Settle the Bet: Whose Big Toe Sticks Out Further?

  • Thread starter DaveC426913
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In summary, the conversation is about the length of people's big toes. Some people have big toes that stick out farther than their other toes, while others have big toes that are the same length as the toe next to it. The conversation also touches on gender differences and the possibility of it being related to genetics. Some people share photos of their toes and there is some playful banter about toe size and shape.

Take off your socks and look at your big toes:

  • My big toes stick out the farthest of all my toes.

    Votes: 26 60.5%
  • My big toes do not stick out as far as my other toes.

    Votes: 17 39.5%

  • Total voters
  • #1
Gold Member
Yes, this is for real. I want to settle a bet.

I get teased about my big toes, which are (as seems logical to me), big i.e. my big toes are bigger than my other toes - they stick out farther. If I kicked a wall barefoot, my big toe would hit first.

Some people's big toes do not stick out as far as their other toes, namely, my tormentor's. If she kicked a wall, her second toe would hit first.

My toes look like this:
My tormentor's toes look like this:

I want to prove I'm not a mutant. :smile:

(Disclaimer: I Googled the samples. I make no claim whatsoever to any association with the website they came from.)

So, see poll, above.
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  • #2
You're normal, your tormentor is weird (but so am I).
  • #3
There's no option for my toes. :frown: My big toe and the toe right next to it are pretty much the same length, then all the rest get smaller. It's one of the reasons I can't wear pointy-toed shoes.
  • #4
If I cut off the end joint of my second toe they would look like the first photo. I wear out socks with a quickness.
  • #5
I hacve to agree with moonbear. Except the pointy-toed shoes part :rolleyes:
  • #6
Call the on call biologist.

But I have to say, I absolutely love this thread.
  • #7
a new word has emerged: toeidness
  • #8
Moonbear said:
There's no option for my toes. :frown: My big toe and the toe right next to it are pretty much the same length, then all the rest get smaller. It's one of the reasons I can't wear pointy-toed shoes.
My feet are exactly the same. Are we long lost cousins?
  • #9
My big toe is just barely larger. That person, the one with the smaller big toe, has some pointy feet/toes. Almost like, as mb somewhat said, they wear pointy shoes often. One question, could this be related to gender?
  • #10
What we need is toe pictures.
I'll send mine in tomorrow if not too many people complain.
  • #11
Sample A is like my toes.

Sample B is a freak of nature.
  • #12
mattmns said:
My big toe is just barely larger. That person, the one with the smaller big toe, has some pointy feet/toes. Almost like, as mb somewhat said, they wear pointy shoes often. One question, could this be related to gender?

Nah, it's not a gender thing. Both are normal. We're all mutants in one way or another, and both of those examples are typical variations in toe length.

Huckleberry said:
My feet are exactly the same. Are we long lost cousins?
I hope not, otherwise we'd have to move to Alabama before I could marry you. :-p :smile:

Huckleberry said:
What we need is toe pictures.
I'll send mine in tomorrow if not too many people complain.
Well, my left foot wouldn't freak anyone out. My big toe on my right foot is still growing out the toenail from when I dropped that pallet on it back in December, so it's definitely not an attractive looking toe right now.

I'd love to see that extra toe on Ivan's digging foot though. :smile:
  • #13
Of course the big toes stick farther out than the others.
  • #14
Evo said:
Sample A is like my toes.
Please submit a sample photo so I may add it to my fetish(ahem) I mean extremely scientific study I'm doing on the length of human female toes.

Note: Photo MUST be immediately post-pedicure and nails must bear bright red pigmentation.

Note to self: Try harder not to come off sounding like Artie Johnson's charachter from Laugh In.
  • #15
Go Big Toes, go!

Maybe for some people, the big toe shrinks from kicking the wall too much. I suggest an experiment to verify this. Everyone must go kick a wall right now!
  • #16
Evo said:
Sample B is a freak of nature.

Stop oppressing my toes you toealist.
  • #17
You're an atavism, inha.
  • #18
My big toes stick out the farthest of all my toes.
My big toes do not stick out as far as my other toes.
There is a category missing: my big toe sticks out AS far as the toe next to it (me): the normal category :-p
  • #19
Monique said:
There is a category missing: my big toe sticks out AS far as the toe next to it (me): the normal category :-p
No; that's a semi-atavism.
  • #20
My left big toe is definatly longer, on my right foot the big is slightly longer but very nearly the same as the second.
  • #21
i am a SAMPLE B guy

i hear they are the best in bed


edit : TO THE OP : ps this is one of the most original polls have impressive research capabilities...
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  • #22
Big toe bigger, but only by a GsC.
  • #23
sample A; which is normal (I say), though i do have a third toe that is shorter than all the rest, which is not normal...
  • #24
Evo said:
Sample A is like my toes.

Sample B is a freak of nature.

I am extremely offended by this comment. :cry:
  • #25
Bladibla said:
I am extremely offended by this comment. :cry:
I'm sorry if you are a freak of nature. :cry:
  • #26
my toes are like in picture B, they say people with toes like that are of royal blood.
  • #27
stoned said:
my toes are like in picture B, they say people with toes like that are of royal blood.
That figures; inbred degenerates all of you...:wink:.
  • #28
infinitetime said:
i do have a third toe that is shorter than all the rest
That should teach you to wear shoes when you mow the lawn.
  • #29
Okay, just to satisfy Huck's foot fetish :biggrin:, here's a picture of my foot to show you I don't match either picture.


  • moonbearfoot.jpg
    6.2 KB · Views: 371
  • #30
everyone, get your sun-goggles on
  • #31
Moonbear said:
Okay, just to satisfy Huck's foot fetish :biggrin:, here's a picture of my foot to show you I don't match either picture.
Your foot is disapproved of by the mentors, Moonbear.
  • #32
I think evo went blind trying to approve it
  • #33
Oh man you guys are mean.
  • #34
And they haven't even seen the picture yet. :smile: Don't worry guys, I didn't use a flash, so you won't be completely blinded by it.
  • #35
You've got a very social tiny toe, Moonbear!
It obviously want to be friends with its neighbour..

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