Set Theory and Binary Logic: Understanding XOR in Set Theory Operations

In summary, the conversation discusses the relationship between set theory and binary logic. It is mentioned that the operation of Union is analogous to OR, and Intersection is analogous to AND. The question of whether the operation of XOR has an analogue in set theory is raised, and it is suggested that it may be equivalent to the symmetric difference operation. However, the conversation also cautions against getting too carried away with analogies and making erroneous comparisons.
  • #1
First: relating some ideia of set theory and binary logic, like:

U = 1
Ø = 0

thus, some identities appears:

U ∪ U = U
U ∪ Ø = U
Ø ∪ U = U
Ø ∪ Ø = Ø

U ∩ U = U
U ∩ Ø = Ø
Ø ∩ U = Ø
Ø ∩ Ø = Ø

1 + 1 = 1
1 + 0 = 1
0 + 1 = 1
0 + 0 = 0

1 × 1 = 1
1 × 0 = 0
0 × 1 = 0
0 × 0 = 0

So, the conclusion is that the operation of Union is analogous to AND, and the Intersection is analogous to OR.

But, one thing no is clear for me yet: and the binary operation XOR, XOR have a analogue in set theory?
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  • #2
XOR is the same as "not equals", and sets can be compared for equality (or lack thereof).
  • #3
Wait... binary operations shouldn't be compared with set operations ?
  • #4
Jhenrique said:
Wait... binary operations shouldn't be compared with set operations ?
Jhenrique said:
So, the conclusion is that the operation of Union is analogous to AND, and the Intersection is analogous to OR.
The other way around. Union is analogous to OR, intersection to AND.

But, one thing no is clear for me yet: and the binary operation XOR, XOR have a analogue in set theory?
Symmetric difference, perhaps.

Don't get too carried away with analogies. There are sixteen functions that map a pair of booleans to a boolean.
  • #5
I compared AND with Union and OR with Intersection. AND, OR, Union and Intersection are all operations. I think strange to compare XOR (an operation) with the ideia of "not equals" (that isn't an operation).
  • #6
Jhenrique said:
I compared AND with Union and OR with Intersection.
And that was an erroneous comparison. Look at your own opening post. Anything AND false is false. The intersection between any set and the null set is the null set. AND is analogous to set intersection, not set union. Similarly, OR is analogous to set union, not set intersection.
AND, OR, Union and Intersection are all operations. I think strange to compare XOR (an operation) with the ideia of "not equals" (that isn't an operation).
Of course "not equals" is an operation. There's even a special symbol for it: ≠. Boolean not equals and boolean exclusive or have the exactly same truth tables. They are the same operation in boolean algebra.
  • #7
I would say the equivalent to XOR is the operation

[tex]A\Delta B = \{x~\vert~(x\in A)~\mathrm{XOR}~(x\in B)\}[/tex]

Thus we see easily that this is

[tex]A\Delta B = (A\cup B)\setminus (A\cap B)[/tex]

This is called the symmetric difference.
  • #8
That's what I said in post #4.
  • #9
D H said:
And that was an erroneous comparison. Look at your own opening post. Anything AND false is false. The intersection between any set and the null set is the null set. AND is analogous to set intersection, not set union. Similarly, OR is analogous to set union, not set intersection.

OH YEAH! I was wrong! AND is to Intersection so like OR is to Union.

micromass said:
This is called the symmetric difference.

"symmetric difference"... huh... very interesting!

FAQ: Set Theory and Binary Logic: Understanding XOR in Set Theory Operations

What is Set Theory?

Set Theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of sets, which are collections of objects. It provides a foundation for understanding and analyzing mathematical concepts and structures, such as numbers, functions, and relations.

What is Binary Logic?

Binary Logic, also known as Boolean Logic, is a mathematical system that deals with the operations and relationships between logical statements or propositions. It is based on the idea that there are only two possible values for any logical statement: true (1) or false (0).

What is XOR in Set Theory Operations?

XOR (exclusive or) is a logical operation that is used in Set Theory to compare two sets. It returns a set that contains the elements that are in one of the sets, but not in both. In other words, it excludes the elements that are common to both sets.

How is XOR represented in Set Theory notation?

In Set Theory, XOR is represented by the symbol ⊕ or ⊻. It can also be expressed using the symmetric difference operator, which is denoted by ∆. The expression A ⊕ B or A ⊻ B or A ∆ B represents the XOR operation between the sets A and B.

What are some real-world applications of Set Theory and Binary Logic?

Set Theory and Binary Logic have various applications in different fields, including computer science, engineering, and statistics. They are used for data analysis, cryptography, circuit design, and programming. They also have applications in philosophy, linguistics, and cognitive science for understanding language and reasoning.

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