Self-Dual Field Strength in complex coordinates

In summary, the conversation discusses the self-duality condition of the Yang Mills field strength tensor and its transformation in complex coordinates. It is mentioned that the transformation of the metric is understood, but there is confusion on how the self-duality condition changes in these coordinates. The expert summarizer explains that the condition becomes Fyz = 0 = Fbar{y}bar{z}, Fybar{y} = Fzbar{z}, and Fybar{z} = 0 = Fzbar{y}.
  • #1
Hi guys,

I have to brush up my knowledge about self-dual Yang Mills and I'm reading an ancient paper by Yang about it...and of course I'm stuck...although Yang writes 'it is easy to see that'...

Ok, so the self-duality condition of the YM field strength tensor is defined as

[tex] 2F_{\mu\nu}=\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\sigma}F^{\rho\sigma}[/tex].

If I know go to complex coords defined by

[tex]\sqrt{2}y=x_1+i x_2 \quad \sqrt{2}\bar{y}=x_1-i x_2[/tex]
[tex]\sqrt{2}z=x_3+i x_3 \quad \sqrt{2}\bar{z}=x_3-i x_4[/tex]

the metric transforms to
[tex]g_{y\bar{y}}=g_{\bar{y}{y}}=g_{z\bar{z}}=g_{\bar{z}{z}}=1[/tex]. So far I've understood everything. But then Yang says it's easy to see that the self-duality condition becomes


The question know is: how do i see the last two equations? Does the epsilon tensor somehow transform if i go to these complex coords?

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  • #2
The self-duality condition says F12 = - F34, F13 = F24, F14 = - F23. So for example (ignoring √2's)

Fyz = F13 -i F23 -i F14 - F24 ≡ 0
  • #3
Ah cool, i didn't know that i could just plug in numbers back :) Nice, thank you!

FAQ: Self-Dual Field Strength in complex coordinates

1. What is self-dual field strength in complex coordinates?

Self-dual field strength in complex coordinates is a concept in theoretical physics that describes the behavior of a gauge field in a complex manifold. It is a mathematical quantity that characterizes the strength and orientation of the field in a particular point in space and time.

2. How is self-dual field strength related to gauge symmetry?

Self-dual field strength is closely related to gauge symmetry, as it is a gauge-invariant quantity. This means that it remains unchanged under gauge transformations, which are mathematical operations that describe the transformation of a field's properties while preserving its physical behavior.

3. How is self-dual field strength calculated?

Self-dual field strength is calculated using mathematical equations that describe the behavior of gauge fields in complex coordinates. These equations take into account the field's strength and orientation, as well as its interactions with other fields and particles.

4. What are the applications of self-dual field strength in complex coordinates?

Self-dual field strength has many applications in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of gauge theories and their role in describing the fundamental forces of nature. It is also used in the development of models and theories that aim to unify the different forces of nature into a single, coherent framework.

5. How does the concept of self-dual field strength relate to other fields of study?

Self-dual field strength has connections to many different fields of study, including differential geometry, topology, and quantum field theory. It also plays a role in the study of string theory and the search for a theory of everything that can explain all fundamental forces and particles in the universe.
