Senior Project (HS): Physics Research Paper

In summary, the author is unsure of how to approach a 20-page paper on a recent discovery in physics, and is considering including complex mathematics. They would like some recommendations on structure or topic.
  • #1
Ok I can't tell if this should go in academic guidance or homework questions so I'll just put it here. I decided to do my high school senior project writing a paper on a recent discovery in physics. I narrowed my topic choices down to either photonic particles, exotic hadrons, or the Higgs. I want the paper to be around 20 pages but the problem is that I'm not sure how much mathematics I should include when discussing the detection or the application of these topics. Should I just include some main equations and briefly describe what they do or should I really dive into the details. I only have 8 - 12 minutes to actually present my topic so I'm at a loss here on exactly what my paper should mainly consist of. I don't want it to be too pop sci/pseudo science sounding but I also want to avoid making it look like it came out of a textbook. Also I doubt I have the mental fortitude for a paper completely about the mathematics. any recommendations on topic or paper structure would be greatly appreciated thank you.
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  • #2
With only 8 to 12 minutes, you don't really have enough time to dive into details of the equations. Also, as this is a high school class, the details might be well beyond the level of comprehension of the people in your audience.
  • #3
Mark44 said:
With only 8 to 12 minutes, you don't really have enough time to dive into details of the equations. Also, as this is a high school class, the details might be well beyond the level of comprehension of the people in your audience.
The presentation is to a group of judges not students. And to be honest I don't care how complicated it is because I'm mainly doing this for college stuff not high school grade
  • #4
Biscuit said:
The presentation is to a group of judges not students.
Are the judges knowledgeable in the field your topic is in? If they are, can you fit a detailed explanation of the equations into ~10 minutes? This shouldn't be at the expense of a higher-level description. Also, trying to present 20 pages of material in ~10 minutes would be difficult, I would think.
  • #5
Mark44 said:
Are the judges knowledgeable in the field your topic is in? If they are, can you fit a detailed explanation of the equations into ~10 minutes? This shouldn't be at the expense of a higher-level description. Also, trying to present 20 pages of material in ~10 minutes would be difficult, I would think.
I honestly don't care that much about the judging and all of that. I expect on getting an A no matter what way I approach the paper. The reality of it is that I want it to look like I know something for colleges. But now I just realized they probably won't end up reading it so its probably best to avoid the complex math for the judges sake. I guess Ill check with my teacher to see if they are going to be educated on the topic.

Related to Senior Project (HS): Physics Research Paper

What is a Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper?

A Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper is a comprehensive research paper that high school seniors are required to complete in order to graduate. It focuses on a specific topic in the field of physics and requires students to conduct original research, analyze data, and present their findings.

How do I choose a topic for my Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper?

Choosing a topic for your Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper can be challenging but it is important to select a topic that interests you and aligns with your strengths and skills. It is also helpful to consult with your teacher or a mentor to narrow down your options and ensure that your topic is feasible for a high school level research project.

What is the process for conducting research for a Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper?

The process for conducting research for a Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper involves several steps. First, you must identify your research question and develop a hypothesis. Then, you will need to gather and analyze data through experiments or simulations. Finally, you will need to interpret your results and draw conclusions based on your findings.

What are some tips for writing a successful Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper?

To write a successful Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper, it is important to start early and manage your time effectively. Make sure to thoroughly research your topic and use credible sources. Organize your paper with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Also, be sure to proofread and revise your paper for grammar, spelling, and clarity.

How should I present my Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper?

There are various ways to present your Senior Project (HS) Physics Research Paper, such as a formal paper, a scientific poster, or a presentation. It is important to choose the format that best suits your research and effectively communicates your findings. Be sure to also practice and prepare for your presentation to confidently present your work to your peers and evaluators.

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