Seeking closed form solution of Navier-Stokes for a fluid in an annular space.

In summary: The easiest way to solve for the velocity profile is to use a numerical method, like the Euler-Lagrange equation or the finite difference method. In either case, you need to know the flow properties of the fluid (pressure, density, viscosity, etc.), the geometry of the system, and the numerical methods that you are using. In summary, the author is trying to solve for the velocity profile of a fluid in an annular space between a stationary exterior cylinder and a rotating, longitudinally advancing cylinder at its center. They simplified the form of Navier-Stokes to three equations, and mention that acceleration and velocity in the radial direction are zero. They mention that Taylor-Couette flow
  • #1
I have a pressure flow problem where I'm trying to understand the velocity profile of a fluid in an annular space between a stationary exterior cylinder and a rotating, longitudinally advancing cylinder at its center.

So the boundary conditions a zero velocity at the exterior surface and a constant angular and longitudinal velocity at the interior surface.

I begin by simplifying the usual form of Navier-Stokes in cylindrical coordinates to the following three equations, knowing that acceleration and velocity in the radial direction are zero:

[1] -ρ(u_θ^2)/r=μ*(2/r^2)((∂u_θ)/∂θ)-(∂u_θ)/∂θ+ρ*g_r

[2] ρ((∂u_θ)/∂t+(u_θ/r)((∂u_θ)/∂θ)+u_z*((∂u_θ)/∂z))=μ[(∂^2*u_θ)/(∂r^2 )+(1/r^2)*((∂^2 u_θ)/(∂θ^2))+(∂^2 u_θ)/(∂z^2 )]-(1/r)(∂p/∂θ)+ρ*g_θ

[3] ρ((∂u_z)/∂t+(u_θ/r)(∂u_z)/∂θ+u_z*(∂u_z)/∂z)=μ[(∂^2*u_z)/(∂r^2)+(1/r^2)(∂u_z)/(∂θ^2)+(∂^2*u_z)/(∂z^2)]-∂p/∂z+ρ*g_z

How do I solve for u_θ and u_z??
Physics news on
  • #2
Why should the solution be "closed form"?
Most answers to the questions of life, universe and everything are not closed form solutions.
  • #3
I've been considering different ways to find a numerical solution, but for the sake of repeatability I'd like to find a solution with a couple of neat equations that I can just plug and chug down the road.

Most of the numerical modeling methods involve several different steps, including generation of a mesh, iterative solving using some form of programming, and then finding a way to make that data usable for later calculations. Unfortunately, generating the velocity profile is only the first step of the problem.
  • #4
I'm not going to do the entire calculation, but, if I remember correctly, there is an exact solution to fluid motion through a pipe (cylinder) and the fronts (motion of what was initially a cross section of the pipe) are paraboloids.
  • #5
That's the standard solution for steady-state, pressure driven flow in a stationary pipe. In this case we have two boundary layers. In the attached image, I'm trying to solve for the velocity profile between the two boundary layers, where the outer (brown) layer is stationary, and the inner (blue pipe) layer is moving to the right and rotating.


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  • #6
I think what you are describing is Taylor-Couette flow. For very low rotational speeds it has a known solution (like V=Ar+B/r, where A and B depend on radius and rotational speed), but it quickly becomes difficult to get analytic solutions.

FAQ: Seeking closed form solution of Navier-Stokes for a fluid in an annular space.

1. What is the Navier-Stokes equation?

The Navier-Stokes equation is a set of mathematical equations that describe the motion of fluid substances, such as liquids and gases. It is used to study the behavior of fluids in various settings, including annular spaces.

2. Why is finding a closed form solution for Navier-Stokes important?

A closed form solution for Navier-Stokes would provide a complete and exact description of the fluid flow in an annular space, allowing for more accurate predictions and analysis. It would also simplify the mathematical model and make it easier to understand and apply.

3. What are the challenges in seeking a closed form solution for Navier-Stokes?

One of the main challenges is the nonlinearity of the equations, which makes it difficult to find a closed form solution. Additionally, the boundary conditions and complex geometries of annular spaces can also pose challenges in finding a closed form solution for Navier-Stokes.

4. What are some methods for seeking a closed form solution for Navier-Stokes?

Some methods that can be used include simplifying the equations through assumptions and approximations, using analytical techniques such as perturbation theory, and utilizing numerical methods such as finite difference or finite element methods.

5. How could finding a closed form solution for Navier-Stokes benefit industries?

A closed form solution for Navier-Stokes could have a wide range of applications in industries such as aerospace, automotive, and energy. It could improve the design and optimization of fluid systems, leading to more efficient and cost-effective processes. It could also aid in the development of new technologies and improve our understanding of fluid dynamics.
