Settlement on Moon: Artificial Gravity & Feasibility

  • Thread starter sid_galt
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In summary, it would be difficult to create artificial gravity on the moon, and the cost would be prohibitive. Retirees might be able to live there, but they would need a lot of exercise to maintain muscle and bone mass.
  • #1
If a settlement is ever setup on Moon, would it require artificial gravity. Would it be feasible to rotate such a large settlement using bearings and rockets?
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  • #2
With one-sixth Earth's gravity, the moon would likely cause some medical problems for any long-term residents (e.g., bone strength loss). Creating artificial gravity sounds cost prohibitive (large tilt-a-whirl settlement? or is than an oxymoron?). Perhaps short-term stays would be feasible of we could develop a cheaper transporation system? Perhaps homesteaders would have to take up permanent residence?
  • #3
Actually, the Moon might make a great place for retired people to convalesce. It would be easy on your heart, and if you fell, you would be less likely to break a hip.
  • #4
Given the importance of exercise to the maintenance of bone mass and muscle tone, you'd better plan on shipping Bowflex machines or something similar to keep those old folks in shape. Free weights? I don't think so. Boosting all that iron to the Moon would be expensive, and although it might seem fun to bench press 600-900 lbs, it could be mighty dangerous if you're not careful. The barbell might feel like it weighs only 100-150 lbs, but the mass and inertia of that barbell would be the same as here on Earth.
  • #5
Well, the retirement home I would build would have a giant swimming pool with a diving board. Imagine diving in 1/6th G! I wonder what swimming would be like.
  • #6
Probably it would feel like flying :smile:
  • #7
WarrenPlatts said:
Well, the retirement home I would build would have a giant swimming pool with a diving board. Imagine diving in 1/6th G! I wonder what swimming would be like.
You're going to send up enough water to swim in? :eek: Setting aside the giant pool, assuming that you have a modest-sized pool (10x20' with an average depth of 5'), that's just about 1000 ft3 of water. At 62.4 lb/ft3, you would be shipping up about twice the mass of an Apollo-mission lunar lander in water alone, to say nothing of the tanks, the rockets, reaction mass, guidance sysems, etc to de-orbit and land it. You might as well send up the iron free-weights.

Problem: if you did the cannonball off the springboard in 1/6th G (and managed not to hit your head on the ceiling!) you would hit the water with less velocity than here on Earth, but the water that you displace would splash up pretty high due to the low G's. Would your cannonball splash be equivalent to one you could make in an Earth-based pool?

FAQ: Settlement on Moon: Artificial Gravity & Feasibility

What is artificial gravity and how does it work?

Artificial gravity is a force that acts on objects in a way similar to the force of gravity on Earth. This is achieved through the use of centrifugal force, which is created by rotating a spacecraft or structure in space. As the structure rotates, objects inside will experience a force that pushes them towards the outer edge, creating the feeling of gravity.

What are the benefits of having artificial gravity on a settlement on the Moon?

Having artificial gravity on a settlement on the Moon would provide many benefits for its inhabitants. It would help to maintain bone and muscle mass, prevent the negative effects of prolonged weightlessness, and allow for more natural movement and daily activities. It could also potentially reduce the need for exercise equipment and decrease the risk of injuries due to falls.

What are the challenges of creating artificial gravity on the Moon?

Creating artificial gravity on the Moon presents several challenges. One of the main challenges is the amount of energy required to rotate a large structure in order to create the necessary centrifugal force. Additionally, the structure would need to be built to withstand the stresses of rotation and the changing lunar environment, such as temperature variations and micrometeorite impacts.

Is it feasible to have a settlement on the Moon with artificial gravity?

While there are certainly challenges to overcome, it is feasible to have a settlement on the Moon with artificial gravity. Many experts believe that with advancements in technology and engineering, it is possible to build a rotating structure on the Moon that could provide a comfortable level of artificial gravity for its inhabitants.

What research is being done to study the feasibility of artificial gravity on the Moon?

There are several ongoing research projects and studies that are focused on the feasibility of artificial gravity on the Moon. These include simulations, experiments in microgravity, and proposals for potential designs of rotating structures. NASA and other space agencies are also actively exploring the potential for artificial gravity in future space missions.

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