Shielding magnetics to prevent interaction

In summary, the conversation discusses options for preventing magnets from attracting each other. One suggestion is to use ferrous metal shields, such as "C"-shaped shields, to contain the magnetic field and prevent repulsion between magnets. Other suggestions include using Faraday shields and high-permeability shielding alloys like MUMETAL. However, it is noted that traditional Faraday cages and copper shields do not work for static magnetic fields. The conversation also briefly touches on the topic of posting questions and checking for answers on a forum.
  • #1
Could anybody tell me, if there is anything that can distract magnetic field, but not in the way diamagnetics do. I.E. when I put two magnets on table N|S S|N they will start repulsing themselves, and i want to know, what can i put between them, to avoid reaction of repulsing, so there will be magnetA N|S "something" magnetB S|N and nothing will happen, they will just remain on their places.
Of course in both situations distances between magnets are the same.
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  • #2
You would put ferrous metal shields in place. The shields would each return the magnetic field of a magnet from N-S, without letting the field out of the immediate area of the magnet. You could use "C"-shaped shields, for example, one around each magnet.
  • #3
Faraday shield.
  • #4
dst said:
Faraday shield.

No, Faraday cages don't work for static magnetic fields. E.g. a copper shield won't have effect at all on the magnetic field.
  • #6

"There is no known material that blocks magnetic fields without itself being attracted to the magnetic force. Magnetic fields can only be redirected, not created or removed. To do this, high-permeability shielding alloys like MUMETAL are used. The magnetic field lines are strongly attracted into the shielding material. "
  • #7

f95toli said:
No, Faraday cages don't work for static magnetic fields. E.g. a copper shield won't have effect at all on the magnetic field.
Hello every body!

I am new here. can anybody teach me how to post my question or how to check whether they are answered or not?Regarding this discussion, i would like to ask you all that how can we prevent the magnet from attracting the iron.
and sorry for using the quots of f95 toli.

FAQ: Shielding magnetics to prevent interaction

1. How do shielding magnetics prevent interaction?

Shielding magnetics create a magnetic field that blocks or redirects the magnetic field of another object, preventing interaction between the two. This is known as magnetic shielding.

2. What types of interactions can shielding magnetics prevent?

Shielding magnetics can prevent interactions between magnetic fields, such as interference in electronic devices or the attraction or repulsion of magnetic objects.

3. Can shielding magnetics be used to protect sensitive equipment?

Yes, shielding magnetics are commonly used to protect sensitive electronic equipment from outside magnetic interference, ensuring proper functioning and accuracy.

4. How are shielding magnetics designed and manufactured?

Shielding magnetics are typically made from a material with high magnetic permeability, such as iron, and are shaped to create a magnetic field that counteracts the field of the object being shielded. They can be custom-designed and manufactured for specific applications.

5. Are there any limitations to using shielding magnetics?

While shielding magnetics can be effective in preventing interaction between magnetic fields, they may not completely eliminate all interactions. Additionally, they may not be suitable for use in certain environments or with extremely strong magnetic fields.
