Semi-Direct Product & Non-Abelian Groups

In summary: Thanks again, goodnight!In summary, to prove the existence of a non-Abelian group of order pq where p and q are distinct primes with p congruent to 1 modulo q, we can use the semi-direct product of two cyclic groups C_p and C_q. We need to find a suitable homomorphism from C_q to Aut(C_p) and show that there exists an element in C_q with order q that can be used in the semi-direct product. This can be done by considering the identity element and the elements in C_q raised to the power of q. The resulting group will have the desired order and will be non-Abelian.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let p, q be distinct primes s.t. p [itex]\equiv[/itex] 1 (mod q). Prove that there exists a non-Abelian group of order pq and calculate the character table.

Homework Equations

Semi-Direct Product: Let H = < Y | S > and N = < X | R > be groups and let [itex]\phi[/itex] : H [itex]\rightarrow[/itex] Aut (N) be a homomorphism. Then the SDP has the presentation:

N x H = < X, Y | R, S, [itex]y^{-1}xyw_{x,y}^{-1}[/itex] >

With x in X, y in Y, [itex]w_{x,y}[/itex] = ([itex]\phi[/itex](y(x))) (i.e. [itex]\phi[/itex] of y and then [itex]\phi[/itex] of y of x etc.) in < Y > = N

The Attempt at a Solution

I've done a specific example where p=7 and q=3 and found a group of order 21, using the semi-direct product of 2 cyclic groups [itex]C_{7}[/itex] and [itex]C_{3}[/itex].

But can't see how to prove that there exists a group more generally. So far I have.

If N = [itex]C_{p}[/itex] = < x > and H = [itex]C_{q}[/itex] = < y >, then [itex]\phi[/itex] : [itex]C_{q}[/itex] [itex]\rightarrow[/itex] Aut ([itex]C_{p}[/itex]) = [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex] = < [itex]\alpha[/itex] >, then we have y [itex]\mapsto[/itex] [itex]\phi[/itex](y) too.

When p=7 and q=3

I had that [itex]\phi[/itex](y) = {1, [itex]\alpha^{2}[/itex], [itex]\alpha^{4}[/itex]}

If [itex]\phi[/itex](y) = 1, then we'd have that the SDP of [itex]C_{7}[/itex] and [itex]C_{3}[/itex] would be ismorphic to [itex]C_{7}[/itex] x [itex]C_{3}[/itex].

If [itex]\phi[/itex](y) = [itex]\alpha^{2}[/itex], then the SDP of [itex]C_{7}[/itex] and [itex]C_{3}[/itex] would be equal to < x, y >

Then by the relation in the SDP, we'd have: yx[itex]y^{-1}[/itex] = [itex]\alpha^{2}[/itex](x) = x^{t}

And we have that: t = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, with p=7 and q=3, then: t^{3} [itex]\equiv[/itex] 1 (mod 7), and so: t = 1 and t = 2 and t = 4, thus we have groups:

G = < X, Y | [itex]x^{7} = y^{3} = 1[/itex], [itex]yxy^{-1} = x[/itex] > = [itex]C_{7}[/itex] x [itex]C_{3}[/itex]

G = < X, Y | [itex]x^{7} = y^{3} = 1[/itex], [itex]yxy^{-1} = x^{2}[/itex] >

G = < X, Y | [itex]x^{7} = y^{3} = 1[/itex], [itex]yxy^{-1} = x^{4}[/itex] >

But how would I get to this stage more generally?! Thanks for any help!
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  • #2
Hi OMM! :smile:

I think it's clear that you will want to form the group [itex]C_p\rtimes C_q[/itex]. The first thing you will want to do is check if there exists a suitable homomorphism

[tex]\phi:C_q\rightarrow Aut(C_p)[/tex]
  • #3
Hi micromass, thanks for your help once again!

So if we say, < y > = [itex]C_{q}[/itex], then we need to show there is a homomorphism [itex]\phi[/itex] that sends y to [itex]\phi[/itex](y) which is an element of Aut [itex]C_{p}[/itex] = [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex].

And since p [itex]\equiv[/itex] 1 (mod q), then [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex] isomorphic to [itex]C_{q}[/itex]?

And clearly there exists a homomorphism from one group to itself (endomorphism?).

Am I on the right track?!
  • #4
You're certainly on the right track, but there is a small mistake. You say that [itex]C_q[/itex] is isomorphic to [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex], but this is not true.

All you know is that p-1=0 (mod q), but this does not imply that q=p-1. It merely implies that q divides p-1.
  • #5
So for y in [itex]C_{q}[/itex], we have [itex]y^{q}[/itex] = 1

And if q divides p-1, then [itex]y^{p-1}[/itex] = 1?

Does the order of the element [itex]\phi[/itex](y) divide p-1? Or does it divide q?

(Sorry, probably obvious, but having a mental moment!)

Then to find the possible element for [itex]\phi[/itex](y) for [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex] = < [itex]\alpha[/itex] >

[itex]\phi[/itex](y) in {1, [itex]\alpha[/itex], [itex]\alpha^{2}[/itex], ... , [itex]\alpha^{p-1}[/itex]}

Show which powers of [itex]\alpha[/itex], when put to the power of q, give a power 1 (mod p)? (i.e. yx[itex]y^{-1}[/itex] = [itex]x^{t}[/itex], we need [itex]t^{q} \equiv[/itex] 1 (mod p))

Am I missing something out here or is it just a case now of showing that basically t = 1 is one of these values of t, thus getting the non-abelian cyclic group [itex]C_{p}[/itex] x [itex]C_{q}[/itex] of order pq?
  • #6
Hmm, I think you're making it a bit too hard on yourself.

We know that q divides p-1, does that mean that we can always find an element of order q in [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex]?
  • #7
I'd say yes (With very little conviction! Haha)

As I said in the last post, if we have an element y in [itex]C_{q}[/itex] which is obviously of order q, then y is also in [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex]?
  • #8
OMM! said:
I'd say yes (With very little conviction! Haha)

As I said in the last post, if we have an element y in [itex]C_{q}[/itex] which is obviously of order q, then y is also in [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex]?

Aah, yes. I seem to be a bit confused with the notation. You are identifying [itex]C_q[/itex] with elements on the unit circle of [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex] yes??
  • #9
I'm not entirely sure!

I am basically saying that C_{q} is the cyclic group of order q, thus is generated by < y >.

In other words: C_{q} = < y | y^{q} = 1 >

The elements of which are: {1, y, y^{2}, ... , y^{q-1}}
  • #10
OMM! said:
I'm not entirely sure!

I am basically saying that C_{q} is the cyclic group of order q, thus is generated by < y >.

In other words: C_{q} = < y | y^{q} = 1 >

The elements of which are: {1, y, y^{2}, ... , y^{q-1}}

Yes, that's what I thought.

There are several methods to prove the existence of an element of order q in [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex], the easiest makes use of the fundamental theorem of abelian groups.

However, you seem to want to do another method (which is also fine): you want to say that if y is an element of [itex]C_q[/itex], then it is an element of [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex]. Unfortunately, this does not make much sense: the elements in the cyclic group might look quite different from each other!
However, every cyclic group is isomorphic to a part of the unit circle by

[tex]\Phi:C^q\rightarrow S^1:y^k\rightarrow e^{2\pi i k/q}[/tex]

this is an group monomorphism. So now you can indeed say that an element of [itex]C_q[/itex] is also an element of [itex]C_{p-1}[/itex]!
  • #11
And the order of that element divides q?

It can't be 1, else the group would be Abelian i.e. yxy^{-1} = x ===> yx = xy

So the order must be q, as q is prime?
  • #12
Well, you can choose that element such that the order is q!
  • #13
Thanks for your help, I'll give it another shot in the morning. Found a bit on Frobenius Groups which seems quite related, which I think may be my bed-time reading!

Thanks again, you're a great help!

FAQ: Semi-Direct Product & Non-Abelian Groups

1. What is a semi-direct product?

A semi-direct product is a mathematical operation that combines two groups, G and H, to create a new group. It is denoted by G ⋉ H and is defined by a homomorphism from H to the automorphism group of G. This operation is useful for studying groups with non-trivial subgroup structures.

2. How is a semi-direct product different from a direct product?

A semi-direct product is different from a direct product because it allows for non-commutative groups, also known as non-abelian groups, to be combined. In a direct product, the two groups must be abelian. Additionally, the group elements in a semi-direct product are not necessarily of the form (g, h) as in a direct product, but can be more complex.

3. What is the significance of a semi-direct product in group theory?

A semi-direct product is significant in group theory because it allows for the study of non-abelian groups, which are important in many areas of mathematics and physics. It also allows for the construction of new groups with interesting properties by combining two existing groups.

4. What are some examples of semi-direct products?

One example of a semi-direct product is the dihedral group Dn = Zn ⋉ Z2, which is the group of symmetries of a regular n-gon. Another example is the quaternion group Q8 = {±1, ±i, ±j, ±k} ⋉ Z2, which is a non-abelian group of order 8.

5. How does a semi-direct product relate to group extensions?

A semi-direct product is a special case of a group extension, where the normal subgroup is a direct product of two groups. Group extensions are an important concept in group theory, and semi-direct products provide a way to construct new group extensions from existing ones.
