Sequence of real numbers | Proof of convergence

In summary, the conversation covers the topic of proving parts a and c of a given problem. The speaker has provided a proof for part b, but is struggling with finding a formal proof for parts a and c. They discuss using the squeeze theorem and setting up an iteration, but need help in finding the right exponent involving n.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

Assuming the truth of part a, I proved part b.
But now I have no idea how to prove parts a & c.
Part a seems true intuitively. The sqaure root of a number between 0 and 1 is will be larger than that number, and if we take more and more square roots, it will get close to 1, and then if we add two numbers that are close to 1, it must be ≥1.
But how can we write a FORMAL proof of it? How can we find/construct N and demonstrate exactly that there exists an N such that n≥N => an≥1?

Can someone help me, please?
Any help is much appreciated!

[note: also under discussion in Math Links forum]
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  • #2
For part a, I have some more idea...if a(n) and a(n+1) are positive then we can surely pick an m such that 1/(2m) is less than them both: just select a sufficiently large m, e.g. select m such that 2m ≥ 1/min{a(n),a(n+1)}.

But how can I find N such that n≥N implies a(n)≥1 ?

Any help is much appreciated!
  • #3
Since you seem to have spent quite some time on the problem i will try to give you some hints, i hope i don't get another warning from pf moderators for offering too much help(solving >90% of the problem for the op) :(

This might not be the nicest proof in the world, but i think it works.

As you have figured out the main problem is when 0<a_1<1 and 0<a_o<1. So we will deal with this case only, since others are trivial.

adding these together we get:

If we continue in this fashion, after n-2 steps we would get something like:


So, now you see that if we let n>N=1/a we get our result. where a=min{a_o,...,a_n}

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  • #4
Using part a, I proved part b.

Any hints about part c?
  • #5
For part c, I'm stuck with using the hint.

From part b, en+2 ≤ (en+1 + en)/3 for n≥N.

In part c, I think I need to end up proving something like
en ≤ (2/3)some exponent involving n max(eN,eN+1)
If the RHS tends to 0, then by squeeze theorem en->0.

But I'm not sure how to SET UP the iteration. From part b, en+2 ≤ (en+1 + en)/3 for n≥N. Is it also true that en+1 ≤ (en + en-1)/3? Why or why not?
And how can I find that "some exponent involving n"?

May someone help me, please?

FAQ: Sequence of real numbers | Proof of convergence

1. What is a sequence of real numbers?

A sequence of real numbers is a list of numbers arranged in a specific order, where each number is called a term and is denoted by the symbol an. The order of the terms is important as it determines the behavior of the sequence.

2. What is the proof of convergence for a sequence of real numbers?

The proof of convergence for a sequence of real numbers is a mathematical demonstration that shows the sequence approaches a single value, called the limit, as the number of terms increases. This means that the terms get closer and closer to the limit value, and eventually, the sequence will remain within a certain distance, or ε (epsilon), from the limit value.

3. How is the limit of a sequence of real numbers calculated?

The limit of a sequence of real numbers can be calculated using a formula or by analyzing the behavior of the sequence. The formula for calculating the limit is limn→∞ an = L, where L is the limit and n represents the number of terms. However, in some cases, the limit may not exist or may be infinite, and the behavior of the sequence needs to be analyzed to determine the limit.

4. What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent sequence of real numbers?

A convergent sequence of real numbers is a sequence that approaches a single limit value, while a divergent sequence does not have a limit or approaches infinity. In other words, a convergent sequence stays within a certain distance from the limit value, while a divergent sequence either grows or oscillates without approaching a specific value.

5. How is the convergence of a sequence of real numbers determined?

The convergence of a sequence of real numbers is determined by analyzing the behavior of the sequence. A sequence can be convergent if it approaches a single limit value, or it can be divergent if it does not have a limit or approaches infinity. Different mathematical techniques, such as limit laws and the comparison test, can be used to determine the convergence of a sequence.
