Seperating water into oxygen and hydrogen.

In summary, this conversation describes how to turn water into hydrogen and oxygen using a battery and metal rods. The process requires impurities to create an environment in which ions can flow, and should only be attempted by those with proper safety precautions in place. Collecting the gas produced is possible by using separate tubes for the hydrogen and oxygen.
  • #1
I remember in 8th grade I was sick the day my class did this, and no one I talk to seems to remember how it was done beyond there was a 9volt battery involved. Does anyone know how water can be separated into hydrogen and oxygen?
Physics news on
  • #2
The battery is attached to two metal rods (each wired to one battery terminal) placed in the water (not too near each other). A small amount of some salt or similar material (baking soda) may be needed, unless your water is hard (high in mineral content).
  • #3
Why must the electrodes by "far away?" Why must the water contain impurities?
  • #4
Impurities are needed so the water contains more ions in solution which are necessary for a current to flow. Water *does* conduct by itself in a pure form but very badly as the equlibrium of H20 <--> OH- + H+ lies heavily on the left hand side (pKa = 16). i.e. OH- very unstable conjugate base.
  • #5
Originally posted by natski
Impurities are needed so the water contains more ions in solution which are necessary for a current to flow. Water *does* conduct by itself in a pure form ...
But won't the impurities corrupt the electrodes? The electrodes can't discriminate between a H+ and a Na+, can they? I'm still not seeing the added benefit of impurities.

And, what about the separation of the electrodes? Anyone have an explanation for that?
  • #6
How would I go about collecting the Hydrogen and Oygen gases? Would I turn 2 test tubes upside down and fill them with water and put one of the metal metal rods in each test tubes? If I did that, would I have a combination of oxygen and hydrogen gas in each test tube, or would one have hydrogenand one oxygen?
  • #7
You could use a u shaped container with one rod in each arm of the u. Of course, you need to cap the tops of the two arms to prevent the gasses from escaping. Hydrogen will collect in one arm and Oxygen in the other. The ions from the salts will react with the water, so don't worry about them. Also you don't need much, just so that the water will conduct the electricity. Pure water is a very poor conductor.
  • #8
so I would set it up like this?
  • #9
Use separate tubes for the gases. H will collect in one O in the other. No need to add any impurities most water has plenty, in addition the metals will contribute Ions for current flow. Seems to me that zinc was a good metal for one electrode.
  • #10
The actual action taking place in this process is that the carbon rods used to transmit the electricity from the 12 volt battery is actually themselves being broke down into the water as well so the resulting gas is actually a combination of hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and a few others from impurities. The gas you would gather would be highly flammable but definitely not just hydrogen or oxygen or even just both.

(how to do it)
I'd type it out but this link is much more detailed and informative.

Provides an efficient enough of a gas to power a 5hp generator.
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  • #11
So what I am not understanding is how do you make water into hydrogen? I know you are all thinking wow she's stupid but i really don't understand science. :confused: I also have a science project due here in a couple of weeks but i just don't get it and my teacher is nnot at all a help she just yells at me and gets all mad! So please someone help me!

  • #12
The method described in the thread so far is basically telling you how to do just that. Maybe it will help to change the way you look at it. You see, it's not so much a matter of "turning water into hydrogen," the hydrogen is already in the water, because water is 2 parts hydrogen and one part oxygen. All you're doing is seperating the two. So you'll get hydrogen on one electrode, and oxygen on the other, although I can never remember which is which. Just please be very careful not to let a spark near this experiment.

I wouldn't even try this one without parental supervision; and I'm over 40!
  • #13
God i love you and I don't even know you! lol jkjk

FAQ: Seperating water into oxygen and hydrogen.

1. How can water be separated into oxygen and hydrogen?

Water can be separated into oxygen and hydrogen through a process called electrolysis. This involves passing an electric current through water, which breaks down the water molecules into their component elements.

2. What equipment is needed for separating water into oxygen and hydrogen?

The equipment needed for separating water into oxygen and hydrogen includes a power source, two electrodes (usually made of carbon or platinum), a container filled with water, and wires to connect the electrodes to the power source.

3. What are the products of separating water into oxygen and hydrogen?

The products of separating water into oxygen and hydrogen are oxygen gas (O2) and hydrogen gas (H2). These gases can then be collected and used for various purposes.

4. Why is separating water into oxygen and hydrogen important?

Separating water into oxygen and hydrogen is important because these elements are essential for various industrial processes and for sustaining life. Oxygen is needed for respiration and combustion, while hydrogen is used in the production of fertilizers, fuels, and other chemicals.

5. Are there any risks involved in separating water into oxygen and hydrogen?

Yes, there are risks involved in separating water into oxygen and hydrogen, as the process involves working with electricity and flammable gases. It is important to follow proper safety precautions and guidelines when performing electrolysis.

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