Senior Thesis in Math: What Am I Supposed to Do?

In summary, the speaker is worried about their senior thesis, which seems to be primarily expository in nature. They are struggling to understand the concepts and have a limited amount of time to complete the project. They question whether they are expected to prove something new or simply arrange existing information in a clear and concise way. The thesis is focused on the connection between PDEs and Brownian motion, with the speaker copying existing derivations and trying to understand them. They wonder if they should be contributing something original or if the purpose of the project is simply to learn. They express doubt about their ability to prove something new given their limited undergraduate education. The speaker has observed that most senior theses tend to be expository and seeks guidance from their advisor
  • #1
I'm doing a senior thesis and I'm a little worried. It seems like it's just expository. The concepts have been hard enough for me to grasp (a lot of graduate math. I've taken some graduate classes. But more), especially with all my other classes. I have this quarter and next quarter to do it, which sounds like a lot but isn't really

Am I supposed to prove something new? It sounds like the goal is just to arrange things other people have done in a clear and concise way. Is that what I'm supposed to do? Is that okay?

I'm working on the connection between PDEs and Brownian motion. Starting off with Feynman's path integral formulation of quantum mechanics (which is basically to me, copy a long derivation. It IS a cool derivation (and cooler result) and I am learning from doing so), then introducing Brownian motion through Einstein or Smoluchowski derivation of Heat equation using Brownian motion (again, copy a few long derivations). Then introduce Feynman Kac formula, and talk about Wick rotation to tie the Heat and Shrodinger equations together.

It just seems like everything I'm writing has been done somewhere else, I'm just copying derivations basically. I mean I'm making them my own, and trying to understand them. But is that okay? I mean I'm only an undergrad, and these things are very hard to understand for me. Am I supposed to prove a new theorem? What is there to prove? If professional mathematicians can't prove the theorem, how the hell am I supposed to?

Is the point to just copy everything done before? Maybe tie things together, arrange it in a way?
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  • #2
Perhaps the purpose of the project is to teach the reader how to derive the connection. So you may need to explain keypoints of the derivation some of which might not have been explained in the derivations you are sourcing.
  • #3
If I just learn how to derive all these connections, I learned a lot But I didn't really contribute anything. Is that the point? Is a senior thesis just for me to learn stuff? I thought it was to contribute or prove some new theorem or something. I mean, I'm 21 and have a little bit less than an undergraduate education of math, how CAN I prove anything new?
  • #4
I've been looking online a lot, it seems most senior thesis are expository. I guess that's not what I had in mind.
  • #5
if you were to prove something truly original and new then that would really be a PhD dissertation right?

I'd talk with your advisor about it and perhaps ask for an example of one so you know what to expect and so you can focus your energies appropriately.

FAQ: Senior Thesis in Math: What Am I Supposed to Do?

1. What is a senior thesis in math?

A senior thesis in math is an independent research project that is usually required for undergraduate students majoring in mathematics. It allows students to apply their knowledge and skills to a specific topic of their interest and demonstrate their ability to conduct original research.

2. How do I choose a topic for my senior thesis?

Choosing a topic for your senior thesis is an important decision. It is recommended to choose a topic that you are passionate about and have some background knowledge in. You can also consult with your academic advisor or other professors for suggestions and guidance.

3. What are the steps involved in completing a senior thesis in math?

The steps involved in completing a senior thesis in math may vary depending on the institution, but generally include: choosing a topic, conducting literature review, formulating a research question, designing a methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and writing a thesis paper. It is also important to seek feedback and guidance from your advisor throughout the process.

4. How long does it typically take to complete a senior thesis in math?

The length of time it takes to complete a senior thesis in math may vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the individual's research process. It typically takes several months to a year to complete, with some students starting their research in the summer before their senior year.

5. What are the benefits of completing a senior thesis in math?

Completing a senior thesis in math can have several benefits, including developing critical thinking and research skills, gaining a deeper understanding of a specific topic, and demonstrating your ability to conduct independent research. It can also be a valuable addition to your resume or graduate school applications.

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