Should I Apply for a Lab Job Before Starting CLS Program?

In summary, the individual is considering going back to school to study clinical lab science. They are currently working part-time and are looking for a full-time job. They are considering the job that is close by, but are worried about the commitment. The individual is considering being upfront about their intentions in a cover letter or during the interview process.
  • #1
Hello everyone. I have a quick question, not really about any career field but about a specific issue in job interviews. I received my bachelor’s degree in biology in 2013, but plan to go back to school in the fall to study clinical lab science, with the goal of working in a hospital lab. Right now, I’m working part-time and taking 2 classes - one prerequisite for the CLS program and one bio lab that I took to review lab techniques. Although my part-time job is at a lab, I don’t have a lot of responsibility there, and also don’t really enjoy some of the working conditions. Recently I looked at my school’s career website, and saw a posting for an interesting lab position that’s close by. The job requirements include many of the techniques that I did in my lab this semester. It looks very interesting and is full-time, which I would be able to do soon as my classes are over next week. My problem is that I am starting the CLS program in the fall and won’t be able to work then. Should I submit a resume? If I do, and do get an interview there, should I mention that I would be leaving in the fall, or not mention it? I was thinking that mentioning it would hurt my chances of getting the position. I would probably be able to increase my hours at my current job once school is over and take on more responsibility. However, I was thinking I might like a fresh start if I could, since I don’t enjoy some of the working conditions, and also this job isn’t as related to CLS as the other job. Thanks for any input.
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  • #2
During the interview process is usually the right place to bring up the term of commitment, if the employer has not already advertised it.

Personally I think it's best to be forward with your intensions and goals. Winning the job on a false statement (or purposeful omission) is the kind of thing that could come back to haunt you if you need a reference later on. As well, I suspect that most people hiring for an entrance-level lab position will be well aware of the transient nature of young applicants. It's a safe bet they will be looking out for candidates who may not want to offer the kind of commitment they want. What that means is that if you try to hide it, they're likely to spot it.

Be up front, but you could put a positive spin on it. As if they are flexible with the hours. Maybe it could turn into a part-time gig during the school year.
  • #3
Agree with Choppy. Be honest about your situation. I'd even suggest being up front in a cover letter, or contacting someone to speak about them.

Who knows, you may find they have another temporary job open - or even that they could open one - that would suit you well.
  • #4
Thanks for the responses! I'll follow your suggestions and be upfront and honest about my situation. Thanks again.

Related to Should I Apply for a Lab Job Before Starting CLS Program?

1. What is a job application question?

A job application question is a specific question or set of questions that an employer asks a potential job candidate in order to learn more about their skills, experience, and qualifications for a particular job position.

2. Why do employers include job application questions?

Employers include job application questions to gather more information about candidates and to determine if they are a good fit for the job. These questions can also help employers to assess a candidate's problem-solving abilities, communication skills, and critical thinking skills.

3. How should I answer job application questions?

The best way to answer job application questions is to be honest, concise, and specific. Take your time to think about your responses and provide relevant examples or experiences to support your answers. It is also important to read the question carefully and answer it directly without going off-topic.

4. Are job application questions always the same for every job?

No, job application questions can vary depending on the job position and the company. Some employers may have a standard set of questions for all job applications, while others may tailor their questions to the specific requirements of the job.

5. Can I prepare for job application questions?

Yes, you can prepare for job application questions by researching the company and the job position, practicing common interview questions, and identifying your strengths and weaknesses. It can also be helpful to review your resume and cover letter to ensure that your answers align with the information you have already provided.

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