Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

In summary, the conversation discussed the relationship between the shear and moment diagrams for a cantilever beam. It was mentioned that a free body diagram is necessary to determine the reaction force and moment at the fixed end. The shear and moment diagrams can be constructed using the applied loads and reaction forces. The link provided shows examples and solutions for constructing these diagrams. It was also suggested to download the Shear Forces Bending Moments app for easier calculation of these functions.
  • #1
Hello all,

I'm having some difficulty understanding the relationship between the diagrams. I understand that the area under the shear force diagram curve is equal to the moment. But let's say you have a cantilever beam, 10 m long, anchored on the left. There is an evenly distributed load over the whole beam and a downward force at the end of the beam (at x=10m).

1. If a beam is anchored (in this case, on the left side) does the shear force diagram start above zero at whatever the magnitude of the shear force is? Is that just the reaction force? My professor mentioned I didn't need to find the reaction force but I didn't quite understand what he meant.

2. Since there is a force at the end of the beam (at 10 m), that means on the shear diagram it will be a straight line down to zero. So for the moment diagram, I calculate the area under the curve of the shear force diagram, and that is the maximum moment (in this example)?

3. Does the moment diagram go to zero because the shear force diagram goes to zero after x=10?

Also I hope this is the right place for this, I am new and am unsure if this is the correct forum.
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  • #2
1. In order to construct the shear diagram for a cantilever (or any beam, for that matter), a free body diagram is required in order to determine the reaction force and moment at the fixed end. I don't understand the comment of your prof.; you may have misheard or misunderstood what he said.

2. The shear diagram for the cantilever will have the reaction force plotted at the fixed end, and beyond this point, moving towards the fixed end, the loads applied to the beam will be used to construct the remainder of the shear diagram. If no concentrated load is applied at the free end, the shear force must equal zero at the free end.

3. A similar situation pertains to the bending moment acting on the cantilever. The moment diagram starts with the reaction moment, and the shear force diagram is used to construct the remainder of the moment diagram until the free en is reached. Unless a couple is applied at the free end of the beam, the moment there must equal zero.

The link

shows several example problems with solutions showing the construction of the shear and moment diagrams.
  • #3
Got it, thanks!
  • #4
Bending moment and shear force

If you have device work on Android, you download Shear Forces Bending Moments app from Google play. This is a link:
This app finds shear forces and moments functions by using the method of sections and draws diagrams of these functions for isostatic straight beam.

FAQ: Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams

What are shear force and bending moment diagrams?

Shear force and bending moment diagrams are graphical representations of the internal forces and moments acting on a structural element, such as a beam or column. They show the variations of these forces and moments along the length of the element, providing important information for the design and analysis of structures.

Why are shear force and bending moment diagrams important?

Shear force and bending moment diagrams are important because they help engineers and designers understand the behavior of a structure under different loading conditions. They also aid in determining the maximum stresses and deflections that a structure can withstand, allowing for safe and efficient design.

How are shear force and bending moment diagrams calculated?

Shear force and bending moment diagrams are calculated using the equations of equilibrium and the concept of free body diagrams. The internal forces and moments at specific locations on a structural element are determined by considering all the external loads and supports acting on that element.

What are the key features of a shear force diagram?

The key features of a shear force diagram include the maximum and minimum shear forces, locations of these extreme values, and points of zero shear. The slope of the shear force diagram also indicates the magnitude of the distributed load acting on the structure.

What are the key features of a bending moment diagram?

The key features of a bending moment diagram include the maximum and minimum bending moments, locations of these extreme values, and points of zero moment. The curvature of the bending moment diagram indicates the magnitude of the distributed load and the type of bending (positive or negative) at a given location.
