Seventh Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravitation And Cosmology

In summary, there is an upcoming event, the Friedmann Seminar, that will be held in João Pessoa, Brazil from Jun 19 to Jul 05 2008. The event has already done a lot of organizing, with a long list of participants and talks planned. The seminar will also overlap with the Nottingham QG2 conference, but this is not expected to be a problem due to the seminar's 15-day duration. Additionally, there is another event starting in ten days, the ESF science meeting on Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin Foam models in Zakopane, Poland. This workshop is by invitation only, and more information can be obtained from H Sahlmann and J Lewandowski.
  • #1
Here is the homepage of the event -- to be held from Jun 19 to Jul 05 2008, in João Pessoa, Brazil:" are the current scheduled talks.

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  • #2
ccdantas said:
Here is the homepage of the event -- to be held from Jun 19 to Jul 05 2008, in João Pessoa, Brazil:" are the current scheduled talks.


Thanks for flagging this, Christine. I didn't know about it. Several details struck me as interesting. They have already done a good bit of organizing even though it is still several months away: the list of participants and the talks they plan to give is already long. Also the seminar will continue over more than two weeks.
The last week overlaps with the Nottingham QG2 conference (whose organizers include John Baez, Carlo Rovelli, Lee Smolin, John Barrett). It seems like this always happens with these summer conferences, there are too few weeks in the summer. Last year Loops '07 overlapped with Strings '07. But I suspect that the schedule conflict does not matter, since the Friedmann Seminar has a 15 day duration.

I found a summary of the topics to be discussed here:


Your post prompted me to check out Hyperspace
which I often forget to do regularly, and I came across something else I hadn't known about. Something starting just ten days from now:

ESF science meeting Quantum Gravity: Loops and Foams
3.3-8.3. 2008
Zakopane, Poland

on Loop Quantum Gravity and Spin Foam models. The
workshop is by invitation only, further information
can be obtained via

H Sahlmann <>
J Lewandowski <>
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  • #3
, thank you for sharing this information about the Seventh Alexander Friedmann International Seminar on Gravitation and Cosmology. This event sounds like an exciting opportunity for scientists and researchers to come together and discuss the latest developments and advancements in these fields.

I am particularly intrigued by the diverse range of talks scheduled for the event. From "Dark Matter and Dark Energy" to "Cosmological Perturbations and Inflation," it seems like there will be a wide variety of topics covered.

I am also pleased to see that the event will be held in Brazil, providing a platform for international collaboration and exchange of ideas. I believe that events like this are crucial for the advancement of science and the sharing of knowledge.

I am looking forward to learning more about the research and discussions that will take place at the Seventh Alexander Friedmann International Seminar. Thank you for bringing this event to my attention.

FAQ: Seventh Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravitation And Cosmology

1. What is the purpose of the Seventh Alexander Friedmann International Seminar On Gravitation And Cosmology?

The purpose of the seminar is to bring together scientists and researchers from around the world to discuss and share the latest advancements and developments in the fields of gravitation and cosmology.

2. Who can attend the seminar?

The seminar is open to all scientists, researchers, and students who have a background or interest in gravitation and cosmology. Attendance is usually limited to a certain number of participants, so it is recommended to register early.

3. What topics will be covered in the seminar?

The seminar will cover a wide range of topics related to gravitation and cosmology, including but not limited to general relativity, black holes, dark matter, and the early universe. There will also be discussions on current research and future directions in these fields.

4. Will there be any keynote speakers?

Yes, the seminar will feature keynote speakers who are experts in the field of gravitation and cosmology. These speakers will give talks and presentations on their research and insights, providing valuable information and perspectives for attendees.

5. How can I submit an abstract or present my research at the seminar?

There will be a call for abstracts prior to the seminar, and interested individuals can submit their abstracts for consideration. The organizing committee will review the submissions and select a number of presenters for the seminar. The details and guidelines for abstract submission will be provided on the seminar's official website.

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