Set of p-adic integers is homeomorphic to Cantor set; how?

In summary, the Cantor set and the set of p-adic integers are homeomorphic, meaning they have a similar topological structure. This can be visualized by removing one point from the Cantor set, which then becomes equivalent to the p-adic numbers. This can be represented by a bijection between the traditional representation of the Cantor set and the 2-adic numbers, where 1s are placed instead of 2s. This is a formal property and does not require a deep understanding of topology, similar to how the integers and positive integers with discrete topology are homeomorphic.
  • #1
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Could somebody explain with due brevity why/how the set of p-adic integers is homeomorphic to the Cantor set less one point for any prime p?

This is a quote from Wikipedia:Cantor Set: "The Cantor set is also homeomorphic to the p-adic integers, and, if one point is removed from it, to the p-adic numbers."

Can somebody explain this simply, I don'y really get p-adic #'s.

P.S. Not homework, don't want a proof, just understanding of it.
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  • #2
Write down the bijection from the traditional representation of the cantor set as the reals in [0,1] with no 1's in the base three expansion to the 2-adics (write backwards and put 1s instead of 2s at all points), it is not a deep topological property we're talking about, just a formal one, a little like the integers with the discrete topology are homeomorphic to the positive integers with the discrete topology.
  • #3

Sure, I can try to explain it briefly. First, let's define what p-adic integers and the Cantor set are.

The p-adic integers are numbers that can be expressed as an infinite series of powers of a prime number, p. For example, in base 10, we can write numbers like 123 as 1*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 3*10^0. In p-adic integers, we would write 123 as 1*5^2 + 2*5^1 + 3*5^0, where p=5. This is just one way of writing it, there are many other ways.

The Cantor set is a mathematical set that is constructed by repeatedly removing the middle third of a line segment, and then removing the middle third of the remaining segments, and so on. This results in a set of points that are infinitely close together, but never touch.

Now, to see why the set of p-adic integers is homeomorphic to the Cantor set, we can think of each p-adic integer as a point on a line. Just like the Cantor set, the p-adic integers are constructed by removing some points (in this case, the points that cannot be expressed as an infinite series of powers of p). This results in a set of points that are infinitely close together, but never touch. This is similar to the Cantor set, where the removed points are infinitely close together, but never touch.

To see why removing one point from the Cantor set results in the p-adic numbers, we can think of the removed point as the point that represents the number 0. In p-adic numbers, the number 0 is represented by the infinite series of 0's (e.g. 0*5^2 + 0*5^1 + 0*5^0). So, removing this point from the Cantor set results in a set of points that are infinitely close together, but never touch, just like the p-adic numbers.

In summary, the set of p-adic integers and the Cantor set are both constructed by removing points in a specific way, resulting in sets of points that are infinitely close together, but never touch. This is why they are homeomorphic. I hope this helps to understand the concept better!

FAQ: Set of p-adic integers is homeomorphic to Cantor set; how?

1. What are p-adic integers?

P-adic integers are a type of number system that extends the set of rational numbers. They are defined by a prime number, p, and are used in number theory and algebraic geometry.

2. What is the Cantor set?

The Cantor set is a set of real numbers that is constructed by repeatedly removing the middle third of a line segment. It has several interesting properties, including being uncountable and having no intervals.

3. How are p-adic integers and the Cantor set related?

The p-adic integers and Cantor set are related through a concept called homeomorphism. This means that there is a continuous and invertible function that can map the p-adic integers to the Cantor set.

4. What does it mean for two sets to be homeomorphic?

Two sets are homeomorphic if there exists a continuous and invertible function between them. This means that the two sets have the same topological structure, or in simpler terms, they have the same number of holes and connected components.

5. How can it be proven that the set of p-adic integers is homeomorphic to the Cantor set?

This proof involves constructing a function that maps the p-adic integers to the Cantor set, and then showing that the function is continuous and invertible. This can be done using concepts from topology and number theory, such as the p-adic metric and the Cantor set's construction process.

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