Should be easy question on column space of a matrix

In summary, to find the value of "a" for which the given system of linear equations has a solution, you can row reduce the augmented matrix and determine that there are no solutions unless 2a + 2 = 0. In this case, the solutions can be expressed parametrically as x = 3/2 + 7t/2, y = -1 -2t, and z = t.
  • #1

Homework Statement

So the actual problem "Find the value of a for which the following system of linear equations has a solution"

2x + 4y + z = a
-4x -7y + 0 = 1
0 -1y -2z = 1

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought one approach was to find a basis for the corresponding matrix and see what value of a would make that vector in the space formed by the basis. That is, see what value of a would make (a, 1, 1) in the range of the matrix.

But when I row reduce I get

2 4 1
0 1 2
0 0 0

So I want to say the 1st and 2cnd columns form a basis -> (2, -4, 0) and (4, -7, -1). But then some linear combination of these should equal (1, 0, -2). However, the first components of the basis appear to never be able to combine linearly to 1. That is there are no integers x,y such that 2x + 4y = 1 since -> x + 2y = 1/2...? I feel like I must be making a really trivial mistake??
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  • #2
Maybe you should show how you are row reducing. But first, ask yourself if there is any reason to think that there are any values of [itex]a[/itex] that would make it so there are no solutions.
  • #3
Fractal20 said:

Homework Statement

So the actual problem "Find the value of a for which the following system of linear equations has a solution"

2x + 4y + z = a
-4x -7y + 0 = 1
0 -1y -2z = 1

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I thought one approach was to find a basis for the corresponding matrix and see what value of a would make that vector in the space formed by the basis. That is, see what value of a would make (a, 1, 1) in the range of the matrix.

But when I row reduce I get

2 4 1
0 1 2
0 0 0
Row reduce the augmented matrix
[tex]\begin{bmatrix}2 & 4 & 1 & a \\ -4 & -7 & 0 & 1 \\ 0 & -1 & -2 & 1\end{bmatrix}[/tex]
instead. That will tell you immediately what a should be.

So I want to say the 1st and 2cnd columns form a basis -> (2, -4, 0) and (4, -7, -1). But then some linear combination of these should equal (1, 0, -2). However, the first components of the basis appear to never be able to combine linearly to 1. That is there are no integers x,y such that 2x + 4y = 1 since -> x + 2y = 1/2...? I feel like I must be making a really trivial mistake??
So you want x and y such that 2x+ 4y= 1, -4x- 7y= 0, and -y= -2? From the last equation, y= 2 so the first two equations becom 2x+ 8= 1 and -4x- 14= 0. Both of thos equations reduce to 2x= -7.
  • #4
Hmm, I was being really dumb and thinking that a scalar multiple had to be an integer, since as I was saying in the OP there are no integer solutions to 2x = -7. Thanks!
  • #5
Hi Fractal. Did you yet solve this problem? x = -7/2 is not a solution, so it doesn't look like you have really understood this one yet.

Row reduce the augmented matrix that Halls' suggested.

- For all values of "a" except one, there are no solutions.

- For this one particular value of "a" there are infinite solutions, which you should express parametrically.
  • #6
Thanks for the look over! So the x = -7/2 bit was just in reference to expressing the 3rd column as a linear combination of the other two (-7/2 times the first plus 2 times the 2cnd gives the 3rd). The motivation for my original post was motivated by getting weirded out by thinking that my row reduction wasn't giving a basis for the range. I think I was able to get it from there, but I don't have my work anymore. Thanks again!
  • #7
Fractal20 said:
Thanks for the look over! So the x = -7/2 bit was just in reference to expressing the 3rd column as a linear combination of the other two (-7/2 times the first plus 2 times the 2cnd gives the 3rd). The motivation for my original post was motivated by getting weirded out by thinking that my row reduction wasn't giving a basis for the range. I think I was able to get it from there, but I don't have my work anymore. Thanks again!

Ok, I agree that "-7/2 times the first plus 2 times the 2nd gives the 3rd". But how exactly did that allow you to solve for "a"?

I think the easy way to solve it is to just row reduce the augmented matrix as suggested above. You should end up with something like,

\begin{bmatrix}1 & 0 & -7/2 & -7a/2 - 2 \\ 0 & 1 & 2 & 2a+1 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 & 2a+2\end{bmatrix}
from which you can conclude there are no solutions unless [itex]2a + 2 = 0[/itex].

Then you can subst in this value of "a" to express x,y and z parametrically. Like,

[itex]x = 3/2 + 7t/2[/itex]
[itex]y = -1 -2t[/itex]
[itex]z = t[/itex]
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Related to Should be easy question on column space of a matrix

What is column space of a matrix?

The column space of a matrix is the span of its column vectors. It is the set of all possible linear combinations of the columns of a matrix. It represents the subspace of the vector space spanned by the columns of the matrix.

Why is the column space of a matrix important?

The column space of a matrix is important because it provides crucial information about the properties of the matrix. It helps in understanding the rank, linear independence, and invertibility of a matrix. It is also used in solving systems of linear equations and finding basis vectors for the vector space spanned by the columns of the matrix.

How do you find the column space of a matrix?

To find the column space of a matrix, we can use the Gaussian elimination method to reduce the matrix to its echelon form. The column space of the matrix will be the span of the pivot columns in the reduced echelon form. Alternatively, we can also find the column space by finding the linearly independent columns of the matrix using the pivot columns.

Can the column space of a matrix be empty?

Yes, the column space of a matrix can be empty. This happens when all the entries in the matrix are zero, and there are no pivot columns in the reduced echelon form. In other words, the matrix only has zero columns, and its column space will be the zero vector.

Is the column space of a matrix unique?

No, the column space of a matrix is not unique. It can vary depending on the choice of basis vectors. However, the dimension of the column space, also known as the rank of the matrix, will always be the same. This means that different sets of basis vectors can span the same column space.

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