Seemingly easy complex line integral

In summary: If it has a convergent power series representation, it is analytic. If it is differentiable, it is analytic. If it is analytic, it is differentiable. If it is not analytic, it is not differentiable. If it is differentiable, it is integrable. If it is not integrable, it is not differentiable. If it is analytic, it is integrable. If it is not integrable, it is not analytic. If it is integrable, it is differentiable. If it is not differentiable, it is not integrable.In summary, a complex-valued function of a complex variable is said to be analytic at a point if it can be expanded as a convergent power series in an open
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find ∫(ez+cos(z))/z dz integrated over C1(0)

Homework Equations

Theorem 6.10 (Cauchy's integral formula)

Let f be analytic in the simply connected domain D and let C be a simple closed positively oriented contour that lies in D. If z0 is a point that lies interior to C, then

f(z0) = 1/2πi ∫f(z)/(z-z0) dz

The Attempt at a Solution

So the answer is 4πi, which is of course what you obtain if you invoke Cauchy's integral formula. But our function isn't analytic inside the region over which we're integrating. (?)
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  • #2
The theorem doesn't say that f(z)/z is analytic inside the contour. If it were the answer would be 0. It's says that f(z) is analytic inside the contour.
  • #3
Dick said:
The theorem doesn't say that f(z)/z is analytic inside the contour. If it were the answer would be 0. It's says that f(z) is analytic inside the contour.

Dang it. My reading comprehension skills suck.
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  • #4
I'll ask another related question just to make this thread worthwhile.
  • #5
Section 7.3, Exercise 9.

Find two Laurent series for z-1(4-z)-2 involving powers of z and state where they are valid.

Solution so far. Obviously f(z)=1/(z(4-z)2) has singularities at z = 0 and z = 4. It is therefore analytic in the two annuli A(0,0,4) and A(0,4,∞). In the first case, choose p = 3, since 0 < 3 < 4. By Laurent's theorem, our c-n will be equal to

1/2πi ∫f(z)/(z-0)-n+1 dz = 1/2πi ∫dz/(4-z)2z-n+2
integrated on the curve C3(0).

But this seems too difficult. There must be a better way. ¿Qué me recomienda Ud.?
  • #6
Jamin2112 said:
Section 7.3, Exercise 9.

Find two Laurent series for z-1(4-z)-2 involving powers of z and state where they are valid.

Solution so far.

Obviously f(z)=1/(z(4-z)2) has singularities at z = 0 and z = 4. It is therefore analytic in the two annuli A(0,0,4) and A(0,4,∞). In the first case, choose p = 3, since 0 < 3 < 4. By Laurent's theorem, our c-n will be equal to

1/2πi ∫f(z)/(z-0)-n+1 dz = 1/2πi ∫dz/(4-z)2z-n+2
integrated on the curve C3(0).

But this seems too difficult. There must be a better way. ¿Qué me recomienda Ud.?

You generally find Laurent series by doing things like partial fractions expansions and power series expansions, not by evaluating contour integrals. That would be too difficult. Don't you have any examples showing you these sort of techniques?
  • #7
Dick said:
You generally find Laurent series by doing things like partial fractions expansions and power series expansions, not by evaluating contour integrals. That would be too difficult. Don't you have any examples showing you these sort of techniques?

Yeah, brah. One example is finding the Lauret series for f(z) = 3/(2+z-z2).

f(z) = 3/((1+z)(2-z)) = (by partial fraction decomp.) 1/(1+z) + (1/2)*(1/(1-z/2)). I understand how they found out the power series for (1/2)*(1/(1-z/2)) but not for 1/(1+z). (They just refer me to "Corollary 4.2", which, as far as I can tell, doesn't reveal anything about 1/(1+z))
  • #8
Jamin2112 said:
Yeah, brah. One example is finding the Lauret series for f(z) = 3/(2+z-z2).

f(z) = 3/((1+z)(2-z)) = (by partial fraction decomp.) 1/(1+z) + (1/2)*(1/(1-z/2)). I understand how they found out the power series for (1/2)*(1/(1-z/2)) but not for 1/(1+z). (They just refer me to "Corollary 4.2", which, as far as I can tell, doesn't reveal anything about 1/(1+z))

If you know how to power expand 1/(1-z/2), I'm not sure why you would have problem expanding 1/(1+z). Write it as 1/(1-(-z)). Now it looks almost the same as the first.
  • #9
Another quick question:

Correct me if I wrong.

f(z) is analytic in a region D
---> f(z) is continuous in D (converse doesn't necessarily hold),
can be represented as a power series convergent in D,
is differentiable on D, and
is integrable on D.
  • #10
Dick said:
If you know how to power expand 1/(1-z/2), I'm not sure why you would have problem expanding 1/(1+z). Write it as 1/(1-(-z)). Now it looks almost the same as the first.

  • #11
Jamin2112 said:
Another quick question:

Correct me if I wrong.

f(z) is analytic in a region D
---> f(z) is continuous in D (converse doesn't necessarily hold),
can be represented as a power series convergent in D,
is differentiable on D, and
is integrable on D.

You aren't just trying to use up your funny graphic things are you? Of course, analytic in D implies differentiable in D. That's what analytic means. And no, it can't necessarily be represented as a single power series valid everywhere in D. Laurent series give you plenty of examples of that. And depends on what you mean by 'integrable'.
  • #12
Dick said:
You aren't just trying to use up your funny graphic things are you? Of course, analytic in D implies differentiable in D. That's what analytic means. And no, it can't necessarily be represented as a single power series valid everywhere in D. Laurent series give you plenty of examples of that. And depends on what you mean by 'integrable'.

(I might use an appropriate graphic if I get the chance)Says Wikipedia:

"In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, a complex-valued function ƒ of a complex variable z [...] is said to be analytic at a if in some open disk centered at a it can be expanded as a convergent power series"

By "integrable" I mean you could integrate it over a curve lying in D. I remember the professor saying something like, "if it's differentiable, it's integrable; and vice versa."
  • #13
Jamin2112 said:
(I might use an appropriate graphic if I get the chance)

Says Wikipedia:

"In complex analysis, a branch of mathematics, a complex-valued function ƒ of a complex variable z [...] is said to be analytic at a if in some open disk centered at a it can be expanded as a convergent power series"

By "integrable" I mean you could integrate it over a curve lying in D. I remember the professor saying something like, "if it's differentiable, it's integrable; and vice versa."

If it has a convergent power series around a point, then sure it's differentiable and continuous at that point. And also sure, the integral along a curve is well defined. It might be divergent if the curve is unbounded in some way, like having an open endpoint or going to infinity.
  • #14
Dick said:
If it has a convergent power series around a point, then sure it's differentiable and continuous at that point. And also sure, the integral along a curve is well defined. It might be divergent if the curve is unbounded in some way, like having an open endpoint or going to infinity.

Understood, brah. Thanks a million. That's all the questions I have for now; I might hit this place up later tonight, after I work on some practice problems.

FAQ: Seemingly easy complex line integral

1. What is a complex line integral?

A complex line integral is a mathematical concept that involves integrating a complex-valued function along a given curve in the complex plane. It is similar to a regular line integral, but the function being integrated and the curve are both in the complex plane.

2. How is a complex line integral calculated?

To calculate a complex line integral, the curve is first parameterized using a complex-valued function. Then, the function being integrated is multiplied by the derivative of the parameterization and integrated with respect to the parameter. The result is a single complex number.

3. What is the significance of a complex line integral?

Complex line integrals have many applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. They are used to calculate work done by a complex force, electric potential, and fluid flow, among others. They also have connections to complex analysis and the theory of holomorphic functions.

4. Can a complex line integral be evaluated without parameterizing the curve?

Yes, there are some special cases where a complex line integral can be evaluated without parameterizing the curve. For example, if the function being integrated is analytic (meaning it has a derivative at every point), then the integral can be evaluated using the Cauchy Integral Formula.

5. How do I know if a complex line integral is "seemingly easy"?

A complex line integral can be considered "seemingly easy" if the function being integrated and the curve are both simple and well-behaved. For example, if the function is a polynomial and the curve is a straight line, the integral can often be evaluated using basic calculus techniques. However, appearances can be deceiving, and some seemingly easy complex line integrals can actually be quite challenging to evaluate.

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