Server space for newb learning CGI & PHP

In summary, server space is essential for beginners to learn CGI and PHP. It allows them to practice and test their skills in a real-world environment without the added cost of purchasing their own server. With server space, beginners can experiment and build their understanding of CGI and PHP while also gaining experience in managing and maintaining a server. This hands-on approach is crucial for newbies to become proficient in these programming languages. Additionally, server space provides a secure and stable platform for learning, ensuring that mistakes do not have any negative impact on live websites. Overall, server space is a valuable resource for those looking to learn CGI and PHP.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Could you recommend a good free site for someone who is just learning to write CGI scripts and PHP, and needs a server to try them out on? I have some space at my school lab, but trying to SSH to it has been bombing out this weekend.

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  • #2
Most free sites are not going to allow you to run your own PHP or CGI code; it would be too much of a security risk. That's not to say that no such sites exist; I just simply don't know of any.

- Warren
  • #3
Math Is Hard said:
Could you recommend a good free site for someone who is just learning to write CGI scripts and PHP, and needs a server to try them out on? I have some space at my school lab, but trying to SSH to it has been bombing out this weekend.
Why not install a webserver and PHP on your own computer?
  • #4
I've had two free web hosts in the past that supported PHP and ASP, but they're no longer free.

You should really just setup a PHP web server on your machine, i think that's the best option.
  • #5
chroot said:
Most free sites are not going to allow you to run your own PHP or CGI code; it would be too much of a security risk. That's not to say that no such sites exist; I just simply don't know of any.

Thanks. I saw a couple, but I was afraid of diving in. Didn't know what I might be setting myself up for as far as obligations with them.

MeJennifer said:
Why not install a webserver and PHP on your own computer?

umm, because, I'm a coward?:redface:

Job said:
You should really just setup a PHP web server on your machine, i think that's the best option.

Is it very difficult? How much space (approx.) does it take? All I have at home is my little laptop running Windows XP.
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  • #6

Donate 36 dollars and you'll become a lifetime member of a wonderful community. PHP, Perl, SSH and much more
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
Is it very difficult? How much space (approx.) does it take? All I have at home is my little laptop running Windows XP.

It's not very difficult. Windows XP comes with IIS (Internet Information Services) which is Microsoft's Web & FTP server.
You can install IIS by going to Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Add/Remove Windows Components. In the window that comes up highlight "Application Server" and click details, then select IIS and ASP.NET (so you have the option of ASP).

When IIS is setup you can start using ASP immediatlely. If you have the .NET framework installed (which you probably do), you can also use ASP.NET (after registering the ASP.NET extensions in IIS, but let's not get into that).

IIS's web root folder will default to c:/inetpub/wwwroot/. This is the folder where you throw your asp, php, html, css ..etc files.
For testing your site you use http://localhost which is the loopback network interface. So if you add file myapp.asp in the wwwroot folder it will be accessible from http://localhost/myapp.asp .
To ensure ASP is working properly you can add the following ASP file to wwwroot and see if it works properly:
Response.Write "This is working"

Installing PHP can be a little trickier. You download PHP from then configure IIS. There's a variety of tutorials that guide you through the process such as
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  • #8
hmm.. I had not thought about using IIS. I guess I thought I was going to have to have LINUX/Apache on my machine to work with php. I'm pretty naive about that stuff. I had IIS installed on another machine when I was working with some ASP stuff a few years ago and it was a pretty smooth set up. (Except I was a dork and forgot to patch properly and got the NIMDA virus!) The php set up sounds daunting but I might give that a try if I can't sort out my SSH problem. Thanks, Master Shake.

And cronxeh, I will check out that site. I wouldn't mind spending a little dough if it is a good spot for learning. Thanks for sharing.

FAQ: Server space for newb learning CGI & PHP

What is server space?

Server space refers to the amount of storage available on a server for storing files, databases, and other resources for a website or application.

Do I need server space for learning CGI and PHP?

Yes, you will need server space to practice and test your CGI and PHP code. This allows you to see how your code functions in a live server environment.

How much server space do I need for learning CGI and PHP?

The amount of server space you need will depend on the size and complexity of your CGI and PHP projects. Generally, a few gigabytes of space should be enough for learning purposes.

Can I use a free server for learning CGI and PHP?

Yes, there are free server options available for learning CGI and PHP. However, they may have limited features and resources compared to paid servers. It is recommended to use a paid server for more advanced learning and projects.

How do I choose the right server for learning CGI and PHP?

When choosing a server for learning CGI and PHP, consider factors such as storage space, server speed, reliability, and customer support. It is also important to check if the server supports the necessary technologies and programming languages for your learning goals.

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