Sets and basic notation.

In summary: A but not in B, then "x is in A" and "x is not in B" are both false? So the statement "x is in A" is false for some x, which contradicts the assumption that "if x is in A then x is in B". So, "if x is in A then x is in B" is a true statement, for all x.
  • #1
I have two questions

explain why any subset of a finite set is finite. (prove)


why is empty set is considered to be a subset of any set?
I'm confused, because let's say set A is a subset of set B it means that every element of A is an element of B. in the case of empty set being a subset of any set kind of hoodwinked me. please explain.

and also the idea of it being disjoint with any set, even from itself.
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  • #2
Suppose a finite set had an infinite subset. Since EVERY element of the subset is also in the "parent set", this means our original set is also infinite. But that is absurd, we just said it was finite!

Ok, let's see if the empty set is a subset of any other set. All we have to do is check to see if every element of the empty set is in our "given set" (let's call it S).

So, checking now: first element of the empty set is...umm...gee, we don't have any elements! There's nothing to check!

In other words, it is NOT the case that there is some element of the empty set NOT in S, so the "double negatives cancel".

Two sets are said to be disjoint if they have no elements in common. The empty set has no elements, so it cannot possibly have any in common with any other set, even itself!

The way I think of the empty set is just a blank: the contents of an empty container. Surely this "emptiness" is also in every other container (although the containers usually have stuff in them).

Some more confusing stuff:

Every integer in the empty set is even, and also odd! That's because there are exactly NO integers which are both (and a darn good thing, too!). Every element in the empty set is a self-contradiction, so it's really GOOD news that the empty set is empty, or else the universe might just explode.
  • #3
for the empty set case consider these:1. The set A is a subset of the set B if and only if every element of A is also an element of B. If A is the empty set then A has no elements and so all of its elements (there are none) belong to B no matter what set B we are dealing with. That is, the empty set is a subset of every set.

2. Another way of understanding it is to look at intersections. The intersection of two sets is a subset of each of the original sets. So if {} is the empty set and A is any set then {} intersect A is {} which means {} is a subset of A and {} is a subset of {}.

3. You can prove it by contradiction. Let's say that you have the empty set {} and a set A. Based on the definition, {} is a subset of A unless there is some element in {} that is not in A. So if {} is not a subset of A then there is an element in {}. But {} has no elements and hence this is a contradiction, so the set {} must be a subset of A.

An example with an empty set and a non-empty set might be this: the (set of all aligators who have walked on the moon) and the (set of all astronauts). Examine the three arguments above with this example in mind
:cool: regards!
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  • #4
Just to put in my oar: the definition of "A is a subset of B" is that the statement "if x is in A then x is in B" is true. Further, it is a basis fact of logic that if statement "P" is false, then the statement "if P is true then Q is true" is true whether Q is or not.

So if A is empty, the statement "x is in A" is false for all A. Therefore the statement "if x is in A then x is in B" is true for all x.

If you are not happy with 'if statement "P" is false, then the statement "if P is true then Q is true" is true whether Q is or not' consider the case if, say, A= {1, 2, 3} and B= {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}.

To show that A is a subset of B, we must show that "if x is in A then x is in B" is a true statement, for all x. Certainly, if x is 1, 2, or 3, "x is in A" and "x is in B" are both true so the statement is true. What if x is 4 or 5? Then the statement "x is in A" is false while "x is in B" is still true. Or, what if x= 10? Then "x is in A" is false and "x is in B" is false. Since it is clear that, in this case, A is a subset of B, we need both of those statements to be true. That is why we need ''if statement "P" is false, then the statement "if P is true then Q is true" is true whether Q is or not'.
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  • #5

I would like to clarify that sets and basic notation are fundamental concepts in mathematics, specifically in the field of set theory. Sets are collections of objects or elements that are grouped together based on a common characteristic or property. Basic notation, on the other hand, is a symbolic representation used to describe sets and their relationships.

Now, let's address your first question about why any subset of a finite set is finite. To prove this, we need to understand the definition of a finite set. A finite set is a set that has a specific and limited number of elements. This means that we can count the elements in a finite set and eventually reach a final, definite number.

Now, if we take a subset of a finite set, we are essentially taking a smaller collection of elements from the original set. Since the original set has a finite number of elements, the subset cannot have more elements than the original set. This means that the subset is also finite, as it has a limited number of elements.

Moving on to your second question, let's first understand the definition of a subset. A subset is a set that contains all the elements of another set. This means that the subset can also be equal to the original set. In the case of the empty set, it is considered a subset of any set because it does not contain any elements. Therefore, all the elements of the empty set are also elements of any other set, making it a subset.

Furthermore, the empty set is also considered disjoint with any other set because it does not share any common elements with any set, including itself. This is because the empty set has no elements to compare with other sets, making it completely different from all other sets.

I hope this explanation helps clarify your confusion about subsets, the empty set, and their relationships with other sets. As a scientist, it is important to understand and apply these concepts accurately in mathematical and scientific research.

Related to Sets and basic notation.

1. What is a set?

A set is a collection of distinct objects, called elements, which can be anything from numbers to shapes to words. Sets are often represented by curly braces { } and the elements are listed within the braces.

2. What is the cardinality of a set?

The cardinality of a set is the number of elements it contains. It is denoted by the symbol |S|, where S is the set. For example, if a set contains the numbers 1, 2, 3, its cardinality is 3.

3. What is the difference between a set and a subset?

A set is a collection of elements, while a subset is a set that contains elements from another set. In other words, all the elements of a subset are also contained in the original set, but a subset may also have additional elements.

4. What is the empty set?

The empty set, denoted by ∅ or { }, is a set with no elements. It is often used as a placeholder or to represent a set with no solutions.

5. What is basic notation for sets?

There are several basic notations used for sets, including roster notation (listing out all the elements within curly braces), set-builder notation (using a condition or rule to define the elements), and interval notation (using brackets and parentheses to represent a range of numbers). Other common symbols used in set notation include ∈ (element of), ⊂ (subset), and ∪ (union).

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