Several problems on series representations, residue theorem

In summary, the first question pertains to the Residue Theorem. We are to use it to evaluate the integral over the given path. However, there is one problem from this section that I am stuck on. An example in the book evaluates \int_{\Gamma} e^{1/z} dz for \Gamma any closed path not passing through the origin. We need Res(e^{1/z},0) but it was found in a previous example that 0 is an essential singularity of e^{1/z}. There is no simple general formula for the residue of a function at an essential singularity. However, e^{1/z} = \sum_{n=0}^
  • #1
First question pertains to the Residue Theorem

We are to use this theorem to evaluate the integral over the given path...

There is one problem from this section that I am stuck on. An example in the book evaluates

[tex]\int_{\Gamma} e^{1/z} dz [/tex] for [tex]\Gamma[/tex] any closed path not passing through the origin.

We need [tex]Res(e^{1/z}, 0)[/tex]

It was found in a previous example that 0 is an essential singularity of [tex]e^{1/z}[/tex]. There is no simple general formula for the residue of a function at an essential singularity. However,

[tex]e^{1/z} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!}\frac{1}{z^n}[/tex]

is the Laurent expansion of [tex]e^{1/z}[/tex] about 0, and the coefficient of 1/z is 1. Thus, Res([tex]e^{1/z}[/tex],0) = 1 and

[tex]\int_{\Gamma} e^{1/z} dz = i2\pi[/tex]
So, my problem is [tex]\int_{\Gamma} e^{\frac{2}{z^2}} dz [/tex], and gamma is the square with sides parallel to the axes and of length 3, centered at -i

What I did was say that [tex]e^\frac{2}{z^2} = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{n!}\frac{2}{z^{2n}}[/tex]

and again 0 is an essential singularity of the function. The coefficient of [tex]\frac{2}{z^2}[/tex] is 2, and therefore Res([tex]e^{\frac{2}{z^2}}[/tex],0) = 2, and so
[tex]\int_{\Gamma} e^\frac{2}{z^2} dz = i4\pi[/tex]

Is this correct?
Physics news on
  • #2
Second problem from a section on Laurent Expansions. All of the problems in the book deal with functions that have a constant in the numerator [e.g., 1/(2+z)] or that we know the expansion of already [e.g., sin(z)/z]

However, the problem I am stuck on from this section is

[tex]\frac{z^2 + 1}{2z-1}[/tex] about 1/2

How do I get the expansion of such an equation when the variable is both in the numerator and denominator, and there is no clear expansion that we know of (i.e. for z^2 +1)?

Finally, a problem from a section on singularities. We are to determine all singularities of the function and classify each as removable, a pole of a certain order, or an essential singularity.

The function I have problem on is

[tex] \frac{4sin(z+2)}{(z+i)^2(z-i)}[/tex]

The singularities are +/- i, but how do I simplify or expand this equation out to determine what the classification of these singularities are?

Thanks for any help you can give me on any or all of these three problems!
  • #3

FAQ: Several problems on series representations, residue theorem

1. What is a series representation?

A series representation is an infinite sum of terms that approximates a function. This is often used in mathematics and physics to simplify calculations and make complex functions easier to understand.

2. What is the residue theorem?

The residue theorem is a powerful tool in complex analysis that allows us to evaluate complex integrals by using the residues of a function at its singularities. It is based on the concept of Laurent series, which is a representation of a function as a power series with both positive and negative powers of the variable.

3. How do I find the residues of a function?

To find the residues of a function, we can use the formula Res(f,c) = lim(z→c) [(z-c)f(z)], where c is a singularity of the function f(z). This formula gives us the coefficient of the term with the power (z-c)^-1 in the Laurent series of f(z) around c.

4. What are some applications of the residue theorem?

The residue theorem has a wide range of applications in mathematics and physics. It is commonly used to evaluate complex integrals, solve differential equations, and calculate real integrals using contour integration. It has also found applications in fields such as fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, and signal processing.

5. Can the residue theorem be used for functions with multiple singularities?

Yes, the residue theorem can be applied to functions with multiple singularities. In this case, we sum the residues of each singularity to find the total residue of the function. This allows us to evaluate complex integrals over a contour that encloses all the singularities of the function.
