Settle and arguement between retards

  • Thread starter random-strike
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In summary, a heated argument on a car forum involves a user who does not understand the concept of load on an engine. Despite others trying to explain, the user insists that load remains the same regardless of the gear or speed. However, it is common knowledge that load increases when accelerating up a hill or in a lower gear due to factors like wind resistance. The user also does not understand the difference between load and RPM in terms of engine wear.
  • #1
Settle and argument between retards :)

basically is a car forum with a guy on there NO ONE can convince.

he does not understand the concept of load put on let's say an engine.

for example, accelerating up a hill, would put more of a load on the engine, rather than accelerating on a flat surfce.

the argument is basically, accelerating in 5th gear puts more of a load on the engine than let's say 3rd gear, which is definatly correct. because the lower gear ratio, amoungst other factors (wind resistance at high speeds, ect) generate a larger load on an engine therefore making it more prone to high temps/detonation/ect...

all common knowledge, but he won't understand. i was hopefully someone who is a real physics wiz would be able to explain this in terms this kid could understand.

thanks, here is some quotes from him LOL

Your engine has the same load whether your going up a 45 degree angle or on a flat road. Why can't you understand this?

I was talking about you and rogue, you are still completely wrong. You are not partially correct whatsoever. Load increases only when you step your foot on the gas peddal further. Load can't increase if your peddal is to the floor.

No matter what ****in type of load it is. Whether its the map sensor reading, or physical load on the crankshaft.

the truth is neither one of you understand,

At Wide Open throttle...the load on your engine is the same whether your in 4th gear or 5th gear.

Tell that to anybody with intelligence and they will agree

hp output is the definination of load, hp stays constant.
Physics news on
  • #2
the argument is basically, accelerating in 5th gear puts more of a load on the engine than let's say 3rd gear, which is definatly correct. because the lower gear ratio, amoungst other factors (wind resistance at high speeds, ect) generate a larger load on an engine therefore making it more prone to high temps/detonation/ect...
if u r already going 70mph and starts to accelerate in 5th gear it won't put that much "load" as if u try to accelerate it while going 20mph, coz of friction, kinetic energy and viscous drag.i don't what is his point of view.
but RPM can be held responsible for wearing down engine more that load coz in an engine with a given amount of fuel the pressure is almost always the same. but exessive load will damage the crank shaft and the gears because of coupling of torques, one for the engine itself and other from the load.
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  • #3

First of all, using derogatory terms like "retards" is never acceptable and should not be used to settle an argument. Let's focus on the actual topic at hand. It is clear that there is a disagreement on the concept of load on an engine. However, it is important to remember that there are different types of load that can affect an engine, such as physical load on the crankshaft and load on the engine's components. It is also important to consider external factors, such as wind resistance, when discussing load on an engine.

It is true that accelerating up a hill would put more load on the engine compared to accelerating on a flat surface. This is because the engine would have to work harder to overcome the force of gravity and maintain speed. It is also true that using a lower gear, such as 3rd gear, would put more load on the engine compared to using a higher gear, such as 5th gear. This is due to the gear ratio and the amount of torque required to move the car.

In regards to load increasing with a wider throttle, this is partially correct. While increasing the throttle does increase load on the engine, it is not the only factor that affects load. Other factors, such as air/fuel mixture and engine speed, also play a role in determining load on the engine.

It is important to have a basic understanding of physics and how it relates to engine performance. However, instead of insulting each other's intelligence, let's focus on having a respectful and productive discussion. It is clear that both parties have different perspectives on this topic, but it is possible to come to a mutual understanding by considering all aspects and evidence. Let's keep the conversation civil and respectful.

FAQ: Settle and arguement between retards

1. How can I effectively settle an argument between two people with intellectual disabilities?

The key to settling an argument between individuals with intellectual disabilities is to remain calm and patient. Avoid using complicated language or abstract concepts, and instead use simple and concrete explanations. Encourage both parties to express their thoughts and feelings, and guide them towards finding a compromise or solution that satisfies both of them.

2. What are some common causes of arguments among individuals with intellectual disabilities?

Arguments among individuals with intellectual disabilities can arise from a variety of reasons, such as misunderstandings, difficulty expressing themselves, or feeling overwhelmed by emotions. It can also be triggered by changes in routine or environment. It is important to identify the root cause of the argument in order to effectively resolve it.

3. How can I prevent arguments between individuals with intellectual disabilities?

To prevent arguments, it is important to establish clear rules and expectations, and provide a structured and predictable environment. Encourage good communication and problem-solving skills, and teach individuals how to express their needs and feelings in a respectful manner. Additionally, provide support and guidance to individuals in managing their emotions.

4. What should I do if an argument escalates and becomes physical?

If an argument becomes physical, it is important to intervene immediately to ensure the safety of both individuals. Remain calm and try to separate them physically, but avoid using force. Once they are separated, take the time to listen to each person's perspective and address any underlying issues. If necessary, seek assistance from a trained professional.

5. How can I promote understanding and empathy among individuals with intellectual disabilities?

Promoting understanding and empathy among individuals with intellectual disabilities can be achieved through education and creating opportunities for social interactions. Encourage individuals to learn about different disabilities and how to communicate effectively with others. Plan activities that encourage teamwork and cooperation, and provide positive reinforcement when individuals show empathy towards others.

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