Short webpage title: Calculating Moments of Inertia and Magnetic Moment

In summary, the equation of moments of inertia applies to any flat object in the x-y plan, with Ix, Iy, and Iz being the moments of inertia about the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively. For a flat circular coil with n windings and radius r and mass m, its Iz moment of inertia is given by Ix+Iy=Iz. Additionally, the coil has one turn and a current of I, leading to its magnetic moment μ being defined as the magnetic moment of a coil.
  • #1

Homework Statement

For any flat object, located in the x-y plan applies to the equation:

where Ix,Iy,Iz is the moments of inertia about the x-axis, y-axis and z-axis.
A flat circular coil has n windings and radius r. The mass of the coil is m. The coil is located in the x-y plan centered on (0,0). The coil moment of inertia about the z-axis is called Iz

a) Give a formula of Iz. Also specify a formula for Ix and Iy.

The coil has one turn. The current in the coil is I.
b) Give the magnetic moment μ of the coil.

The Attempt at a Solution

a+b) I am thinking of using the definition of the magnetic moment of a current loop, but i can't get further, can someone help please?
Physics news on
  • #2
Kind of a strange question since it asks two completely different questions:

a) Do you know formula for the mass moment of inertia for a ring?

b) Yes, simply use the definition for a magnetic moment of a coil.
  • #3
a) Do you know formula for the mass moment of inertia for a ring?

Is it K= rootof(Ic/m)?
  • #4
No, it's Iz we're after.
  • #5

a) The moment of inertia of a flat object about a particular axis is given by the formula I = mr^2, where m is the mass of the object and r is the distance from the axis of rotation. In this case, for the coil located in the x-y plane, the moments of inertia about the x-axis and y-axis would be given by:

Ix = mr^2
Iy = mr^2

Since the coil is located in the x-y plane, the moment of inertia about the z-axis (perpendicular to the plane) would be given by:

Iz = m(r^2 + r^2) = 2mr^2

b) The magnetic moment of a current loop is given by the formula μ = IA, where I is the current in the loop and A is the area enclosed by the loop. In this case, since the coil has one turn, the area enclosed by the loop would be πr^2. Therefore, the magnetic moment of the coil would be:

μ = IA = (I)(πr^2) = Iπr^2

FAQ: Short webpage title: Calculating Moments of Inertia and Magnetic Moment

What is inertia?

Inertia is a property of matter that describes its resistance to changes in motion. It is directly related to an object's mass, with more massive objects having greater inertia. This means that it takes more force to accelerate a heavier object compared to a lighter one.

What is magnetic moment?

Magnetic moment is a measure of the strength and direction of a magnetic field produced by a magnet or a current-carrying conductor. It is a vector quantity, meaning it has both magnitude and direction. The magnitude of a magnetic moment is determined by the strength of the magnetic field, while the direction is determined by the orientation of the magnet or current.

How are inertia and magnetic moment related?

Inertia and magnetic moment are related through the concept of angular momentum. Angular momentum is a measure of an object's rotational motion and is equal to the product of its moment of inertia and its angular velocity. In the case of a magnetic moment, it is also equal to the product of the magnetic moment and the angular velocity of the magnet or current-carrying conductor.

What factors affect the inertia of an object?

The inertia of an object is affected by its mass, shape, and distribution of mass. Objects with larger masses have greater inertia, while objects with irregular shapes or mass distributions may have varying inertia depending on the axis of rotation. For example, a long rod has a different moment of inertia when rotated around its end compared to when it is rotated around its center.

How is magnetic moment measured?

The magnetic moment of an object can be measured using a magnetometer, which is a device that can detect and measure magnetic fields. The magnetic moment can also be calculated using the equation μ = IA, where μ is the magnetic moment, I is the current flowing through a conductor, and A is the area of the loop formed by the current.

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