the horizontal displacement, which came to 0.388m.

I will be honest, I would not put it past my tutor to have made the numbers up without checking whether this remains a simple pendulum!
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Likes PeroK
  • #13
some bloke said:
The problem frames it that the pendulum is displaced horizontally by 0.022m when the bob is moving at 1.4ms-1. It then gives you the length of 0.8m and asks for the Amplitude and Period.
I missed that from the original problem. I used 1.4 m/s at the lowest point. 0.022m is a small displacement compared to the length of the pendulum. It's not going to make much difference, given the pendulum will have lost very little KE during the initial displacement.

Also, 1.4 m/s is quite fast for a pendulum of length only 0.8m. That means that the small angle becomes a relatively poor approximation.

some bloke said:
Period is 2*pi*root(length/gravitational constant, so that's simple enough to calculate.
The period of a simple pendulum is independent of the amplitude for small oscillations. Approximately ##1.8s## is the best you can do.
some bloke said:
Amplitude I have worked out by calculating the total energy based on elevation of the pendulum at the point s=0.022 and v=1.4, using trigonometry, and then working out the maximm elevation where all energy is potential, then using trigonometry to calculate the horizontal displacement, which came to 0.388m.
I get significantly more than that.
some bloke said:
I will be honest, I would not put it past my tutor to have made the numbers up without checking whether this remains a simple pendulum!
It looks like a question that hasn't been thought through. It's absurd to give a displacement to the nearest millimeter and then apply the small angle approximation.
  • #14
Doing a quick adjustment (I am using excel to work it all out so changing variables is easy) I suspect he changed it from 0.4m/s to 1.4m/s. 0.4 comes out with an amplitude of about 100mm, which is much more like a simple pendulum!

On getting significantly more on amplitude, my first calculations said 45m! which is obviously absurd for a 0.8m long pendulum!

I will be seeing him on Tuesday and there's at least 3 of us who are baffled by it, so we'll have to see what he says!
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Likes PeroK
  • #15
some bloke said:
Doing a quick adjustment (I am using excel to work it all out so changing variables is easy) I suspect he changed it from 0.4m/s to 1.4m/s. 0.4 comes out with an amplitude of about 100mm, which is much more like a simple pendulum!
The reduction in speed would make sense.
  • #16
Let's do a calculation of the height, ##h_0##, for a horizontal displacement, ##d_0 = 0.022m## for a pendulum of length ##l = 0.8m##.
$$\theta_0 \approx \sin \theta_0 = \frac {d_0} l = 0.0275$$$$h_0 = l(1 - \cos \theta_0) = 0.0003m = 0.3mm$$You can see that this initial displacement is not going to significantly affect the calculation - compared to taking ##d_0 = 0## for the same initial speed. Let's check by calculating ##v## at the lowest point, assuming the speed is ##v_0 = 1.4m/s##, at horizontal displacement ##d_0##:
$$v^2 = v_0^2 + 2gh_0$$$$v = 1.402m/s \approx 1.4 m/s$$And we see that this complication makes very little, if any, difference to the calculation.
  • #17
PS note that you can do my steps in reverse to get the maximum height, angle and horizontal displacement for the original problem.
  • #18
Ok, I agree on the height at S=0.022 as 0.0003m.

From that I worked out that a constant equal to the total energy multiplied by mass was equal to 1/2v^2 plus gh, which gave a value of 0.983*m.

Then to get maximum height (where Ek is 0) I have mgh=0.983m, thus gh=0.983, so h=0.983/9.81, which came to 0.10m as a maximum height.

Then used trigonometry to get Smax, or Amplitude, equal to 0.388m.

Can't see how you could have an amplitude of 1.4m on a pendulum of 0.8m!

Can't say I know where your equations ov v^2 are coming from, nor how v=1.4 makes s=1.4, as v is a velocity?
  • #19
some bloke said:
Ok, I agree on the height at S=0.022 as 0.0003m.

From that I worked out that a constant equal to the total energy multiplied by mass was equal to 1/2v^2 plus gh, which gave a value of 0.983*m.

Then to get maximum height (where Ek is 0) I have mgh=0.983m, thus gh=0.983, so h=0.983/9.81, which came to 0.10m as a maximum height.
Okay. ##h = 0.10m## looks right.
some bloke said:
Then used trigonometry to get Smax, or Amplitude, equal to 0.388m.
Okay, but that needs to be rounded off. It can't be correct to the nearest millimeter.
some bloke said:
Can't say I know where your equations ov v^2 are coming from,
Conservation of energy.
some bloke said:
nor how v=1.4 makes s=1.4, as v is a velocity?
I'm not sure where you are getting that from.
  • #20
some bloke said:
nor how v=1.4 makes s=1.4, as v is a velocity?
Are you misreading this:
PeroK said:
$$v = 1.402m/s \approx 1.4 m/s$$
which means
PeroK said:
$$v = 1.402m/s $$$$\approx 1.4 m/s$$
PeroK said:
$$s \approx 1.4 m/s$$
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Likes PeroK
  • #21
Just a couple of observations. This problem can be done without any energy considerations and the amplitude gives a maximum angle around 28.5° whereas the usual small angle limit is around ##\frac{\pi}{8}## or 22.5° but the errors are still small being on the order of 1% or 0.02s in the period. [corrected angle]
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  • #22
I suspect I did the same calculation as @bob012345 - use the displacement and velocity formulae from the OP with the trigonometric identity in #2.

I observe that my answer is the amplitude of the arc length of the swing, though, and I think OP's is the amplitude of the horizontal displacement. The difference illustrates that the oscillation is not quite "small".
  • #23
Ibix said:
I suspect I did the same calculation as @bob012345 - use the displacement and velocity formulae from the OP with the trigonometric identity in #2.

I observe that my answer is the amplitude of the arc length of the swing, though, and I think OP's is the amplitude of the horizontal displacement. The difference illustrates that the oscillation is not quite "small".
Yes. It seems that ##h = 0.10m##, ##\theta_{max} = 0.51 \equiv 29.0^{\circ}##, hence the maximum horizontal displacement is ##0.39m##, which equates to an arc length of ##0.40m##.
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Likes Ibix
  • #24
Thank you all so much, I feel confident that I've got this one right, though I will still be checking with my tutor tomorrow as I'm certain this was not covered in our lessons, and I want to make sure that I'm not expected to demonstrate a different method!
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Likes bob012345
  • #25
Ibix said:
I suspect I did the same calculation as @bob012345 - use the displacement and velocity formulae from the OP with the trigonometric identity in #2.
I just used the basic relations ##\theta=\theta_{max}cos(\omega t)## and ##\dot\theta=\omega\theta_{max} sin(\omega t)##where ##\theta=\theta_{max}## at t=0 and ##\theta=\theta_i, \dot\theta=\dot\theta_i## and ##t=t_i## at the given conditions. Then dividing these to eliminate ##\theta_{max}## I solved for ##t_i##

$$t_i= \frac{1}{\omega} tan^{-1}\left(\frac{\dot\theta_i}{\omega\theta_i}\right)$$ then plug back in to solve for ##\theta_{max}## and ##x_{max}##.
  • #26
bob012345 said:
I just used the basic relations ##\theta=\theta_{max}cos(\omega t)## and ##\dot\theta=\omega\theta_{max} sin(\omega t)##
That should have a negative sign.
bob012345 said:
where ##\theta=\theta_{max}## at t=0 and ##\theta=\theta_i, \dot\theta=\dot\theta_i## and ##t=t_i## at the given conditions. Then dividing these to eliminate ##\theta_{max}## I solved for ##t_i##

$$t_i= \frac{1}{\omega} tan^{-1}\left(\frac{\dot\theta_i}{\omega\theta_i}\right)$$ then plug back in to solve for ##\theta_{max}## and ##x_{max}##.
Simpler is to use the basic equations to get:
$$\theta_{max}^2 = \theta^2 + \frac{\dot \theta^2}{w^2} = \theta^2 + \frac{v^2}{l^2w^2}$$Normally we have ##v## at ##\theta = 0## (and that's still a good approximation here). In any case, as above, this gives
$$\theta_{max} = 0.5, \ x_{max} = 0.38m$$This also confirms that using ##w = \sqrt{\dfrac g L}## is a good approximation for the angular frequency in this case.
  • #27
Post script: in the general case where we are given ##v## at ##\theta = 0##, we can compare the two methods above.

Using conservation of energy gives the exact answer of $$\cos \theta_{max} = 1 - \frac{v^2}{2gl}$$Using the small angle approximation for SHM with angular frequency ##w = \sqrt{\dfrac g L}## gives$$\theta_{max} = \frac{v}{\sqrt{gl}}$$$$\cos \theta_{max} = 1 - \frac{\theta_{max}^2}{2!} + \frac{\theta_{max}^4}{4!} - \dots$$$$= 1 - \frac{v^2}{2gl} + \frac{v^4}{16g^2l^2} - \dots$$And we see that the approximation is good as long as ##\dfrac{\theta_{max}^4}{4!}## is small. Which is the case here.
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Likes bob012345
  • #28
PeroK said:
That should have a negative sign.
Which I knew would be cancelled out by the explicit sign of ##\dot\theta_i## but you are correct and I should have said something.

Related to Seeking advice on "simple" pendulum problem

What is a simple pendulum?

A simple pendulum consists of a mass (called the bob) attached to the end of a lightweight cord or rod, which is fixed at a pivot point. When displaced from its equilibrium position and released, it swings back and forth under the influence of gravity.

How do you calculate the period of a simple pendulum?

The period of a simple pendulum, which is the time it takes to complete one full swing, is given by the formula \( T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{L}{g}} \), where \( T \) is the period, \( L \) is the length of the pendulum, and \( g \) is the acceleration due to gravity.

What factors affect the period of a simple pendulum?

The period of a simple pendulum is affected primarily by the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity. It is independent of the mass of the bob and the amplitude of the swing, provided the amplitude is small.

How does the length of the pendulum affect its period?

The period of a simple pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length. This means that if you increase the length of the pendulum, the period will increase, and if you decrease the length, the period will decrease.

What assumptions are made in the simple pendulum model?

The simple pendulum model assumes that the cord or rod is massless and inextensible, the bob is a point mass, air resistance is negligible, and the motion occurs in a vacuum. Additionally, it assumes that the amplitude of the swing is small so that the motion can be approximated as simple harmonic.

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