Semiconductors - Energy Band Clarification

In summary: Are you a bot? I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say. To summarize, the size of the valence and conduction bands is determined by the electronic configuration and number of atoms in a material. Electrons move within these bands based on their energy level and the energy they acquire. Energy bands are formed by combining enormous numbers of orbitals and can be modeled as continuous even though they are not in reality. The energy band diagram represents the energy that electrons in the material can have, but it does not represent their physical location. Quantum numbers refer to the set of numbers that describe the state of an electron, such as its energy level, angular momentum, spin, etc. Each electron in a material must have a unique set
  • #1
Marcin H

Homework Statement

This isn't really a problem, but I wanted some clarification on this topic. In an energy band like the one I drew below, what determines the size of the conduction band and valence band? Etop - Ec and or Ev - Ebot? Is that just a property of the material? Also, how do electrons choose where to go inside the conduction band? What I mean is if an electron gets enough energy to go from the valence band to the conduction band, how does it decide to stay towards the bottom of the band vs the middle or close to the top?

Energy bands come from a bunch of atoms together and we are looking at top view I guess (the valence shell of each atom together) and that is what forms our valence band and conduction band, correct? But in the band diagram of an atom I thought we can only be at the valence band and not above or below or between, but strictly at the band. There are no energy states inbetween the bands I mean. You can only be at one or the other. Is my understanding of this incorrect?EDIT***

Also, for a big picture view of everything, how does the energy diagram correspond to our physical material? For example, if we have a chunck or block of intrinsic silicon, where is this energy band with respect to that chunck of silicon? I don't know if my question is making sense, but I guess another way to put it, where is the valence band and conduction band in our physical chunk of material?

Edit 2***

I am struggling to relate the energy band diagram to the physical object itself. They are 2 different ideas correct? Energy band and physical chunk of material? Does the valence band and conduction band have anything to do with the atoms valence shell and conduction shell? Separately I understand the 2 for the most part. Relating them together, I get completely lost. I understand properties of the energy band diagram and how electrons and holes move around in it and stuff, but what is physically happening in our material. If a electron gets enough energy to jump from the valence band to the conduction band then what is physically happenign in our block of material? What is happening in a chunk of intrinisc silicon for example:

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Marcin H said:
In an energy band like the one I drew below, what determines the size of the conduction band and valence band? Etop - Ec and or Ev - Ebot? Is that just a property of the material?

The "size" of the valence and conduction bands is probably a complicated function of the number of and electronic configuration of the atoms, but I don't know the details. You could probably say it's an inherent property of the material.

Marcin H said:
Also, how do electrons choose where to go inside the conduction band? What I mean is if an electron gets enough energy to go from the valence band to the conduction band, how does it decide to stay towards the bottom of the band vs the middle or close to the top?

It's mostly a matter of how much energy the electron acquires and where it starts. If it acquires enough energy to jump the bandgap, then it will end up in whatever state it had the energy to jump to from its location in the valence band. In other words, if an electron acquires 2.5 eV and jumps across the bandgap, it will end up in whatever state corresponds to 2.5 eV above its previous state in the valence band.

Marcin H said:
Energy bands come from a bunch of atoms together and we are looking at top view I guess (the valence shell of each atom together) and that is what forms our valence band and conduction band, correct? But in the band diagram of an atom I thought we can only be at the valence band and not above or below or between, but strictly at the band. There are no energy states inbetween the bands I mean. You can only be at one or the other. Is my understanding of this incorrect?

Energy bands come from combining enormous numbers of orbitals. For example, the valence band comes from the combination of something like 10^20 valence orbitals. Since no electrons can have the same quantum numbers, this means that each orbital has to have a slightly different energy. The difference in energy between two adjacent orbitals in the bands (adjacent in energy terms, not in a physical sense) turns out to be on the order of 10^-22 eV, a supremely tiny number. A number so small that we can model the valence and conduction bands as being continuous, even though they really aren't.

Marcin H said:
Also, for a big picture view of everything, how does the energy diagram correspond to our physical material? For example, if we have a chunck or block of intrinsic silicon, where is this energy band with respect to that chunck of silicon? I don't know if my question is making sense, but I guess another way to put it, where is the valence band and conduction band in our physical chunk of material?

The electrons exist throughout the material. Energy band diagrams represent the energy that the electrons in the valence and conduction orbitals can have. The diagrams don't represent the physical location of the electrons.
  • #3
Drakkith said:
Since no electrons can have the same quantum numbers, this means that each orbital has to have a slightly different energy.
Can you explain this a bit further. What do you mean by quantum number? What is a quantum number? Also, if I am understanding this correctly you are saying that if we have 1 silicon atom with an orbital or energy level at 7ev then another silicon atom that bonds with this one can't have an orbital with 7ev?

Are you saying no X amount of electrons can have the same energy level? Or when bonding no X amount of electrons can have the same energy level?

Drakkith said:
The electrons exist throughout the material. Energy band diagrams represent the energy that the electrons in the valence and conduction orbitals can have. The diagrams don't represent the physical location of the electrons.
but are the valence bands and conductance bands physically in the materiall? I feel like I'm really close to understanding this, but something is still bothering me about this. if we have an electron moving from the valence band to the conduction band, how does that relate to what is physically happening in the material? I am this stage where I feel like I'm understanding this, but then think of something and it all stops making sense again, lol.

Edit* should I be thinking about this like we are in two different domains? Like the space domain and the energy domain or something?
  • #4
Marcin H said:
Can you explain this a bit further. What do you mean by quantum number? What is a quantum number?
In this context, a quantum number is one of several quantities which give a valid solution to the schrodinger wave equation for an atom (specifically a hydrogen atom, but we can use its as a reasonable approximation for semiconductor physics at this level). Per the Pauli exclusion principle, no two electrons can exist in the same state. The particular set of quantum numbers determines which state an electron exists in. Thus, no two electrons can have the same quantum numbers. Furthermore, since an "orbital" is literally defined by the quantum numbers of the electron occupying it, different electrons must occupy different orbitals at all times. I'm counting electrons with opposite spins as being in different orbitals, though you'll usually read that electrons can exist within the same orbital if they have opposite spins. Either way it's the same result. Any two electrons must have unique combinations of quantum numbers.

In addition, each unique set of quantum numbers results in a different energy level for the electron with that set of numbers. So different orbitals also have different energies. This also means that when you try to force two atoms very close together, close enough that they will bond together if possible, their individual orbitals cannot remain the same since this would mean that they have the same quantum numbers. Instead the electrons are forced to occupy different orbitals with different energies. These new orbitals are molecular orbitals.

Marcin H said:
Also, if I am understanding this correctly you are saying that if we have 1 silicon atom with an orbital or energy level at 7ev then another silicon atom that bonds with this one can't have an orbital with 7ev?

It's likely that neither will have an orbital with an energy of 7 eV. The two atomic orbitals at 7 eV will likely combine into molecular orbitals with energies just above or below 7 eV if I remember my solid state chemistry class correctly. Unfortunately my textbook from my class doesn't actually appear to say anything on the matter...

Marcin H said:
but are the valence bands and conductance bands physically in the materiall? I feel like I'm really close to understanding this, but something is still bothering me about this. if we have an electron moving from the valence band to the conduction band, how does that relate to what is physically happening in the material?

See below.

Marcin H said:
Edit* should I be thinking about this like we are in two different domains? Like the space domain and the energy domain or something?

Pretty much, yes. The valence and conduction bands exist everywhere in the material and aren't physically separated from each other. This makes sense given that the valence and conduction bands are just the combination of huge numbers of valence and higher atomic orbitals. All of these orbitals overlap each other in terms of where you might find an electron from any particular orbital. In an atom, a 1s electron (the "closest" to the nucleus) still has a small chance of being found waaaaaay out where you would likely find a 5f electron, and a 5f electron as a small chance of being found near to the nucleus where you'd likely find a 1s electron. The same is true when you get to molecules and bulk metals and semiconductors. You can find any particular electron anywhere within the material. Certain locations just have a larger or smaller probability of finding the electron there. So in essence all of these orbitals and energy levels all overlap each other somewhat physically.
  • #5

FAQ: Semiconductors - Energy Band Clarification

1. What are semiconductors?

Semiconductors are materials that have electrical conductivity between that of a conductor and an insulator. They are typically made of elements from groups III and V of the periodic table, such as silicon or germanium.

2. How do semiconductors conduct electricity?

Semiconductors can conduct electricity when electrons in the material are excited to the conduction band, which is a range of energy levels that electrons can occupy to move freely throughout the material. This can be achieved by adding energy in the form of heat or light.

3. What is the valence band in semiconductors?

The valence band is a range of energy levels that electrons can occupy in the outermost shell of atoms in a semiconductor material. This band is completely filled with electrons at 0 Kelvin temperature and is responsible for the insulating properties of semiconductors.

4. How are energy bands formed in semiconductors?

Energy bands in semiconductors are formed by the overlapping of atomic orbitals in the crystal lattice of the material. As more atoms join the lattice, the energy levels split and form a continuous band structure. The separation between the valence and conduction bands determines the conductivity of the material.

5. What is the band gap in semiconductors?

The band gap is the energy difference between the top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band. This energy gap determines the electrical properties of the semiconductor, with larger band gaps indicating a wider range of insulating properties and smaller band gaps indicating a wider range of conducting properties.

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