Selectrons as the particles of Dark Energy

In summary, the conversation discusses a proposed theory that suggests selectrons, the superpartners of electrons, are the particles of Dark Energy. However, the idea is critiqued and found to be incorrect due to the fact that selectrons are charged particles and every particle has an antiparticle. The conversation also touches on the energy requirements for virtual particles to become real and the mystery of the lack of antimatter in the universe. The suggestion is made to start with a stronger foundation in physics before delving into complex theories like supersymmetry and string theory.
  • #1
I have been removed from this forum for previous "crackpot" ideas. However, I would appreciate a review of the one presented below. I submit it to this subforum because it is based on superstring theory.

Selectrons as the particles of Dark Energy

Consider the creation of particle pairs in the vacuum of free space. In the M theory of 11 dimensional string theory as well as in the original 10 dimensional superstring theory, supersymmetric partners of each created particle are required to cancel out infinities, as I understand the process.

In a process very similar to the EPR experiments involving the creation of an electron and a positron, a virtual electron and positron pair are created in the vacuum of free space and subsequently recombine within the Heisenberg Uncertainty Time corresponding to the energy of creation.. So according to superstring theory, at the same time a selectron, the superpartner of the electron is created, as well as, to coin a new word, a spositron, the superpartner of the positron. But selectrons and spositrons are chargeless. So the spositron is actually a selectron with opposite properties, like spin, from the selectron associated with the electron.

Now let’s consider recombination or annihilation. When matter encounters antimatter, the two are annihilated resulting in photon production.. But selectrons are bosons like photons and have no antimatter. They may interfere like coherent photons, but they cannot annihilate each other.

So the conclusion is that for every virtual pair production and recombination in the vacuum of free space, a pair of selectrons is produced. (Virtual proton pair production may be neglected because of the much higher energy requirements) Since this happens continually in the vacuum of space throughout the universe, a volume effect, we presume that selectrons are the particles of Dark Energy. The continual production of selectrons is then somehow responsible for the accelerated expansion of the universe.

Richard Ruquist, PhD
Physics news on
  • #2
Well, I suppose that's one way to handle "crackpot" ideas
  • #3
What dark energy?
  • #4
Your idea is wrong (or not even wrong) for several reasons:
- The selectron and the spositron are charged particles and they
are antiparticles of each other
(I am not an expert on susy, but this is how I understand it.)
- Every particle has an antiparticle. If a particle is not charged, it is its own antiparticle.
- Virtual particles can only become real, when you provide at least the energy, which is associated with the sum of their rest masses. Where is the energy source in your model?
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  • #5
Thank you for the critique. I just noticed from the paper of Carlos and Diaz that selectrons are charged [ ] I had expected zero charge along with zero spin.

I had not considered the energy consideration and was more concerned with pair creation in ten dimensions. Within the Heisenberg uncertainty, there can be enough energy to get to the susy regime like Clavelli postulates for gamma ray bursts and it seemed to me that the creation of even a virtual particle pair would require superpartners according to superstring theory(?). But since they are charged as well, they will also recombine. Crackpot idea, indeed.
  • #6
The fact, that selectrons are charged, is not the main problem with your idea.
If they were not, they were their own antiparticle and could recombine with themselves. After all, at least 99% of physics is time symmetric, so if pair creation was possible for two given particles, then also their recombination.
This is why it is so strange that we are sitting here in a whole universe of matter without any antimatter in sight.
Physicists assume that there were some special CP violating conditions
in the early universe responsible for this, but as far as I know, this is still a big mystery.
Susy and string theory is heavy stuff even for the most intelligent and long trained. I still struggle with quantum field theory.
If I may give you my modest advice, I would say, go one or two (actually I don't know how many) levels back until you get your feet on some solid physics ground.

FAQ: Selectrons as the particles of Dark Energy

1. What are selectrons?

Selectrons are hypothetical particles that are proposed to exist as a part of the Standard Model of particle physics. They are a type of supersymmetric partner particle to the electron, and are predicted to have a much higher mass than the electron.

2. How are selectrons related to dark energy?

Selectrons are proposed to be the particles that make up dark energy, which is the mysterious force that is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate. This theory is still being studied and is not yet confirmed.

3. How do selectrons interact with other particles?

According to the theory of supersymmetry, selectrons would interact with other particles through the fundamental forces, such as gravity and the electromagnetic force. However, because they are predicted to have a much higher mass than electrons, their interactions may be difficult to observe.

4. Can selectrons be detected?

Currently, there is no experimental evidence for the existence of selectrons. If they do exist, they would likely be very difficult to detect due to their high mass and potentially weak interactions with other particles. Scientists are still searching for ways to detect and study these particles.

5. What impact would the discovery of selectrons have on our understanding of the universe?

If selectrons were confirmed to exist and were indeed the particles that make up dark energy, it would greatly advance our understanding of the fundamental forces and structures of the universe. It would also provide valuable insights into the nature of dark energy and its role in the expansion of the universe.

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