Shape-Invariant Potentials in N=2 SUSY QM

In summary, the conversation is about N=2 SUSY QM and shape-invariant potentials. The N=2 SUSY Hamiltonian is given by a matrix form with partner Hamiltonians and potentials. The concept of shape-invariance is introduced, where the partner potentials are related by a map and a remainder. The question is raised on how to introduce parameters into the partner potentials, with an example given from Junker's book. The question is whether there is a way to construct shape-invariant potentials and if further insight can be gained on the topic.
  • #1
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Hi folks,

A while ago I started a thread on N=2 SUSY QM, but unfortunately (fortunately?) the progress in my research is outpacing the progress in that discussion. :-p So I'm leaving that one on the back burner to skip ahead to shape-invariant potentials. I'm working from Chapter 5 of "Supersymmetric Methods in Quantum and Statistical Physics", by G. Junker (Springer, 1996) as well as the paper An Algebraic Approach to Shape Invariance, by A. B. Balantekin. The link is to the arXiv article, but it was also published in Phys. Rev. A.

Here's the lowdown.

The N=2 SUSY Hamiltonian is given by

[tex]H=\left( \frac{p^2}{2m} + \Phi ^2(x) \right) \otimes 1 + \frac{\hbar}{\sqrt{2m}}\Phi^{\prime}(x)\otimes\sigma_3[/tex].

This Hamiltonian can be written in matrix form as follows.

[tex]H = \left[\begin{array}{cc}H_+ & 0\\0 & H_-\end{array}\right][/tex],

where [itex]H_{\pm}=\frac{p^2}{2m}+\Phi^2(x)\pm\frac{\hbar}{\sqrt{2m}}\Phi^{\prime}(x)[/itex] are the so-called partner Hamiltonians. We further define the partner potentials [itex]V_{\pm}[/itex] as follows.


Now we get to the shape-invariance part.

First, we introduce a set of parameters, denoted by the collective index [itex]a_1[/itex], and a map [itex]F: a_1 \mapsto a_2 = F(a_1)[/itex]. This set of parameters can include anything (strength, difuseness, etc) that doesn't depend on [itex]x[/itex].

The partner potentials [itex]V_{\pm}(a_1,x)[/itex] are called shape-invariant if they are related by


where [itex]R(a_1)[/itex] is a remainder that does not depend on [itex]x[/itex].

If you're still with me after all that, then here's my first question. How is one supposed to know how to introduce the parameters [itex]a_1[/itex] into the partner potentials? For example, on page 60 of Junker's book he gives the following example.


It turns out that the partner potentials corresponding to this SUSY potential are shape-invariant (I will show this if anyone expresses interest). But why put the [itex]a_1[/itex] in that spot and not, say, in the exponent of the tanh function? Of course the obvious answer would be, "because if you do that then you won't get shape-invariant partner potentials". But how would one know that to begin with? In other words, how can one construct shape-invariant potentials?
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  • #2
@Tom Mattson did you find any more insight on this topic? Do you want to turn it into an Insight?

FAQ: Shape-Invariant Potentials in N=2 SUSY QM

1. What is N=2 SUSY QM?

N=2 SUSY QM refers to the N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanics, which is a quantum field theory that combines elements of supersymmetry and quantum mechanics. It is a theoretical framework used to study the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

2. What are shape-invariant potentials?

Shape-invariant potentials are a class of potentials in quantum mechanics that have a fixed shape but can be transformed into each other through a change in a parameter. This means that the energy spectrum and wave functions of the potentials remain the same, making it easier to solve the Schrödinger equation.

3. How are shape-invariant potentials useful in N=2 SUSY QM?

Shape-invariant potentials are useful in N=2 SUSY QM because they allow for the construction of exactly solvable models, which means that the energy spectrum and wave functions can be calculated analytically. This helps in understanding the behavior of subatomic particles and their interactions.

4. What are some examples of shape-invariant potentials in N=2 SUSY QM?

Some examples of shape-invariant potentials in N=2 SUSY QM include the harmonic oscillator, the Morse potential, and the Pöschl-Teller potential. These potentials have fixed shapes and can be related to each other through a change in a parameter, making them shape-invariant.

5. What are the applications of "Shape-Invariant Potentials in N=2 SUSY QM"?

The applications of "Shape-Invariant Potentials in N=2 SUSY QM" include studying the behavior of subatomic particles, understanding the interactions between particles, and developing new models and theories in quantum mechanics. These potentials also have applications in other fields such as condensed matter physics and statistical mechanics.

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