Senior research physics idea help

In summary: Probably not a good idea to have two topics that are so different from one another. You might want to choose one and focus on that.11. Not sure what you're trying to ask.
  • #1
I am beginning my senior research project and I am unsure of what to have for a topic. It is an English class but I plan on doing it on either STEM or history.

Any ideas
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  • #2
Stephenk53 said:
Any ideas
This is like asking us what to eat for lunch. You need to give us some idea on your interests :smile:
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  • #3
Alright, I was thinking about some of the following in no particular order:

The psychology behind why someone becomes a terrorist
Recent engineering inventions (I don't know what inventions)
Why NASA should or should not get more funding
How the US policy on terrorism has affected it
Importance of Universal healthcare
Should Illegal immigrants become citizens
Can terrorism be justified
The denial of the holocaust
GM organics? Good or bad?
Alternatives to lithium ion batteries
Uses for exosuits

I would like to hear some topics about upcoming and recent space travel but I am unsure of what topic within that
  • #4
Stephenk53 said:
I am beginning my senior research project and I am unsure of what to have for a topic. It is an English class but I plan on doing it on either STEM or history.

Any ideas

1. What "senior" level is this? High school, or college?

2. If this is for an English class, then shouldn't you pay a lot more attention on "composition" rather than trying to find an "exciting" topic?

3. Shouldn't you choose a topic that you are familiar with so that you won't have to start from ground zero in researching it? If I suggest something that you have zero knowledge of, shouldn't this take a lot of time and effort JUST for you to understand what it is before you can write a coherent and well-thought out essay?

4. What kind of resources are available to you to do this "research"? Do you have full access to most of the major journals that a typical university subscribes to?

This is what is meant when we ask for more information.

  • #5
1. It is high school

2. I want to make sure it is something I might enjoy so I can write about it more easily, and people in the past who have chosen interesting or sophisticated topics tend to get better grades even if they do the presentation as well as someone with a less interesting topic

3. I know, but depending on what is suggested I may be able to do it easily anyway or have another presentation I have already made on it that I forgot about that I can use as a basis. Also if it is something I have no knowledge in what so ever I will just not do it. I have about two weeks to choose, and next week is a vacation so I will have plenty of time to make sure my choice is something I can do

4. Since it is a high school they do not have any subscribed journals, we do have a library in school and several in my area. The only limitations on the sources is it has to be reliable (they are far too lenient about reliability) and I need at least one hard copy source and one digital and be a total of at least 8.
  • #6
Stephenk53 said:
Alright, I was thinking about some of the following in no particular order:

1.The psychology behind why someone becomes a terrorist
2.Recent engineering inventions (I don't know what inventions)
3.Why NASA should or should not get more funding
4.How the US policy on terrorism has affected it
5.Importance of Universal healthcare
6.Should Illegal immigrants become citizens
7.Can terrorism be justified
8.The denial of the holocaust
9.GM organics? Good or bad?
10.Alternatives to lithium ion batteries
11.Uses for exosuits

I would like to hear some topics about upcoming and recent space travel but I am unsure of what topic within that

1. Probably way too advanced for a high school paper. You'd be delving into things you probably don't yet understand.
2. If you don't know what inventions, probably not the best topic.
3. You'd need to pick one. Doing both sides in one paper usually doesn't turn out well written
4. Another one that might be a little too advanced but would certainly make for an interesting read, if you can fin d supporting resources.
5. Controversial topics are a bad idea unless you're sure your teacher is open to it. Don't want to get a bad grade because your teacher graded you on their opinion of the topic rather than the quality of the work you did.
6, 7, and 8 are same as 5.
9. If I were writing this I would focus on how all our modern food is genetically modified. Splicing a gene to get a seedless grape is the same result as selective breeding to get a seedless grape and therefore shouldn't be lumped into the same category as genetically modifying corn to produce it's own pesticides. The bananas we buy at the store are all clones and look nothing like the wild bananas they used to be, yet they're not listed as GMO.
10 and 11 are pretty good.

Just make sure you're not going too broad. You're writing a paper not a book.
  • #7
1. Good point, I do already know some but probably not enough
2. Again good point
3. I meant I would pick a side, that would simply be a title
4. If I get good sources I think I can do it
5, 6, 7, 8, He is very unbiased, past students have used controversial topics before without issue, but point taken
9. Okay
10, 11. Okay

Edit: Anything that I might not know enough to research properly I will do research before we begin and see if I have enough knowledge to do it properly
Edit2: I have done some papers and research on terrorism before so I am not starting from scratch and still have the projects and sources I used

Related to Senior research physics idea help

1. What is senior research in physics?

Senior research in physics is a project or study that is conducted by undergraduate students in their final year of study. It involves applying the principles of physics to investigate a specific topic or problem, and requires students to use critical thinking, problem-solving, and experimental skills.

2. How do I come up with a senior research idea in physics?

The first step in coming up with a senior research idea in physics is to identify your interests and strengths within the field. You can then research current topics and emerging trends in physics, and brainstorm potential research questions or problems related to those areas. It can also be helpful to consult with your professors or peers for guidance and inspiration.

3. What makes a good senior research idea in physics?

A good senior research idea in physics should be specific, relevant, and feasible. It should also address a gap in current knowledge or provide a new perspective on a well-studied topic. Additionally, a good research idea should be interesting and engaging to the researcher, as this will help maintain motivation throughout the project.

4. Can I work on a senior research idea with a team?

Yes, you can work on a senior research idea with a team, as long as the project is a collaborative effort and each team member contributes equally. It can be beneficial to work with others as it allows for a division of tasks, different perspectives, and support when facing challenges. However, it is important to make sure that each team member is committed and accountable for their contributions.

5. How do I get started on my senior research idea in physics?

To get started on your senior research idea in physics, it is important to create a plan and timeline for your project. This should include setting clear research goals, identifying necessary resources and materials, and establishing a schedule for completing each stage of the project. It can also be helpful to regularly communicate with your supervisor or mentor for guidance and feedback.

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