Un-Hovering Firefox's "Bookmark and Share" Button

  • Thread starter dlgoff
  • Start date
In summary, Some users have noticed that the "Bookmark and Share" button on Firefox can become stuck and not close after the mouse is moved away from it. This seems to happen more often after the browser has been idle for some time. There are suggestions to remove the hover function or to make it so that the "share" option only activates after being clicked.
  • #1
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Share "hover-over"

While opening a new tab with Firefox, moving the mouse pointer down and over the "Bookmark and Share" button obscures the post so I need to go back up with the pointer to "un-hover" it.

It's just an annoyance but here's what it looks like.



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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
What browser and version? Are you saying the drop down doesn't close when you unhover?
  • #3
Greg Bernhardt said:
Are you saying the drop down doesn't close when you unhover?
Happens to me as well, but since it's not only on this site, I got used to it.
I'm on Firefox v.24.0
  • #4
Same thing in Safari (running on Windows not Mac). Sometimes (but not always) it "sticks open" and you have to find the right place to click to close it, or scroll it off the screen which seems to get rid of it.

I suspect it has something to do with which other windows the mouse goes over, but since it mostly "sticks open" for me when I mouse over it unintentionally, I don't know exactly what I did to make it happen.

Maybe it's not the "share" window sticking open, but other window(s) not getting refreshed? (just a guess).

But the current design is much better than some previous ones - "sharing" available for those who want it, and no speed degradation for those who don't!
  • #5
Bandersnatch said:
Happens to me as well, but since it's not only on this site, I got used to it.
I'm on Firefox v.24.0

Hmmm I can't replicate. I'm using FF24 on win7 and when I hover off, it closes.
  • #6
I get the same bug from time to time - not always, and not in a reproducible way. Firefox.
  • #7
The bug is fixed, on my end. Thank you Greg.
  • #8
Greg Bernhardt said:
What browser and version? Are you saying the drop down doesn't close when you unhover?
Firefox 23 and Windows 7. Yes, when "going through" the button after using the mouse to pickup a thread and drop it on the tab bar. Moving the mouse from the newly created tab across the button down to the post text. I usually use the scroll wheel at this point to move down the thread to read the next post. But I have to hover and un-hover in order to read the top post. That's how I noticed it. But now I can't reproduce it.
  • #9
For me it's [STRIKE]always[/STRIKE] often getting in the way of my QUICK LINKS. Particularly if I want to got to my "Subscribed Threads," the share thing often gets in the way. And since it's right there where I'm trying to click, the hover won't go away. (And I have to play a balancing game of staying on the quick links pull down, but being careful not to accidentally get close to the share area.)

[Edit: And as dlgoff and others have implied, sometimes the share menu just won't go away, even though the mouse is nowhere near it anymore. It just happened to me again just a second ago, although it's difficult to reproduce. But I can at least confirm that it does happen. I'm using Firefox 23.0.1 at this moment, about to upgrade to version 24 momentarily.]



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  • #10
I also find it obnoxious
  • #11
Any better collinsmark? I use Chrome and FF and neither present any problem for me. The hover goes away pretty quick and doesn't interfere with the quick links drop downs. I mean if you hover off the quick links drop down at hit the edge of the share button it does popup, but it goes away if you hover off it a bit. Not a big deal imo. Just tried Opera and IE and no problems.
  • #12
Why not get rid of the hover and make it so that you have to actively click on the "share" for it to do anything. That way folks can share if they want but we get rid of that obnoxious pop-up
  • #13
phinds said:
Why not get rid of the hover and make it so that you have to actively click on the "share" for it to do anything. That way folks can share if they want but we get rid of that obnoxious pop-up

I can look into that, not sure if it's possible.
  • #14
Greg Bernhardt said:
Any better collinsmark?

I just happened again (I'm on Firefox version 24.0 now). I moused over it and the menu stuck there (I counted to 20 and still nothing), even though the mouse had since moved far away. I then moused over the menu again, moved the mouse away, and the menu disappeared shortly thereafter. But it did require that second mouseover.

I have a hypothesis that the problem (where the share menu doesn't disappear on its own) happens when the browser has been sitting idle for awhile, or perhaps when the whole computer has been sitting idle for awhile (say around 10 to 15 minutes or so), then the share menu is moused over. I was away from my desk just before it happened this time (and possibly the times before, but I don't recall 100%). I'll keep an eye on it now and let you know.
  • #15
collinsmark said:
I just happened again (I'm on Firefox version 24.0 now). I moused over it and the menu stuck there (I counted to 20 and still nothing), even though the mouse had since moved far away. I then moused over the menu again, moved the mouse away, and the menu disappeared shortly thereafter. But it did require that second mouseover.

Yep, that's the same problem I have. Very annoying.
  • #16
Just happened again, except this time I wasn't away from the computer nor was my browser sitting idle (I was reading some articles on Yahoo! news).

So perhaps the menu sticks the first time the share thing is moused over after not having been moused over for awhile (and when using Firefox).
  • #18
Greg Bernhardt said:
Everyone I mouse off it disappears after about 1 second.

Mine too...both chrome and IE.
  • #19
It definitely does NOT always disappear after I mouse off of it, regardless of how long the mouse is off of it. Here's a screen shot after 10 seconds or so:



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  • #20
What browser and version phinds? I don't have an explanation why the same exact browser delivers two different results. Are you using any plugins or extensions?
  • #21
Greg Bernhardt said:
What browser and version phinds? I don't have an explanation why the same exact browser delivers two different results. Are you using any plugins or extensions?

Firefox 23.0.1 --- I never deliberately install ANY plugins or extensions other than Norton AntiVirus

OOPS ... I did install firebug 1.12.2 a couple of months ago but this problem is more recent.

It doesn't seem to happen with IE 10.0.9200
  • #22
Just happened with chrome; try scrolling- worked for me.
  • #23
Enigman said:
Just happened with chrome; try scrolling- worked for me.

Using Chrome 29. If I hover over and then use the scroll mouse it still disappears after 1 sec when the mouse is removed.
  • #24
Chrome 29- it doesn't happen every time I hover and disappears after a bit of scrolling around. Anyway, its too rare to be a problem, for me at least.
  • #25
STILL GETTING THIS &$^#%@ THING --- and it does not disappear when I scroll the entire page off of it; when I scroll back, it's still there. The ONLY way to get rid of it is to put the mouse back on it and then take it off.

My guess is that this has something to do with a FAST mouse-over on the icon, with the mouse immediately moving off. The system catches the mouse-on but misses the mouse-off.

At any rate, could we PLEASE drop the mouse-over, please, please, please ?
  • #26
phinds said:
My guess is that this has something to do with a FAST mouse-over on the icon, with the mouse immediately moving off. The system catches the mouse-on but misses the mouse-off.

At any rate, could we PLEASE drop the mouse-over, please, please, please ?

I will email the developers about it. My question is why are you hovering over it so much. It's a tiny button for most resolutions. :)
  • #27
Greg Bernhardt said:
I will email the developers about it. My question is why are you hovering over it so much. It's a tiny button for most resolutions. :)

Ah ... I see I have not explained myself well. I do NOT hover over it, I accidentally move the mouse though the icon on my way somewhere else, which is why the mouse action is so fast over the icon. I do NOT deliberately get the mouse anywhere near the damned thing I just manage to go over it fairly often.
  • #28
And for me it's right on the way to QUICK LINKS. So whenever I mouse up to QUICK LINKS (which I use frequently) the mouse passes through the share thing, and sometimes the share thing doesn't close without a second hover.

Moving the share thing to the far right might not be a better idea, since it goes right below the page numbers, which I use pretty frequently too. That would likely just move the problem rather than fix it.

And to be clear, the problem is intermittent. The share menu doesn't always stick open. It just does sometimes. I haven't yet found a way to reproduce the problem reliably. It seems to be pretty random.
  • #29
collinsmark said:
And to be clear, the problem is intermittent. The share menu doesn't always stick open. It just does sometimes. I haven't yet found a way to reproduce the problem reliably. It seems to be pretty random.

Yep, me too.
  • #30
still getting this &$^#%@ thing.

Greg, are you going to be able to do anything about it? It really is annoying.
  • #31
It seems to be happening more for me now for some reason.

  • #32
dlgoff said:
It seems to be happening more for me now for some reason.

It happened to me yesterday.
  • #33
I'm not only still getting it, it seems to be getting worse, as though the icon is more sensitive to quick mouse-overs. Seems likely this must be my system, not the site, that is causing the increased sensitivity but the fundamental problem is still there and still OBNOXIOUS.
  • #34
Some pages have the "SHARE" thing on the bottom below the "Quote" button and some don't. I got this the other day after passing the mouse through the "SHARE" thing and clicking the "Quote" button. Not cool.



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  • #35
Yeah, I get that too and the original problem is STILL THERE AND STILL OBNOXIOUS AND YES I'M SCREAMING ! Bah humbug !

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