Should I be a Scientist or Engineer? Can I be both?

In summary, the biomedical engineering sophomore student expresses dissatisfaction with the way science and math are taught at their school, finding it dogmatic, authoritarian, and meaningless. They are considering switching majors to a science major for a more free-thinking and explanatory approach. They do not want to lose the potential knowledge from engineering, but are unsure if they can get a science education while studying engineering. The expert advises them to talk to seniors in their school and mentions that project development is where the nature of engineering begins to manifest. They also ask for more specific details about what the student dislikes about math and physics, noting that some schools may have a more practical approach to engineering. The expert, who is an EE themselves, finds it common for engineers to complain
  • #1

I am a biomedical engineering sophomore student at City College and I am not liking the way science and math are taught here. This is mostly because I find it hard to accept things as granted without evidence or real-world demonstrations. The science and math (especially math) courses that I have experienced came off as dogmatic, authoritarian, and meaningless.

Don't get me wrong, I find science and engineering to be fascinating, and I feel that math should be no different. Though in the classroom, it is just not presented as such. I don't know how much longer I can hold out. The thought of changing majors has crossed my mind a few times already despite the fact that I haven't taken any engineering classes yet. From your experience, will the engineering classes be taught in the same manner as those aforementioned?

Some have suggested, upon hearing my dilemma, that I switch to a science major, as it allows for more free-thinking and values explanation, and is not as conservative and technical as engineering. Perhaps though these people are confusing engineering with math. Perhaps I am jumping the gun here myself.

I don't want to believe that I must switch majors from engineering to science in order to get a science education. I don't want to lose the potential know-how I will get from engineering just to make that switch. Can I get both while studying engineering?
Physics news on
  • #2
It all depends on how technical your school is. Talk to some of the seniors in your school. Ask them what projects they did. The project development is where the nature of engineering begins to manifest.

And what specifically don't you like about math/physics? The words you have described them with show a limited understanding of them. You don't like the way your professors present the material. Well tell us how they present it first. Do you read textbooks? Do you like how textbooks present the material?

In my school, every engineering course involves projects, i.e. either building something physical or writing a computer program. Some schools don't emphasize this aspect, and their engineering courses will be like watered-down math/physics courses.

I find it funny but am not surprised how many engineers complain about math/physics. I am an EE myself.


FAQ: Should I be a Scientist or Engineer? Can I be both?

1. Should I choose to become a scientist or an engineer?

Both career paths involve using scientific principles and methods to solve problems, but they have different focuses. Scientists typically conduct research and develop new theories or technologies, while engineers apply scientific knowledge to design and create practical solutions.

Ultimately, the decision between becoming a scientist or an engineer depends on your interests and strengths. Consider what subjects you excel in and what type of work you find most fulfilling.

2. Can I be both a scientist and an engineer?

Yes, it is possible to have a career that combines elements of both science and engineering. Many professionals work in interdisciplinary fields that require a mix of skills from both areas. Additionally, some scientists and engineers collaborate on projects, bringing together their unique expertise to tackle complex challenges.

3. What education do I need to become a scientist or an engineer?

Both careers typically require at least a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, such as physics, biology, or engineering. Some roles may also require a graduate degree, such as a master's or PhD. It's essential to research the specific requirements for the type of scientist or engineer you wish to become.

4. Is one career path more financially rewarding than the other?

Both scientists and engineers can have lucrative careers, but it ultimately depends on factors such as the specific field, level of education, and experience. Engineers may have higher starting salaries, but scientists can also earn high salaries in industries such as pharmaceuticals or technology. It's important to choose a career you are passionate about rather than solely focusing on financial gain.

5. What skills are essential for success in these fields?

Both scientists and engineers need strong critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. They also need to be detail-oriented, able to work well in teams, and have excellent communication skills. Depending on the specific role, additional skills like programming, data analysis, or project management may also be necessary.
