Shortest curve enclosing given area

In summary, the area enclosed by a closed curve may be found by minimising the expressions=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2 }dt +\lambda(\frac{1}{2} \int_{t_1}^{t_2} (x\dot{y}-y\dot{x})dt - A)
  • #1

Homework Statement

Show that the area enclosed by a closed curve {x(t); y (t)} is given by
[itex]A=\frac{1}{2} \int_{t_1}^{t_2} (x\dot{y}-y\dot{x})dt[/itex]

Show that the expression for the shortest curve which encloses a given area, A, may be found by minimising the expression

[itex]s=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} \sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2 }dt +\lambda(\frac{1}{2} \int_{t_1}^{t_2} (x\dot{y}-y\dot{x})dt - A)[/itex]

Hence show that [itex]x \propto \ddot{y}[/itex] and [itex]y \propto \ddot{x}[/itex].

Homework Equations

Euler-Lagrange equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I don't know how to get the equation for the area. A hint says to consider a triangle formed by (0, 0), (x, y ) and (x + dx, y + dy ) - but I'm not sure how to use it.

But assuming the expression is correct, the expression to be minimised follows simply from applying the Lagrange multiplier technique to the length mimimisation problem. The Euler-Lagrange equation applied to s for x gives
(See posts below)

A similar equation comes for y, with x and y's interchanged in the above one. For λ,

I'm unsure on how to use these three to show the proportionality relations.
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  • #2
The equation for the area can be derived from Green's Theorem in the plane. What is the area of the triangle with the coordinates specified in the hint.
  • #3
I do not think the equation you obtained is correct. Unless I am mistaken: $$ \frac {d} {dt} \frac {\partial L} {\partial \dot{x}} = \frac {d} {dt} (\frac {\dot{x}} {\sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2}} - \frac 1 2 \lambda y)
= \frac {d} {dt} (\frac {\dot{x}} {\sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2}}) - \frac 1 2 \lambda \dot{y}


\frac {\partial L} {\partial x} = \frac 1 2 \lambda \dot{y}


\frac {d} {dt} \frac {\partial L} {\partial \dot{x}} - \frac {\partial L} {\partial x}
= \frac {d} {dt} (\frac {\dot{x}} {\sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2}}) - \lambda \dot{y}
= \frac {d} {dt} (\frac {\dot{x}} {\sqrt{\dot{x}^2 + \dot{y}^2}} - \lambda y + C) = 0
  • #4
SteamKing, I'm not sure how to get the area of the triangle - what can I choose as the base and height? Or is there some other way?

Voko, you are right, in my calculation I forgot that y is also a function of t. I will try to get the proportionality result by using the fact that the expression you put in brackets is a constant. Is this approach fine, or is there some simpler way to approach it?
  • #5
To be honest, I am not sure what approach would be most direct here. Curiously, the Beltrami identity seems to yield a different equation.

For the triangle, describe the minimal rectangle about the triangle. Observe that the area of the rectangle will the sum of four triangles, one of them the original one, another three right rectangles, so you can easily find the area of the original triangle in terms of its coordinates.
  • #6
For the triangle, I am finding that the area is

[itex]\frac{1}{2} (xdy-ydx)[/itex]

I think I need to integrate this over some limits to get the enclosed area - but I'm not sure what the limits are.
  • #7
x and y are parametrized by t, so the limits will be some values of t between which the curve makes a full cycle. Because the parametrization is arbitrary, the limits can be any two different values.
  • #8
Right, that makes sense. But one thing I have a doubt over is why the integrating will yield the area enclosed. I can't see how this triangle integrated over the area will cover areas which are not touching the origin, for example.
  • #9
Imagine a circle completely contained in the first quadrant. Then any straight line from the origin will cross the curve twice (except in two points where it will be just tangent). That means any such line can be used to build two triangles. One with the "farthest" curve, which will include the area enclosed by the curve, another with the "nearest" curve, which will only include the area not enclosed by the curve. If these triangles are very narrow, then one could reasonably state that we need to compute their difference to find the the area enclosed by the curve. Now all you need to do is show that the sign of the integrand on the "nearest" curve will be opposite to that on the "farthest" curve.

FAQ: Shortest curve enclosing given area

1. How is the shortest curve enclosing a given area calculated?

The shortest curve enclosing a given area is calculated using the mathematical concept of calculus. Specifically, it involves finding the minimum value of the perimeter of a curve that encloses the given area. This can be done by setting up an optimization problem and using techniques such as the calculus of variations to find the solution.

2. Is the shortest curve enclosing a given area always a circle?

No, the shortest curve enclosing a given area is not always a circle. In fact, the shape of the shortest curve will depend on the given area. For example, if the given area is a square, the shortest curve will be a square. If the given area is a rectangle, the shortest curve will be a rectangle with different dimensions. However, in some cases, the shortest curve may indeed be a circle, such as when the given area is a perfect circle itself.

3. What real-life applications does the concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area have?

The concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area has many real-life applications, especially in the fields of architecture and engineering. For example, it can be used in designing structures that require the least amount of material to enclose a given space, such as bridges or tunnels. It can also be applied in minimizing the surface area of objects, such as packaging materials, to reduce cost and waste.

4. Can the concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area be extended to three-dimensional spaces?

Yes, the concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area can be extended to three-dimensional spaces. In this case, it is referred to as the shortest surface enclosing a given volume. The same principles of calculus can be applied to find the surface with the minimum area that encloses a given volume. This concept is commonly used in architecture and design, such as in creating the most efficient shapes for storage containers or in optimizing the shape of buildings.

5. Are there any limitations to the concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area?

One limitation of the concept of shortest curve enclosing a given area is that it assumes a continuous and smooth curve. In reality, many objects or spaces may have irregular or jagged boundaries, making it difficult to apply this concept directly. Additionally, the calculation of the shortest curve may become more complex and challenging as the shape of the given area becomes more complex. However, this concept still provides a useful tool for optimizing designs and minimizing material usage in many practical applications.

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