Serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry

In summary: L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + (Theta2 * k * L3sin(Alpha)) = mx + cFinally, we can use the equation for Alpha to eliminate Theta1 and Theta2:(L1sin(Alpha - Theta2 - Theta3) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + (Theta2 * k * L3sin(Alpha)) = mx + c(L1sin(Alpha - Theta2 - (Theta2 * k)) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have a three link revolute manipulator at the origin. I know all the link lengths. The joint angle for the third link is coupled to the second such that Theta3 = k*Theta2. I want to determine the joint angles (thetas) of the manipulator given that the third link should lie on a line an angle Alpha from the x - axis at a known position.

I believe the solution should be unique but I can't seem to wrap my hands around an equation that proves it.

To summarize:
Link lengths: L1, L2, L3
Angle of line: Alpha
And it's position (I forgot to label that in the diagram, but say we know the equation of the line y = mx + c)
Coupling function: Theta3 = Theta2 * k

Theta1, Theta2, Theta3
Joint positions, X1,Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3

Homework Equations

Theta3 = Theta2 * k
Alpha = Theta1 + Theta2 + Theta3 = Theta1 + Theta2(1+k)
X1 = L1cos(Theta1)
Y1 = L1sin(Theta1)
X2 = L1cos(Theta1) + L2cos(Theta1+Theta2)
Y2 = L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)
X3 = L1cos(Theta1) + L2cos(Theta1+Theta2) + L3cos(Alpha)
Y3 = L1cos(Theta1) + L2cos(Theta1+Theta2) + L3sin(Alpha)

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried assuming I knew one of the joint end positions, i.e X2, Y2, because my intuition tells me there's got to be only one solution. Then maybe I could find another set of equations and somehow cut it out. Here's my work so far:

By law of cosines:
X2^2 + Y2^2 = L1^2 + L2^2 - 2L1L2cos(beta)
where beta is 180 - Theta2 (see diagram)
beta = acos((L1^2 + L2^2 - (X2^2 + Y2^2)) / (2L1L2))
Theta2 = 180 - beta
Theta3 = (180 - beta) * k
Theta1 = alpha - Theta2 - Theta3

But now I'm stuck because I can't come up with another good set of equations to remove X2 and Y2 since I don't actually know them. Any insight or advice would be great.



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  • #2

I can understand your frustration in trying to find a unique solution for your three link revolute manipulator. However, I believe I may have a solution for you.

First, let's start by rewriting your equations in terms of only the known variables and unknown variables:

Theta3 = Theta2 * k
Alpha = Theta1 + Theta2 + Theta3 = Theta1 + Theta2(1+k)
X1 = L1cos(Theta1)
Y1 = L1sin(Theta1)
X2 = X1 + L2cos(Theta1+Theta2)
Y2 = Y1 + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)
X3 = X2 + L3cos(Alpha)
Y3 = Y2 + L3sin(Alpha)

Now, let's focus on finding a way to eliminate X2 and Y2 from these equations. We can do this by using the fact that the third link should lie on a line at an angle Alpha from the x-axis. This means that the coordinates (X3,Y3) should satisfy the equation of the line, y = mx + c.

Substituting the equations for X3 and Y3 into the equation of the line, we get:

Y3 = mx + c
Y2 + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c
(Y1 + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c
(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c

Now, we can substitute in the equations for Y1 and Y2 to get rid of Y1 and Y2:

(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c
(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c
(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c

Next, we can use the fact that Theta3 = Theta2 * k to eliminate Theta3 from the equation:

(L1sin(Theta1) + L2sin(Theta1+Theta2)) + L3sin(Alpha) = mx + c

FAQ: Serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry

1. What is a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry?

A serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry is a type of robotic arm that is made up of a series of links connected by joints. The geometry of the links and joints is designed to limit the range of motion and create a specific movement pattern.

2. What is the purpose of using a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry?

The purpose of using a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry is to precisely control the movement of the robotic arm. By limiting the range of motion and creating a specific geometry, the manipulator can perform tasks with accuracy and repeatability.

3. How does a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry work?

The manipulator works by using a series of motors, gears, and sensors to control the movement of the links and joints. The constrained geometry ensures that the movement is controlled and precise.

4. What are some common applications of a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry?

This type of manipulator is often used in industrial settings for tasks such as assembly, pick and place operations, and welding. It is also used in medical applications for surgery and rehabilitation, as well as in research and development.

5. What are the advantages of using a serial link chain manipulator with constrained geometry?

Some advantages of this type of manipulator include high precision and repeatability, compact size, and the ability to perform complex movements. It can also be easily programmed and controlled, making it useful for a variety of tasks and applications.
