Setting up a differential equation (buoyancy)

I might argue that we don't have enough information to know what the initial velocity is, but the equation would be a little simpler to solve if we do assume y'(0)=0.That would be a reasonable initial condition. I might argue that we don't have enough information to know what the initial velocity is, but the equation would be a little simpler to solve if we do assume y'(0)=0.In summary, when an object of mass m and density λ > 1000 is submersed in a liquid, it experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object. As the object moves through the liquid, it also experiences a resistive force that is directly proportional to the density of
  • #1

Homework Statement

When an object is submersed in a liquid, it experiences a buoyant force equal to the weight of the liquid displaced by the object. As an object moves through a liquid, there is a resistive force which is directly proportional to the density of the liquid, the cross sectional area A of the object (perpendicular to the direction of motion) and the square of the speed v of the object. A spherical object of mass m and density λ > 1000 begins to sink in a pool of water of depth D. Set up the differential equation with initial condition for the depth of the object below the surface of the water. Use 1000 kilograms per cubic meter as the density of water.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

I am choosing the downward direction (y-direction) to be positive. The object starts at the origin and descends to a depth D. We consider three forces, all in the y-direction: the weight of the spherical object, the buoyant force (= weight of the water displaced by the sphere), and the resistive force. I use Newton's 2nd law:
ΣFy = may = mobject(d2D/dt2) = Fobject - Fbuoyant - Fresistive = mobjectg - (1000 kg/m3)(4*πr3/3)g - kλπr2(dD/dt)2, (where k is just a constant of proportionality) and my initial condition would be D(0) = 0

Would this be correct?

edit: Added g for the buoyant force.
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  • #2
Using D as the depth of the pool and as the vertical coordinate can be confusing. Since you have already mentioned the forces acting on the sphere are in the y direction, why not use y as the general depth coordinate?
  • #3
SteamKing said:
Using D as the depth of the pool and as the vertical coordinate can be confusing. Since you have already mentioned the forces acting on the sphere are in the y direction, why not use y as the general depth coordinate?

Oh, I was trying to be consistent with the variables given in the problem. Would it be incorrect to use D as I used it above?
  • #4
Like I said, it can get confusing using D as the depth of the bottom of the pool (a constant) and D as a variable quantity (the distance as measured from the surface of the pool). It's better to use an arbitrary variable to represent the position of the sphere w.r.t. the surface of the pool (x, y, or, z, for example)
  • #5
SteamKing said:
Like I said, it can get confusing using D as the depth of the bottom of the pool (a constant) and D as a variable quantity (the distance as measured from the surface of the pool). It's better to use an arbitrary variable to represent the position of the sphere w.r.t. the surface of the pool (x, y, or, z, for example)

Ah okay, I got it! I'll switch it out then.

Here's what I get after cleaning the equation up:

mobjg - (1000)(4*πr3/3)g - kλπr2(dy/dt)2 - mobj(d2y/dt2) = 0
--> (d2y/dt2) - g + (1000)(4*πr3/3)g/mobj + kλπr2(dy/dt)2/mobj = 0 (divided everything by -mobj)
--> (d2y/dt2) + kπr2λ(dy/dt)2/mobj + g[(1000)(4*πr3/3)/mobj -1] = 0, Initial condition: y(0) = 0

Am I on the right track?
  • #6
You're getting warmer. Since this is a second order equation, you'll need two separate initial conditions to determine a unique solution. You have specified the initial starting position of the sphere. Can you think of another condition to specify?
  • #7
SteamKing said:
You're getting warmer. Since this is a second order equation, you'll need two separate initial conditions to determine a unique solution. You have specified the initial starting position of the sphere. Can you think of another condition to specify?

Oh, right! I am guessing that I'll need y'(0) = 0? The problem doesn't say that it starts at rest, but I suppose I can assume that it does for the 2nd condition (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong).
  • #8
That would be a reasonable initial condition.
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FAQ: Setting up a differential equation (buoyancy)

What is a differential equation?

A differential equation is a mathematical equation that relates a function with its derivatives. It is used to model the relationship between different variables in a system, such as the change in position or velocity over time.

How is buoyancy related to differential equations?

Buoyancy is the upward force that a fluid exerts on an object immersed in it. This force is directly related to the difference in density between the object and the fluid. Differential equations can be used to model this relationship and determine the behavior of the object in the fluid.

What are the variables involved in a buoyancy differential equation?

The variables involved in a buoyancy differential equation are the density of the object, the density of the fluid, the volume of the object, and the acceleration due to gravity. These variables can be used to determine the buoyant force on the object.

How do you set up a buoyancy differential equation?

To set up a buoyancy differential equation, you first need to identify the variables involved and their relationships. You can then use the principles of fluid mechanics, such as Archimedes' principle, to create an equation that represents the buoyant force on the object. This equation can then be solved using mathematical techniques such as integration.

What are some real-life applications of buoyancy differential equations?

Buoyancy differential equations have many real-life applications, such as predicting the floating and sinking behavior of ships, submarines, and other marine vessels. They are also used in designing and testing aircraft, hot air balloons, and other flying objects. Additionally, these equations are important in understanding and predicting the behavior of fluids in various industries, such as oil and gas, chemical processing, and environmental engineering.

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