Series RLC Circuits: Calculate VL, VC, VR & Phase Angle Phi

In summary, a series RLC circuit with a 0.19 mF capacitor, a 16 mH inductor, a 10.0 Ω resistor, and an AC source with amplitude 9.0 V and frequency 60 Hz has voltage amplitudes of 4.25 V for VL, 9.84 V for VC, and 7.05 V for VR. The phase angle is 38.41°. The reactances are 6.032 Ω for XL and 13.961 Ω for XC. The current in the circuit is 0.7052 A.
  • #1
Bob Loblaw

Homework Statement

A series RLC circuit has a 0.19 mF capacitor, a 16 mH inductor, and a 10.0 resistor, and is connected to an ac source with amplitude 9.0 V and frequency 60 Hz.
(a) Calculate the voltage amplitudes VL, VC, VR, and the phase angle phi .
VL = V
VC = V
VR = V
angle phi= °

VL= IrmsXL
angle phi =

The Attempt at a Solution

I calculated XL=wL=2pi60Hz*16x10^-3 = 6.03
XC = 1/wC = 1/2pi*60Hz*0.19*10^-3 = 13.96

angle phi =tan-1 (XL-XC/R) which is tan-1(6.03-13.96/10 ohms) = -38.41 degrees.

I have been unable to find VL, VC and VR. I tried translating 9V amplitude into rms and got 6.36V. I tried using Vrms=IrmsR to find Irms but have been unsuccessful. Any ideas?
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  • #2
A complete solution is offered.


E = 9.0 V {We assume given magnitudes are RMS unless otherwise indicated}
R = 6.0 Ω
L = 16 mH
C = 0.19 mF

Calculate the reactances:

##XL = 2\pi f L = 6.032~Ω##
##XC = 1/(2 \pi f C) = 13.96~Ω##

Calculate the current in the series circuit:

##I = \frac{E~∠~0°}{\sqrt{R^2 + (X_L - X_C)^2}~∠~atan \left(\frac{X_L - X_C}{R} \right) }##

##~~= \frac{9~V~∠ 0°}{12.76~Ω~∠~-38.41°} = 0.7052~A ~∠~38.41°##

The phase angle ##\phi## is the angle of the current above: ##\phi = 38.41°##

To find the individual voltages across the components we multiply the current by the reactances. Both numbers have phase angles associated with them, so:

##V_L = I~X_L = (0.7052~A~ ∠~ 38.41°)(6.032~Ω~∠~90°) = 4.25~V~∠~128.4°##

##V_C = I~X_C = (0.7052~A~∠~ 38.41°)(13.961~Ω~∠~-90°) = 9.84~V~∠~-51.59°##

##V_R = I~R = (0.7052~A~∠~ 38.41°)(10.0~Ω~∠~0°) = 7.05~V~∠~38.41°##
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FAQ: Series RLC Circuits: Calculate VL, VC, VR & Phase Angle Phi

1. What is a series RLC circuit?

A series RLC circuit is a circuit that contains a resistor (R), inductor (L), and capacitor (C) connected in series. This means that the current flows through each component in sequence.

2. How do you calculate VL, VC, and VR in a series RLC circuit?

To calculate VL, VC, and VR in a series RLC circuit, you can use the following formulas:

  • VL = IXL, where I is the current and XL is the inductive reactance
  • VC = IXC, where I is the current and XC is the capacitive reactance
  • VR = IR, where I is the current and R is the resistance

3. What is phase angle (Phi) in a series RLC circuit?

Phase angle (Phi) in a series RLC circuit refers to the phase difference between the voltage and current in the circuit. It is measured in radians and can be calculated using the formula Phi = tan^-1 (XL - XC / R), where XL is the inductive reactance, XC is the capacitive reactance, and R is the resistance.

4. How do I know if a series RLC circuit is in resonance?

A series RLC circuit is in resonance when the inductive reactance (XL) is equal to the capacitive reactance (XC). This means that the voltage and current will be in phase and the circuit will have a maximum current and minimum impedance. You can also calculate the resonant frequency using the formula f = 1 / 2π√(LC), where L is the inductance and C is the capacitance.

5. What are the applications of series RLC circuits?

Series RLC circuits have many applications in electronics, including in filters, oscillators, and amplifiers. They are also used in power transmission and distribution systems to improve power factor and reduce losses.
