Set theory problems from Hrbacek, Jech

In summary, the conversation discussed self-study in set theory and relevant axioms such as the axiom of existence, extensionality, comprehension, pair, union, and power set. Two exercises were presented and solved using the axiom schema of comprehension and the axiom of pair.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I'm attempting some self-study in set theory using the text mentioned above. The exercises here are quite different from those in previous texts which I've used, so I was hoping I could present some of my attempts (so far, only from the first problem set) and receive some feedback as to whether it seems I am performing them correctly.

2. Relevant axioms

Axiom of existence:
There exists a set which has no elements.

Axiom of extensionality:
If every element of X is an element of Y and every element of Y is an element of X, then X = Y.

Axiom Schema of Comprehension:
Let P(x) be a property of x. For any set A, there is a set B such that x ∈ B iff x ∈ A and P(x).

Axiom of pair:
For any A and B, there is a set C such that x is an element of C iff x = A or x = B.

Axiom of union:
For any set S, there exists a set U such that x ∈ U iff x ∈ A for some A ∈ S.

Axiom of Power set:
For any set S, there exists a set P such that X ∈ P iff X ⊆ S.

The Attempt at a Solution

3.1: Show that the set of all x such that x ∈ A and x ∉ B exists.
3.1 solution: Let P(x, A, B) be the property x ∈ A and x ∉ B. Then W = {x ∈ A | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension.

3.4 Let A and B be sets. Show there exists a unique set C such that x ∈ C iff either (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A).
3.4 solution: By the axiom of pair, there is some set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Let P(x, A, B) be the property (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A). Then W = {x
∈ D | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension. If K is another set which satisfies x ∈ K iff either (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A)
, then x ∈ K iff x ∈ C, and so by extensionality K = C.

3.5 a)Given A, B, and C, there is a set P such that x ∈ P iff x = A or x = B or x = C.
b) generalize to four elements
3.5 a) solution: Using A and B along with the axiom of pair provides us with a new set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Now use the axiom of pair again, this time with C alone to obtain the set E such that x ∈ E iff x = C. Now use the axiom of pair one last time, with D and E, to create the set F such that x ∈ F iff x = D or x = E. Finally, apply the axiom of union to F, which yields the set P, where x ∈ P iff x ∈ H for some H ∈ F. Thus, P = {x | x ∈ D or x ∈ E} = {x | x = A or x = B or x = C}.
3.5 b) I'll wait to do this one until someone can verify part a).
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  • #2
Syrus said:

Homework Statement

I'm attempting some self-study in set theory using the text mentioned above. The exercises here are quite different from those in previous texts which I've used, so I was hoping I could present some of my attempts (so far, only from the first problem set) and receive some feedback as to whether it seems I am performing them correctly.

2. Relevant axioms

Axiom of existence:
There exists a set which has no elements.

Axiom of extensionality:
If every element of X is an element of Y and every element of Y is an element of X, then X = Y.

Axiom Schema of Comprehension:
Let P(x) be a property of x. For any set A, there is a set B such that x ∈ B iff x ∈ A and P(x).

Axiom of pair:
For any A and B, there is a set C such that x is an element of C iff x = A or x = B.

Axiom of union:
For any set S, there exists a set U such that x ∈ U iff x ∈ A for some A ∈ S.

Axiom of Power set:
For any set S, there exists a set P such that X ∈ P iff X ⊆ S.

The Attempt at a Solution

3.1: Show that the set of all x such that x ∈ A and x B exists.
3.1 solution: Let P(x, A, B) be the property x ∈ A and x B. Then W = {x ∈ A | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension.

Note that A and B are fixed, so it should actually be "Let P(x) be the property [itex]x\in A~\text{and}~x\in B[/itex]. What you wrote isn't wrong, but there is no reason to let A and B be parameters.
Also note that if you let P(x) be [itex]x\in B[/itex], then you would also get the right answer!

[tex]A\cap B=\{x\in A~\vert~x\in B\}[/tex]

3.4 Let A and B be sets. Show there exists a unique set C such that x ∈ C iff either (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A).
3.4 solution: By the axiom of pair, there is some set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Let P(x, A, B) be the property (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A). Then W = {x
∈ D | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension. If K is another set which satisfies x ∈ K iff either (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A)
, then x ∈ K iff x ∈ C, and so by extensionality K = C.

I'm not sure what you mean with "x B" and "x A".

3.5 a)Given A, B, and C, there is a set P such that x ∈ P iff x = A or x = B or x = C.
b) generalize to four elements
3.5 a) solution: Using A and B along with the axiom of pair provides us with a new set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Now use the axiom of pair again, this time with C alone to obtain the set E such that x ∈ E iff x = C. Now use the axiom of pair one last time, with D and E, to create the set F such that x ∈ F iff x = D or x = E. Finally, apply the axiom of union to F, which yields the set P, where x ∈ P iff x ∈ H for some H ∈ F. Thus, P = {x | x ∈ D or x ∈ E} = {x | x = A or x = B or x = C}.

That is ok.
  • #3
Syrus said:
3.4 Let A and B be sets. Show there exists a unique set C such that x ∈ C iff either (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A).
3.4 solution: By the axiom of pair, there is some set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Let P(x, A, B) be the property (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A). Then W = {x
∈ D | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension. If K is another set which satisfies x ∈ K iff either (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A)
, then x ∈ K iff x ∈ C, and so by extensionality K = C.

Ok, I see you corrected it. But right now you have formed the set

[tex]\{x\in \{A,B\}~\vert~(x\in A~\text{and}~x\notin B)~\text{or}~ (x\in B~\text{and}~x\notin A)\}[/tex]

Thus x can only be A and B right now. So your set C can only contain A and B. This is not what you want.

Hint, you want to form the set

[tex]\{x\in A~\vert~x\notin B\}\cup \{x\in B~\vert ~x\notin A\}[/tex]
  • #4
Thank you for your quick response micromass! Does this proof look a little better?

3.4 Let A and B be sets. Show there exists a unique set C such that x ∈ C iff either (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A).
3.4 solution: By the axiom of pair, there is some set D such that x ∈ D iff x = A or x = B. Next apply the axiom of union to D to obtain the set S, where x ∈ S iff x ∈ K for some K ∈ D. Let P(x, A, B) be the property (x ∈ A and x ∉ B) or (x ∈ B and x ∉ A). Then W = {x ∈ S | P(x, A, B)} exists by the axiom schema of comprehension. If K is another set which satisfies x ∈ K iff either (x ∈ A and x B) or (x ∈ B and x A), then x ∈ K iff x ∈ C, and so by extensionality K = C.
  • #6
I am having some trouble with this one:

3.2: Replace the axiom of existence by the following weaker postulate: Weak axiom of existence- some set exists. Prove the axiom of existence using the weak axiom of existence and the comprehension schema [hint: Let A be a set known to exist; consider {x ∈ A | x ≠ x}].
We want to prove that the empty set exists. The weak axiom of existence guarantees some set (here, A) exists. Let P(x) be the property x ≠ x. Then by the comprehension schema there exists a set B such that x ∈ B iff x ∈ A and P(x).

My question is, is the proof finished by simple noting that nothing exists which is not equal/identical to itself, thus making B empty?
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  • #7
Yes, that is indeed the idea. If x is in your set B, then x≠x. This is impossible, thus B is empty.
  • #8
Here's another one:

3.3a) Prove that a set of all sets does not exist [hint: if V is a set of all sets, consider { x ∈ V | x ∉ x}].
b) Prove that for any set A, there is some x ∉ A.a) This one seems pretty simple. If a set of all sets, V, exists, then let P(x) be the property x ∉ x. By the comprehension schema then, we can form the set B = {x ∈ V | x ∉ x}. But this set is impossible to form by Russel's paradox. Thus, V fails to exist.

b) At first I proposed this: Let A be an arbitrary set. Then we can apply the axiom of pair to A to obtain {A}, where {A} ∉ A. [while I was at first convinced of this, I later wondered if there was a more rigorous way of showing that {A} ∉ A? In addition, is there a way to prove that any subset of A is not a memeber of A?
  • #9
Syrus said:
Here's another one:

3.3a) Prove that a set of all sets does not exist [hint: if V is a set of all sets, consider { x ∈ V | x ∉ x}].
b) Prove that for any set A, there is some x ∉ A.

a) This one seems pretty simple. If a set of all sets, V, exists, then let P(x) be the property x ∉ x. By the comprehension schema then, we can form the set B = {x ∈ V | x ∉ x}. But this set is impossible to form by Russel's paradox. Thus, V fails to exist.

This is correct.

b) At first I proposed this: Let A be an arbitrary set. Then we can apply the axiom of pair to A to obtain {A}, where {A} ∉ A. [while I was at first convinced of this, I later wondered if there was a more rigorous way of showing that {A} ∉ A? In addition, is there a way to prove that any subset of A is not a memeber of A?

Aah, now we come to an interesting point. From the 6 properties you listed, we can not prove that {A} ∉ A. That is, if we only accept those 6 properties, then it might be that there exists a set A such that {A} ∈ A.
You can not just say that {A} ∉ A because it violates your intuition. Because, in fact, it might not even be true.

Of course, we want that for each set {A} ∉ A holds. But in order to achieve this, we need a further axiom that specifically prohibits this and other such constructions. The impossibility of {A} ∈ A does not follow from the 6 axioms.

OK, so how do we prove (b) then?? Well, you'll have to apply (a). Assume that (b) is not true, that is: for all sets x we have that x ∈ A. Then A is the set of all sets.

Related to Set theory problems from Hrbacek, Jech

1. What is set theory?

Set theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of collections of objects, called sets, and the relationships between these sets.

2. What are the basic concepts in set theory?

The basic concepts in set theory include sets, elements, subsets, unions, intersections, and complements.

3. How do you solve set theory problems?

To solve a set theory problem, you must first understand the given sets and their relationships. Then, you can use logical reasoning and mathematical operations to manipulate the sets and find solutions.

4. What are some common types of set theory problems?

Some common types of set theory problems include determining the cardinality of a set, finding the intersection or union of two sets, and proving set identities using logical operations.

5. How can set theory be applied in other fields?

Set theory has many applications in other fields, such as computer science, linguistics, and biology. It can be used to model relationships between objects, analyze data, and make predictions.

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