Sensitive quick digital thermometer

In summary, the person is looking for a digital thermometer that can quickly detect a sudden increase in temperature by at least 2 degrees Celcius within 10 seconds. The heat sensor should be flexible and about 20 cm long to detect temperature changes along its length. The thermometer should also be small, low power consuming, and able to measure different areas of about 20cm each. Multiple thermocouples or thermistors may be suitable for this project.
  • #1
I am wondering if anyone can advice on which kind of digital thermometer would be most suitable for the following conditions:

1. It should quickly be able to detect a sudden increase in temperature. The actual temperature is not important, only the detection of a sudden change in temperature by at least 2 degrees Celcius within 10 seconds.

2. The heat sensor of the thermometer should be of a flexible material (easily bends, e.g thin metal) and should be about 20 cm long and be able to detect the change of temperature anywhere along its length.

Thanks for any advice!
Best wishes,
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  • #2
What is your application? Thermocouples can have a negligible thermal mass (quick response), but are very localized. Can you elaborate more on (2)?
  • #3
Andy Resnick said:
What is your application? Thermocouples can have a negligible thermal mass (quick response), but are very localized. Can you elaborate more on (2)?

Hi Andy and thanks for your reply!
It is for a device that will measure sudden change of temperature in clothes due to e.g sweating. It is for a very special project and the device needs to be small and flexible so that it does not destract the wearer. It also has to be low power consuming since it can not have a huge battery and it should be used for a long time. But I guess most electric thermometers do not consume so much power?
It will be applied on different areas of about 20cm each for measuring and if a temperature increase occurs anywhere along that 20cm line, the device should register it.
I hope this makes sense. What kind of thermometer would you suggest for this project?
  • #4
I don't know of any 'large area' thermometer. Most thermometers (and I include thermocouples, thermistors, RTD elements) are (basically) point-like detectors. Short of stitching together an assembly of fine-gage thermocouples, there are indicator dyes/inks/paints that may be sensitive enough:

good luck!
  • #5
I'd consider multiple thermocouples. The thermocouples themselves aren't the problem: the problem is how to view/record/transmit the data from a person to where you want to view/use it. Could you describe in some more detail how you physically hope to use the data? There are, for example, pager-sized data loggers that can take multiple inputs.

Also a possibility, thermistors: you can wire a bunch of them together for an average temperature reading.

FAQ: Sensitive quick digital thermometer

What is a sensitive quick digital thermometer?

A sensitive quick digital thermometer is a device used to measure temperature accurately and quickly. It uses electronic sensors to detect and display the temperature reading digitally, making it easier to read and more precise than traditional thermometers.

How does a sensitive quick digital thermometer work?

A sensitive quick digital thermometer works by using a thermistor, which is a resistor that changes its resistance based on temperature. As the temperature changes, the resistance of the thermistor changes, and the thermometer measures this change to calculate the temperature reading.

What are the benefits of using a sensitive quick digital thermometer?

There are several benefits to using a sensitive quick digital thermometer. It provides fast and accurate temperature readings, is easy to read, and can be used for a variety of purposes, such as checking body temperature, cooking, and monitoring room temperature.

How do you use a sensitive quick digital thermometer?

To use a sensitive quick digital thermometer, you typically turn it on and place the sensor at the tip of the thermometer where you want to measure the temperature. The thermometer will then display the temperature reading on its digital screen. Make sure to follow the specific instructions for your thermometer model for the most accurate results.

Can a sensitive quick digital thermometer be used for both food and body temperature?

Yes, most sensitive quick digital thermometers can be used for both food and body temperature. However, it is essential to clean and disinfect the thermometer properly between uses and to use different thermometers for different purposes to avoid cross-contamination.

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