Shape of the Universe: Calibi-Yau 4D Geometry?

  • Thread starter Imparcticle
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In summary, the conversation discusses the shape of the Universe and how it is a relative concept that cannot be answered with certainty. Some theories suggest a funnel shape, while others propose a doughnut or cylinder shape. One theory, called Gabriel's Trumpet Volume, suggests that the Universe is a closed loop with finite volume but infinite surface area. Other theories include a hypersphere or torus shape. Ultimately, the true shape of the Universe remains a mystery and may

In your what is the most likely shape the universe could be?

  • Sphere

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • tolaroid

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • no shape

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • I'm a sophist. There is no universe.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I chose "other". I used to edge towards a tolraoid, but I'm not so sure.
But I do have an idea. If some day we figure out the basic 4D shape of the Calibi-Yau, maybe it could take on a shape similar to our universes' shape. :confused:
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
According to this article it may be a funnel:

Will we ever know for sure? :confused:
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  • #3
this a question that is probably impossible to answer with any
certainty, the logical answer would be spherical, if U started
with big bang, but i opted for no shape as i think it is part of
an infinity.
  • #4
But doesn't the expansion of the universe have structure?
also, if the universe is infinitely big, what does it expand into?
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  • #5
Imparcticle said:
But doesn't the expansion of the universe have structure?
also, if the universe is infinitely big, what does it expand into?
if it was infinitely small what does it expand into?
but size has no meaning in this context its how far we can or cannot
  • #6
In the model, technically called a Picard topology, the Universe curves in a strange way. One end is infinitely long, but so narrow that it has a finite volume. At the other end, the horn flares out, but not for ever - if you could fly towards the flared end in a spaceship, at some point you would find yourself flying back in on the other side of the horn (see diagram).

this is an interesting quote from the article posted by phi1978. But how can something be infinitely long and have finite volume? Is it like running your finger around a donut and never reaching an end to it? and of course the donut would have volume.
  • #7
The classic calculus example of something infinitely long but with finite volume is "Gabriel's Trumpet." Take the hyperbola y = 1/x from x=1 to infinity and rotate it about the x-axis, its asymptote. The resulting three dimensional object can be integrated to show it has finite volume but infinite surface area. As my old math professor Harry Crull used to say, you could fill it with a finite amount of paint, but no finite amount of paint could paint the surface, with a constant coat thickness.
  • #8
Universe Shape...

The NY Times is reporting that data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe may suggest that the Universe might be shaped like a doughnut or a cylinder: it might be possible, like in the old video game Spacewar, to drift off one 'side' of the Universe and reappear on the other."

The classic calculus example of something infinitely long but with finite volume is "Gabriel's Trumpet." Take the hyperbola y = 1/x from x=1 to infinity and rotate it about the x-axis, its asymptote. The resulting three dimensional object can be integrated to show it has finite volume but infinite surface area. As my old math professor Harry Crull used to say, you could fill it with a finite amount of paint, but no finite amount of paint could paint the surface, with a constant coat thickness.

The shape of the Universe is relative, depending on the experiment applied, how it was applied, and the results of the experiment obtained. A relative shape of the Universe can be anything or nothing or not anything absolute. Prescribing any particular shape to the Universe is neither absolutely right, nor absolutely wrong.

'Gabriel's Trumpet Volume' in 2D can be graphed using:
[tex]y = x^-1[/tex] and [tex]y = -x^-1[/tex], [tex]x \neq 0[/tex]
selfAdjoint's description is probably the closest shape described, as this is the relative shape from inverting a sphere volume.

I am not certain, however I believe the it was Einstein that described the relative shape of the Universe by stating that any photon dispersed into space, without external interference (i.e. matter, gravity, energy, etc) capable of deflecting or intercepting the photon, given enough time, would result in the photon returning to its point of origin. Describing the shape of the Universe using 'lines' may be incorrect, as these 'lines' are more like 'finitely long arc lengths'

A general relative description of this type of result is that the Universe is simply a closed loop, something infinitely long but with finite volume, or a Gabriel's Trumpet Volume, in which the entire known observable Universe exists as merely a pinpoint on the surface of this volume, or exists as this volume, or both!

How a sphere, toroid, loop, Gabriel's Trumpet Volume, or other type of dimention can accomplish this result may be purely a 'relative' matter of speculation. Speculation may result from that space-time fabric itself is fundamentally composed of closed loops, or the space-time manifold geometry results in a return loop of space-time.

Note that Gabriel's Trumpet Volume is only finite if a limitation is placed on the range of the x or y asymptotic axis, however, in the classical sense, because the y value never actually crosses the intercepts, all asymptotic volumes are infinite.

Another prescription as to the shape of the Universe is a Hypersphere. Note that Gabriel's Trumpet Volume describes the space-time manifold of a Hypersphere.

In mathematics, a higher-dimensional sphere having three dimensions of space and a fourth dimension of time.

Hypersphere Volume: [tex]V_4 = \frac{\pi^2 r^4}{2}[/tex]
Hypersphere Surface Area: [tex]S_3 = 2 \pi^2 r^3[/tex]

A torus has the same formula [tex]2 \pi^2 r^3[/tex] as the Hypersphere.

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FAQ: Shape of the Universe: Calibi-Yau 4D Geometry?

1. What is the Calabi-Yau 4D geometry?

The Calabi-Yau 4D geometry is a mathematical concept used to describe the shape of the Universe. It is a type of compact space with six dimensions, four of which are visible to us and the other two are curled up into a tiny size.

2. How is the shape of the Universe determined?

The shape of the Universe is determined by studying the distribution of matter and energy in the Universe. The Calabi-Yau 4D geometry is just one of many theories proposed to explain the shape of the Universe.

3. What are the implications of the Calabi-Yau 4D geometry?

The Calabi-Yau 4D geometry has implications for our understanding of fundamental particles and forces in the Universe. It is also used in string theory to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity.

4. How does the Calabi-Yau 4D geometry relate to the Big Bang theory?

The Calabi-Yau 4D geometry is not directly related to the Big Bang theory, but it can be used to explain the rapid expansion of the Universe after the Big Bang. It also provides a possible explanation for the flatness of the Universe.

5. Is the Calabi-Yau 4D geometry the only theory to explain the shape of the Universe?

No, there are many other theories that attempt to explain the shape of the Universe, such as the Poincaré dodecahedral space and the toroidal shape. The Calabi-Yau 4D geometry is just one of the many proposed theories and is still being studied and debated by scientists.

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