Shape of a planet spinning very quikly

In summary, Hal Clement's 1954 novel "Mission of Gravity" describes a planet with a shape that is a surface of constant combined potential.
  • #1
I had an idea of a planet that was spinning fast enough that at its equator, the outward force from the centripetal force would almost equate the planet's own gravity. However, this would change as you got closer and closer to the poles. I was just wondering what this planet might look like. Unfortunately, I haven't taken calculus yet and don't really know how to calculate what its shape might be.

Any help?
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  • #2
It would be a very oblate spheroid. Hal Clement created something like this for his 1954 novel "Mission of Gravity". He even wrote an essay entitled "Whirligig World" in which he describes how he worked out the particulars of his planet "Mesklin".
  • #3
Indeed, Saturn exhibits this effect most of all our planets.

It is the least dense of all the planets - less dense than water - and its day is less than 11 hours.

Its equatorial circumference is about 10% larger than its polar circumference.
  • #4
TheBigK1d said:
I haven't taken calculus yet and don't really know how to calculate what its shape might be.
You have to add the potential of gravity and centrifugal force. The shape of the planet is a surface of constant combined potential.
  • #5
A.T. said:
You have to add the potential of gravity and centrifugal force. The shape of the planet is a surface of constant combined potential.
Sure, but that's a hard problem. The gravitational potential depends, in turn, on the shape. gives the strength of gravity at latitude λ as ge(1 + α sin2λ + β sin4λ), where ge is the value at the equator, but does not indicate how α and β depend on rate of spin/oblateness. provides an expression as a function of spin, but says the formula is only valid for small deviations from the spherical.
  • #6
TheBigK1d said:
I had an idea of a planet that was spinning fast enough that at its equator, the outward force from the centripetal force would almost equate the planet's own gravity. However, this would change as you got closer and closer to the poles. I was just wondering what this planet might look like. Unfortunately, I haven't taken calculus yet and don't really know how to calculate what its shape might be.

Any help?

The polar axis must be at least 56% of the equatorial diameter. After that the planet would be nonaxisymmetric. I don't know what would happen then, but it wouldn't be good.
  • #7
Thanks for the help - I'll check out the book you mentioned

FAQ: Shape of a planet spinning very quikly

1. What is the shape of a planet that is spinning very quickly?

The shape of a planet that is spinning very quickly is an oblate spheroid, which means it is slightly flattened at the poles and bulging at the equator due to centrifugal force.

2. How does the speed of a planet's rotation affect its shape?

The faster a planet rotates, the more it bulges at the equator and flattens at the poles. This is due to the centrifugal force pushing outwards at the equator and pulling inwards at the poles.

3. Can a planet's rotation speed change its shape over time?

Yes, a planet's rotation speed can change its shape over time. For example, Earth's rotation is gradually slowing down due to tidal forces, causing it to become less oblate and closer to a perfect sphere.

4. How does a planet's shape affect its gravity?

A planet's shape does not significantly affect its gravity. The force of gravity is determined by the planet's mass and distance from its center, not its shape. However, a planet's rotation can cause variations in gravity at different points on its surface.

5. Are all planets in our solar system perfectly round?

No, not all planets in our solar system are perfectly round. Some, like Jupiter and Saturn, are oblate spheroids due to their rapid rotation. Others, like Mercury and Venus, have very slow rotation rates and are closer to a perfect sphere.
