Series parallel LC tank circuit Resonant Frequency equation?

In summary, the conversation discusses calculating a series-parallel LC circuit for resonance. The correct method for adding the inductance and capacitance values is explained, with references to a Wikipedia page for further clarification. A circuit diagram is also mentioned.
  • #1

How would I calculate a series-parallel LC circuit for resonance? I added up all the μH and pF for the equation, would that be correct? The inductors are in parallel, and the capacitors in series.
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  • #2
bitencrypt said:

How would I calculate a series-parallel LC circuit for resonance? I added up all the μH and pF for the equation, would that be correct? The inductors are in parallel, and the capacitors in series.

Welcome to the PF.

Can you post a drawing of the circuit, along with whatever is driving it?

Inductors in parallel and capacitors in series do not add linearly...
  • #3
You could look here:

You will see that the total inductance of inductors in parallel is calculated by adding their reciprocals, and then taking the reciprocal of that, just like resistors.

The capacitance of capacitors in series is calculated the same way
  • #4

Here is the circuit. 1 element is 2 inductors and 2 capacitors, they are connected together
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  • #5

Yes, you are correct in adding up the inductance and capacitance values for the equation. The resonant frequency of a series-parallel LC tank circuit can be calculated using the formula:

f = 1/(2π√(LCeff))

Where L is the total effective inductance of the circuit and C is the total effective capacitance. The effective values take into account the parallel and series connections of the components.

It's important to note that the total effective inductance and capacitance may not simply be the sum of the individual values. It depends on the specific arrangement of the components in the circuit. I would recommend double checking your calculations and ensuring that you have accounted for any parallel and series connections correctly.

Additionally, it's always a good idea to simulate or test the circuit to verify the calculated resonant frequency. This will help ensure the accuracy of your calculations and account for any real-world factors that may affect the circuit's performance.

FAQ: Series parallel LC tank circuit Resonant Frequency equation?

What is a series parallel LC tank circuit?

A series parallel LC tank circuit is a type of electronic circuit that consists of a combination of series and parallel connections of inductors (L) and capacitors (C). This type of circuit is commonly used in electronic devices such as radios and televisions to create a resonant frequency, which is the natural frequency at which the circuit will oscillate.

What is the resonant frequency equation for a series parallel LC tank circuit?

The resonant frequency equation for a series parallel LC tank circuit is given by: fr = 1 / (2π√(LC)), where fr is the resonant frequency in hertz (Hz), L is the inductance in henries (H), and C is the capacitance in farads (F).

How does the resonant frequency equation for a series parallel LC tank circuit work?

The resonant frequency equation for a series parallel LC tank circuit takes into account the natural frequencies of both the inductor and the capacitor, and calculates the frequency at which they will resonate together. This resonance is achieved when the reactance (opposition to the flow of current) of the inductor and the capacitor cancel each other out, resulting in a purely resistive circuit.

What factors affect the resonant frequency of a series parallel LC tank circuit?

The resonant frequency of a series parallel LC tank circuit is affected by the values of the inductance and capacitance components, as well as the quality (Q) factor of the circuit. The Q factor is a measure of the energy losses in the circuit and can be affected by factors such as resistance, stray capacitance, and inductance.

What are the practical applications of a series parallel LC tank circuit?

A series parallel LC tank circuit has many practical applications in electronic devices. It is commonly used in radio receivers to select and amplify specific frequencies, and in oscillators to generate stable frequencies for clock signals. It is also used in filters to remove unwanted frequencies from a signal and in wireless communication systems for frequency modulation.

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