Self-Contained Models of Big Bang: Explained for Laymen

In summary, there are multiple models that attempt to explain how we came to be, but none of them are "front runners" as of now.
  • #1

Are there any self contained models of the BB that are "front-runners" as explanations for the big bang? I understand that all models have some problems with them, but which models are currently taken most seriously among working cosmologists, and are there explanations of those models for the layman?

Googling this stuff tends to lead me to explanations that are too vague, or too watered down, and usually don't contain the names of any specific models or have any kind of references. I'm hoping to get pointed in the right direction here to start reading up on this.

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  • #2
What do you mean by "self-contained"?

The most commonly worked-on models for the very early universe are based upon cosmic inflation or a quantum gravity bounce.
  • #3
What I mean by self-contained is that it is THE answer to our origins. In other words, it creates itself or exists necessarily and doesn't require further explanation outside of itself. Examples of this could be a multiverse with infinite regression, or an infinitesimal point that has no beginning, but then time began when it started expanding due to gravity.
  • #4
There aren't any leading models for that. There are some, but there's just no way to know which models are more likely.

A few of them, off the top of my head:

1. The string theory landscape. The picture here is that the universe has a huge number of possible states, and is always fluctuating. Every once in a while a fluctuation creates an inflating region which leads to a sort of pocket universe with observers in it like ourselves.
2. Sean Carroll and Jennifer Chen proposed a relatively simple model for spontaneous creation of expanding universes which doesn't depend upon any particular high-energy physics (technical paper:, popular talk on the model: ).
3. In loop quantum gravity (a currently-speculative model of quantum gravity), it looks like a collapsing universe can "bounce" to create an expanding universe like the one we observe:
4. The ekpyrotic universe suggests that if two string theory branes collide, they can produce a universe like the one we observe:

We currently don't have the evidence to suggest which (if any) of these ideas are correct. There are certainly other ideas that I don't recall right now (or never knew about). Maybe one day we'll have the evidence to start selecting between these ideas, but it's not easy to collect, sadly.

FAQ: Self-Contained Models of Big Bang: Explained for Laymen

1. What is the Big Bang Theory?

The Big Bang Theory is a scientific explanation for the origin of the universe. It proposes that the universe began as a singularity, or a single point of infinite density, around 13.8 billion years ago. This singularity then expanded and cooled, eventually giving rise to the vast and complex universe we see today.

2. What are self-contained models of the Big Bang?

Self-contained models of the Big Bang are mathematical representations of the universe's evolution from the initial singularity to its current state. These models are based on the laws of physics and incorporate factors such as matter, energy, and radiation to simulate the expansion of the universe.

3. How do self-contained models explain the Big Bang for laymen?

Self-contained models use easy-to-understand concepts, such as a balloon inflating or a loaf of bread rising, to explain the expansion of the universe. They also use analogies, such as a rubber sheet representing space-time, to help visualize the effects of gravity on the universe's expansion.

4. What evidence supports the Big Bang Theory?

There is a wide range of evidence that supports the Big Bang Theory, including the cosmic microwave background radiation, the abundance of light elements in the universe, and the observation of galaxies moving away from each other. Additionally, the predictions made by the theory have been consistently supported by observations.

5. Are there any alternative theories to the Big Bang?

Yes, there are alternative theories to the Big Bang, such as the Steady State Theory and the Oscillating Universe Theory. However, these theories have not been able to account for the wealth of evidence supporting the Big Bang Theory and are not widely accepted by the scientific community.
