Series solution for ode by undetermined coefficients

In summary, the conversation discusses obtaining the Taylor series solution for a non-linear ODE, with an initial condition given. The steps for obtaining the solution are outlined, but the speaker encounters a discrepancy with the book answer. They speculate that their error may be in expanding sin(y) about y=0 instead of y=pi/2.
  • #1
John 123

Homework Statement

Obtain the Taylor series solution up to and including order 3 of the following non linear ode
y'=x^2+\sin y,y(0)=\frac{\pi}{2}

Homework Equations

After substituting the power series form of sin(y) I get:

The Attempt at a Solution

We require a series solution of the form:
Substituting y and y' in the ode and equating coefficients of like powers of x gives:
Then expressing all the a's in terms of a_0 and using :
I get a result completely different to the book answer and cannot see my error.

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  • #2
Could it be that a_1 = sin a_0 instead and you just forgot infinite minus two terms from the expression? I don't get the book answer though, quickly glancing it would seem to me that a_2 = 0.
  • #3
Perhaps it should be [tex] \pi / 2 + x + x^3/6 [/tex] ?
  • #4
One more thing: it might be pretty hard to solve the way you are trying to. Instead you can be a bit tricky. You are given the initial condition for y(0). This allows you to determine a_0=y_0 instantly. Now it's easy to solve y'(0) from the DE, giving you again instantly a_1. Then you can simply differentiate the DE again, solving y''(0) and y'''(0) as well.
  • #5
Hi Clamtrox
I believe my error is in expanding siny about y=0 instead of about y=pi/2.

FAQ: Series solution for ode by undetermined coefficients

1. What is the concept behind series solutions for ODEs?

The concept behind series solutions for ODEs is to approximate the solution of a differential equation using a series of terms. This allows for a more accurate solution compared to other methods, especially for equations with non-constant coefficients.

2. How do undetermined coefficients play a role in series solutions for ODEs?

Undetermined coefficients are used to determine the specific terms in the series solution. These coefficients are found by plugging the series solution into the ODE and solving for the unknown coefficients.

3. Can any ODE be solved using series solutions by undetermined coefficients?

No, not all ODEs can be solved using series solutions by undetermined coefficients. This method is typically used for linear, second-order ODEs with non-constant coefficients.

4. What are the benefits of using series solutions for ODEs?

Series solutions for ODEs provide a more accurate solution compared to other methods such as Euler's method or the Runge-Kutta method. It also allows for the solution of equations with non-constant coefficients, which cannot be solved using other methods.

5. Are there any limitations to using series solutions for ODEs?

One limitation of using series solutions for ODEs is that it can be a time-consuming process, as it involves finding the unknown coefficients through algebraic manipulation. It is also not suitable for all types of ODEs, as mentioned in the previous question.
